Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business

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Nội dung chi tiết: Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business

Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business

IntegratedMANAGEMENTHow Sustainability Creates Value for Any BusinessXROBERT SROUFEINTEGRATED MANAGEMENT"In an era when the severity of the problems o

Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any businessof sustainability are on the rise and the will to address them seems to be on the wane, Robert Sroufe offers this valuable primer on integrated manage

ment. Within these pages, you will find practical tools to help any business leader make balanced decisions, articulate an actionable vision and set h Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business

is or her organization on a long-term path towards addressing the great issues of our day. This book gives hope that we can come to terms with our sus

Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business

tainability challenges; indeed, if business does not address these challenges we have little hope of solving them."Andrew Hoffman, Holcim Professor of

IntegratedMANAGEMENTHow Sustainability Creates Value for Any BusinessXROBERT SROUFEINTEGRATED MANAGEMENT"In an era when the severity of the problems o

Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any businessw to apply systems thinking to company sustainability. It clearly outlines a path to real sustainability that all companies need to follow if the worl

d is to be a fit place for US humans in the future."Sandra Waddock, Galligan c hair of Strategy, Boston College"ỉn an increasingly complex world, with Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business

growing environmental and social challenges, corporate strategy and management needs to change. Tackling big, systemic problems requires working acro

Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business

ss normal lines in business, integrated Management offers solutions to a couple of long-standing and related problems. Companies have too many functio

IntegratedMANAGEMENTHow Sustainability Creates Value for Any BusinessXROBERT SROUFEINTEGRATED MANAGEMENT"In an era when the severity of the problems o

Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business and helps executives manage multiple capitals beyond just the financial - human, intellectual, manufactured, social, and natural - and thus build mor

e sustainable and successful enterprises."Andrew Winston, Advisor to Multinationals &Author of The Big Pivot and Green to Gold"Meeting the challenge o Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business

f sustainability will require strategies and action from all segments of society: government, business, and citizens alike. Robert Sroufe advances the

Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business

state of the art by focusing in particular on the need to develop theperipheral vision for integrating the many aspects of sustainability into a more

IntegratedMANAGEMENTHow Sustainability Creates Value for Any BusinessXROBERT SROUFEINTEGRATED MANAGEMENT"In an era when the severity of the problems o

Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any businessstrategy, sustainability needs to be baked-in across the enterprise, not bolted-on to one function: this is the powerful idea that animates Robert Sro

ufe's important new book. Providing concrete tools for integration practitioners as well as broad theoretical context for students, integrated Managem Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business

ent will be a useful guide for those transforming business to meet the critical sustainability challenges of the 21st century."Eban Goodstein, PhD, Di

Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business

rector, Bard MBA in Sustainability"The most sustainable companies are those that have fully integrated sustainability into their strategy, products, o

IntegratedMANAGEMENTHow Sustainability Creates Value for Any BusinessXROBERT SROUFEINTEGRATED MANAGEMENT"In an era when the severity of the problems o

Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any businessorganization on board, and what tools and concepts can help them achieve integration."Mike Toffel, Professor of Business Administration & Faculty Chai

r, Busmess & Envữorưnent Initiative"For too long social and environmental sustainability and organizational growth and profitability have been seen at Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business

odds. In Robert Sroufe's new book he shows why and how embedding sustainability in a company's strategy and operations delivers real value for people

Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business

, the planet and the bottom line. The future of business will rely on this type of integrated approach to sustainability and this book will provide pr

IntegratedMANAGEMENTHow Sustainability Creates Value for Any BusinessXROBERT SROUFEINTEGRATED MANAGEMENT"In an era when the severity of the problems o

Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any businessuture InstituteThis page intentionally left blankINTEGRATED MANAGEMENTHow Sustainability Creates Value For Any BusinessBYROBERT p. SROUFEDuquesne Univ

ersity, USAemeraldp PUBLISHINGUnited Kingdom — North America - Japan Integrated management how sustainability creates value for any business

IntegratedMANAGEMENTHow Sustainability Creates Value for Any BusinessXROBERT SROUFEINTEGRATED MANAGEMENT"In an era when the severity of the problems o

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