Managerial competencies for multinational businesses
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Managerial competencies for multinational businesses
Premier Reference SoiMilManagerial Competencies for Multinational BusinessesIGIGlobal^ ssMacarena Lopez-Fernandez and Pedro M. Romero-FernandezManager Managerial competencies for multinational businessesrial Competencies for Multinational BusinessesMacarena Lopez-Fernandez University of Cadiz, SpainPedro M. Romero-FernandezUniversity of Cadiz, SpainA volume in the Advances in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development (AHRMOD) Book SeriesIGI GlobalDBSfMHAICfiO KNCWLEOSthttps://khothu Managerial competencies for multinational businessesvien.cori!Published in the Uniled Stales of America by1GI GlobalBusiness Science Rclercnce (an imprint of IGI Global)701 E. Chocolate AvenueHershey PAManagerial competencies for multinational businesses
. USA 17033Tel: 717-533-8845Fax: 717-533-8661E-mail: cust@igi-global.comWeb site: http://www.igi-global.comCopyright © 2019 by IGI Global. All rights Premier Reference SoiMilManagerial Competencies for Multinational BusinessesIGIGlobal^ ssMacarena Lopez-Fernandez and Pedro M. Romero-FernandezManager Managerial competencies for multinational businessesopying, without written permission from the publisher. Product or company names used in this set are for identification purposes only. Inclusion of the names of the products or companies docs not indicate a claim of ownership by 1GI Global of the trademark or registered trademarkLibrary of Congress Managerial competencies for multinational businessesCatak>ging-in-Pubhcation DataNames: Lopez-Fernandez, Macarena. 1980- editor. I Romero-Fernandez. Pedro M.. 1956- editor.Title: Managerial competenciesManagerial competencies for multinational businesses
for multinational businesses / MacarenaLopez-Fernandez and Pedro M. Romero-Fernandez, editors.Description: Hershey, PA : Business Science Reference. Premier Reference SoiMilManagerial Competencies for Multinational BusinessesIGIGlobal^ ssMacarena Lopez-Fernandez and Pedro M. Romero-FernandezManager Managerial competencies for multinational businesses in management. I Management-Psychological aspects.Classification. LCC HD66.5 .M36 2018 ID1X' 658/ 049-dc23 l.c record available at book is published in the IGI Global book senes Advances in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development (AHRMOD) (ISSN: Managerial competencies for multinational businesses 2327-3372; cISSN: 2327-33801British Cataloguing in Publication DataA Cataloguing in Publication record for this book IS available from the British LiManagerial competencies for multinational businesses
brary.All work contributed to this book is new. previously-unpublislicd material. The views expressed in this book are those of the authors, but not nPremier Reference SoiMilManagerial Competencies for Multinational BusinessesIGIGlobal^ ssMacarena Lopez-Fernandez and Pedro M. Romero-FernandezManagerPremier Reference SoiMilManagerial Competencies for Multinational BusinessesIGIGlobal^ ssMacarena Lopez-Fernandez and Pedro M. Romero-FernandezManagerGọi ngay
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