A political economy of the middle east
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A political economy of the middle east
A polìịịcạị Economy of THE MIDDLE EASTMelani Cammett, Ishac Diwan, Alan Richards, AND John WaterburyA POLITICAL ECONOMYOF THE MIDDLE EAST_____________ A political economy of the middle east_________ APOLITICALECONOMYOF THEMIDDLE EASTFOURTH EDITIONMclani Cam met tBROWN UNIVERSITYIshac DiwanHARVARD UNIVERSITYAlan RichardsUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA CRUZJoú WaterburyAMERICAN UNIVERSITY or BEIRUTA Mralwrnf thf lVr«v> RA political economy of the middle east
evel textbooks inbooks developed, written, and edited with the needs of serious nonfiction readers, professors, and SUMCUIS 111 111U1U. WCMV1CW ncss hA polìịịcạị Economy of THE MIDDLE EASTMelani Cammett, Ishac Diwan, Alan Richards, AND John WaterburyA POLITICAL ECONOMYOF THE MIDDLE EAST_____________ A political economy of the middle eastr oup 2465 Central Avenue Boukler. CO 80301WWW. westviewpt ess comAll rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No pan of tills book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in tire case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews A political economy of the middle east. Every effort lias been made to secure required permissions for all text, images, maps, and other art reprinted in this volume.Westview Press books aA political economy of the middle east
re available at special discounts for bulk purchases in the United States by corporations, institutions, and other organizations. For more informationA polìịịcạị Economy of THE MIDDLE EASTMelani Cammett, Ishac Diwan, Alan Richards, AND John WaterburyA POLITICAL ECONOMYOF THE MIDDLE EAST_____________ A political economy of the middle east0-4145. ext. 5000. or e-mail specialmarkets@perseusbooks.com.Library of Congress Catalognig-ni-Pubbcation DataCammen, Melaru Claire. 1969-A political economy of the Middle East / Melani Cammen. Brown University. Isliac Diwan. Harvard University. Ahn Richards, University of California. Santa Cruz. Jo A political economy of the middle eastú Waterbury. University of Beirut. NYU Alxi Dhabi — Fourth editionpages cmIncludes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 978-0-8133-4939-8 (e-bookA political economy of the middle east
) 1. Middle East—Economic conditions—1979- 2. Middle East—Economic policy. 3. Working class —Middle East. 4. Middle East—Polities and government—1979-A polìịịcạị Economy of THE MIDDLE EASTMelani Cammett, Ishac Diwan, Alan Richards, AND John WaterburyA POLITICAL ECONOMYOF THE MIDDLE EAST_____________ A political economy of the middle east50015431098 765 4 3 2 1A polìịịcạị Economy of THE MIDDLE EASTMelani Cammett, Ishac Diwan, Alan Richards, AND John WaterburyA POLITICAL ECONOMYOF THE MIDDLE EAST_____________Gọi ngay
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