Project and program management a competency based approach, fourth edition
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Project and program management a competency based approach, fourth edition
J FOURTH EDITION ]PROJECT AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENTA COMPETENCY-BASED APPROACHMITCHELL L. SPRINGERhttps://khothuvien.cori!Project and Program ManagementA Project and program management a competency based approach, fourth editionA Competency-Based Approach, Fourth EditionBy Mitchell L. SpringerPurdue University Press, West Lafayette, IndianaCopyright 2019 by Purdue University. All rights reserved.Printed ill Ihc United Slates of America.Library of Congress Calaloging-in-Piddicalion DalaNames: Springer. Mitchell L.. 1959- au Project and program management a competency based approach, fourth editionthor.Title: Project and program management: a competency-based approach/ by Mitchell L. Springer.Description: rourth edition. West Lafayette. IndianaProject and program management a competency based approach, fourth edition
: Purdue University-Press. i 20191 Includes bibliographical references and index.Identifiers: LCCN 20180415321 ISDN 9781557538581 (hardback : alk. papJ FOURTH EDITION ]PROJECT AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENTA COMPETENCY-BASED APPROACHMITCHELL L. SPRINGERhttps://khothuvien.cori!Project and Program ManagementA Project and program management a competency based approach, fourth edition01-dc25l.c record available al lillps: cover by Santiago Grandlienard.About the AuthorDr. Mitchell L. Springer, PMP, SPHR, SHRM-SCPDr. Mitchell L Spiinger currently saves as an executive director for Purdue University’s Pol) technic Institute located in West Lafayette. I Project and program management a competency based approach, fourth editionndiana. He has ov Cl thill) -five years of theoretical and defense industry-based practical experience from four disciplines: software engineering, syProject and program management a competency based approach, fourth edition
stems engineering, program management, and human resources. Dr. Springer- possesses a significant strength in pattern recognition, analyzing, and imprJ FOURTH EDITION ]PROJECT AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENTA COMPETENCY-BASED APPROACHMITCHELL L. SPRINGERhttps://khothuvien.cori!Project and Program ManagementA Project and program management a competency based approach, fourth editionals, and reviews on software development methodologies, management, organizational change, and program management. Dr. Springer sits on many university and community boards and advisory' committees. I le is the recipient of numerous awards and recognitions, most recently rhe Indiana Council for Cont Project and program management a competency based approach, fourth editioninuing I ducation Diversity. I •quit)' and Inclusion Award. Dr. Springer is rhe president of the Indiana Council for Continuing 1 .ducation as well asProject and program management a competency based approach, fourth edition
the past chair of the Continuing Professional Development Division of the American Society for Engineering Education.Dr. Springer received Iris BacheJ FOURTH EDITION ]PROJECT AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENTA COMPETENCY-BASED APPROACHMITCHELL L. SPRINGERhttps://khothuvien.cori!Project and Program ManagementA Project and program management a competency based approach, fourth editionment from Ball Stale University. He is ccrlrficd as a Project Management Professional (PMP). Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR & SHRM-SCP) in Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR), and in civil and domestic mediation Dr. Springer is a Stale of Indiana Registered domestic mediator. Project and program management a competency based approach, fourth editionJ FOURTH EDITION ]PROJECT AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENTA COMPETENCY-BASED APPROACHMITCHELL L. SPRINGERhttps://khothuvien.cori!Project and Program ManagementAGọi ngay
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