Class, power, and agrarian change land and labour in rural west java
➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: Class, power, and agrarian change land and labour in rural west java
Class, power, and agrarian change land and labour in rural west java
palgravemacmillanClass Power and Agrarian ChangeLand and Labour in Rural West JavaJonathan PincusSTUDIES ON THE ECONOMIES OF EAST AND SOUTH-EAST ASIAG Class, power, and agrarian change land and labour in rural west javaGeneral Editors: Peter Nolan, Lecturer in the Faculty of Economics and Politics, University of Cambridge, and Fellow and Director of Studies in Economics, Jesus College, Cambridge, England; and Malcolm Falkus, Professor of Economic History, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, Austr Class, power, and agrarian change land and labour in rural west javaaliaIn the last decades of the twentieth century the small and medium-sized nations of East and South-East Asia have begun a process of potentially enClass, power, and agrarian change land and labour in rural west java
ormous political and economic transformation. Explosive growth has occurred already in many pans of the region, and the more slowly growing countries palgravemacmillanClass Power and Agrarian ChangeLand and Labour in Rural West JavaJonathan PincusSTUDIES ON THE ECONOMIES OF EAST AND SOUTH-EAST ASIAG Class, power, and agrarian change land and labour in rural west javao in the future.In order to understand better economic developments within this vast and diverse region, Illis series aims to publish books on both contemporary and historical issues. It includes works both by Western scholars and by economists from countries within the region.Published titles inclu Class, power, and agrarian change land and labour in rural west javade:Melanic BeresfordNATIONAL UNIFICATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN VIETNAMJohn Butcher and Howard Dick (editors)THE RISE AND FALL OF REVENUE FARMINGClass, power, and agrarian change land and labour in rural west java
Mark Cleary and Shuang Yann WongOIL, DEVELOPMENT AND DIVERSIFICATION INBRUNEI DARUSSALAMYujiro Hayami and Toshihiko KawagoeTHE AGRARIAN ORIGINS OF COMpalgravemacmillanClass Power and Agrarian ChangeLand and Labour in Rural West JavaJonathan PincusSTUDIES ON THE ECONOMIES OF EAST AND SOUTH-EAST ASIAG Class, power, and agrarian change land and labour in rural west javaNCESLee Sheng-YiMONEY AND FINANCE IN THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF TAIWANRajah RasiahFOREIGN CAPITAL AND INDUSTRIALIZATION IN MALAYSIAClass Power and Agrarian ChangeLand and Labour in Rural West JavaJonathan PincusManagement Information Expert Food and Agriculture OrganizationFirst published in Great Class, power, and agrarian change land and labour in rural west javaBritain 1996 byMACMILLAN PRESS LTDHoundmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG2I 6XS and LondonpalgravemacmillanClass Power and Agrarian ChangeLand and Labour in Rural West JavaJonathan PincusSTUDIES ON THE ECONOMIES OF EAST AND SOUTH-EAST ASIAGpalgravemacmillanClass Power and Agrarian ChangeLand and Labour in Rural West JavaJonathan PincusSTUDIES ON THE ECONOMIES OF EAST AND SOUTH-EAST ASIAGGọi ngay
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