Why hospitals fail between theory and practice

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Nội dung chi tiết: Why hospitals fail between theory and practice

Why hospitals fail between theory and practice

Prasad Godbole • Derek Burke Jill Aylott EditorsWhy Hospitals FailBetween Theory and PracticeSpringerPrasad Godbole • Derek Burke Jill AylottEditorsWh

Why hospitals fail between theory and practicehy Hospitals FailBetween Theory and PracticeSpringerEditorsPrasad GodboleDepartment of Paediatric SurgerySheffield Children’s NHSFoundation TrustSheff

ieldUnited KingdomJill AylottDirectorate for International MBA ProgrammesInternational Academy ofMedical LeadershipSheffieldUnited KingdomDerek BurkeD Why hospitals fail between theory and practice

epartment of Emergency MedicineSheffield Children’s NHSFoundation TrustSheffieldUnited KingdomISBN 978-3-319-56223-0 ISBN 978-3-319-56224-7 (eBook)DOI

Why hospitals fail between theory and practice

10.1007/978-3-319-56224-7Library of Congress Control Number: 2017944917© Springer International Publishing AG 2017This work is subject to copyright.

Prasad Godbole • Derek Burke Jill Aylott EditorsWhy Hospitals FailBetween Theory and PracticeSpringerPrasad Godbole • Derek Burke Jill AylottEditorsWh

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Prasad Godbole • Derek Burke Jill Aylott EditorsWhy Hospitals FailBetween Theory and PracticeSpringerPrasad Godbole • Derek Burke Jill AylottEditorsWh

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Prasad Godbole • Derek Burke Jill Aylott EditorsWhy Hospitals FailBetween Theory and PracticeSpringerPrasad Godbole • Derek Burke Jill AylottEditorsWh

Prasad Godbole • Derek Burke Jill Aylott EditorsWhy Hospitals FailBetween Theory and PracticeSpringerPrasad Godbole • Derek Burke Jill AylottEditorsWh

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