The new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economy
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The new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economy
Federico PeraliPasquale Lucio Scandizzo EditorsThe New Generation of Computable General Equilibrium ModelsModeling the Economy0 springerThe New Genera The new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economyation of Computable General Equilibrium Modelshttps://khothu vien .comFederico Perali • Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo EditorsThe New Generation of Computable General Equilibrium ModelsModeling the EconomySpringerEditorsFederico PenaliDepartment of EconomicsUniversity of VeronaVeronaItaly-Pasquale Lucio S The new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economycandizzo Economics Foundation—CEIS University of Rome Tor Vergata RomeItalyISBN 978-3-319-5X532-1ISBN 97X-3-319-5X533-8 (eBook) l(XThe new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economy
)7/978-3-319-58533-8Library of Congress Control Number: 201X934402© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018This work is subFederico PeraliPasquale Lucio Scandizzo EditorsThe New Generation of Computable General Equilibrium ModelsModeling the Economy0 springerThe New Genera The new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economyation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way. and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.The The new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economyuse of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication docs not imply, even in the absence of a speciThe new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economy
fic statement, that such names arc exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authFederico PeraliPasquale Lucio Scandizzo EditorsThe New Generation of Computable General Equilibrium ModelsModeling the Economy0 springerThe New Genera The new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economyither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affilia The new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economytions.Printed on acid-free paperThis Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer International Publishing AG part of Springer NatThe new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economy
ureThe registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11. 6330 Cham, SwitzerlandPrefaceThis book grew out of an initial collaboration between a team frFederico PeraliPasquale Lucio Scandizzo EditorsThe New Generation of Computable General Equilibrium ModelsModeling the Economy0 springerThe New Genera The new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economyts spinoff Economics Living Lab ( This prompted the creation of a working group and then a workshop within the Association of Italian Development Economists (SITESIDEAS: in January 2017. The workshop brought about a number of interesting papers, but The new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economymore importantly, uncovered the interest cultivated by a growing group of SITES associates, who continued to collaborate and correspond after the workThe new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economy
shop. Some members of the group met again at the SITES Summer School in Prato in June 2017. The papers originally presented were in part modified and Federico PeraliPasquale Lucio Scandizzo EditorsThe New Generation of Computable General Equilibrium ModelsModeling the Economy0 springerThe New Genera The new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economyplications of CGEs and social accounting matrices (SAM) focusing on recent advances and techniques, but also reaching back to basic assumptions and theoretical tenets for a class of models that arc becoming ever more diffused as the bread and butler of policy analysis. The focus of the models presen The new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economyted is on estimation and policy impact analysis, within a pragmatic vision of the underlying economic theory that echoes the fact that the practical rThe new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economy
easons of model successes reside in their capacity to provide consistent and credible countcrfactuals to the effects produced by the changes induced bFederico PeraliPasquale Lucio Scandizzo EditorsThe New Generation of Computable General Equilibrium ModelsModeling the Economy0 springerThe New Genera The new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economy “General Equilibrium Modelling; The Integration of Policy and Project Analysis”), presents an introduction to CGE modeling, focusing on the integration of policy and project assessment, as the frontier toward which CGEs have been evolving for the past 20 years. The chapter discusses the basic theor The new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economyetical models that lay behind the CGEs and their SAM cores, with special emphasis on the fundamental differences that emerge on their interpretation uThe new generation of computable general equilibrium models modeling the economy
nder alternative economic theories, and assumptions on the cause-effect relations hypothesized. The chapter also reasons and comments on some of the lFederico PeraliPasquale Lucio Scandizzo EditorsThe New Generation of Computable General Equilibrium ModelsModeling the Economy0 springerThe New GeneraFederico PeraliPasquale Lucio Scandizzo EditorsThe New Generation of Computable General Equilibrium ModelsModeling the Economy0 springerThe New GeneraGọi ngay
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