Differentiation and catering for differing intelligences of students in the classroom an experimental research at a primary school in ha noi
➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: Differentiation and catering for differing intelligences of students in the classroom an experimental research at a primary school in ha noi
Differentiation and catering for differing intelligences of students in the classroom an experimental research at a primary school in ha noi
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI I'NHTRSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIESLIT Tin MAI TĨTANĨIDIFFERENTLkTED Differentiation and catering for differing intelligences of students in the classroom an experimental research at a primary school in ha noiD INSTRUCTION FOR STUDENTSOF DIFFERENT INTELLIGENCES-^\N EXPERIMENTAL STUDY AT A PRBLkRY SCHOOL IN HANOI(Phương pháp dạy học phàn loại Ikk* sinh theo những kiên tri thõng minh khác nhau một nghiên cứu thực nghiêm tai một trường tiêu học ỠIĨàNội.)M.A. MINOR PROGRAMME THESISField: English Language lea Differentiation and catering for differing intelligences of students in the classroom an experimental research at a primary school in ha noiching MethodologyCode: 8140231.01HANOI, 201 sVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI lATVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADDifferentiation and catering for differing intelligences of students in the classroom an experimental research at a primary school in ha noi
UATE STUDIESI TT Tin MAT THANHDIFFERENTLXTED INSTRUCTION FOR STUDENTSOF DIFFERENT INTELLIGENCES-AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY AT A PRIMARY SCHOOL IN HANOI(PinVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI I'NHTRSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIESLIT Tin MAI TĨTANĨIDIFFERENTLkTED Differentiation and catering for differing intelligences of students in the classroom an experimental research at a primary school in ha noi PROGRAMME THESISField: English Language leaching MethodologyCode: 8140231.01Supervisor: Dr. Nguyền Thị Ngọc QuýnhHANOI, 2018TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION................................................iACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...........................................uABSTRACT.............................. Differentiation and catering for differing intelligences of students in the classroom an experimental research at a primary school in ha noi....................iiT.ĨST OF ABBREVIATIONS...................................iiiLIS 1 OF l.XBLLS .VXD FIGURES.............................IVPART 1:Differentiation and catering for differing intelligences of students in the classroom an experimental research at a primary school in ha noi
INTRODUCTION.......................................11Rationale...............................................12Objectives.............................VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI I'NHTRSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIESLIT Tin MAI TĨTANĨIDIFFERENTLkTED Differentiation and catering for differing intelligences of students in the classroom an experimental research at a primary school in ha noi.....................................56Organization ol'llic thesis............................6PART 2: DEVELOPMENT........................................7CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW...............................71.1 Intelligence...........................................7 Differentiation and catering for differing intelligences of students in the classroom an experimental research at a primary school in ha noiVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI I'NHTRSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIESLIT Tin MAI TĨTANĨIDIFFERENTLkTEDGọi ngay
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