ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

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Nội dung chi tiết: ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu--Ps‘//khothuVlen .comCUVOPCAUỊỤẸỊỊ ,rEuropean Heart Journaldoi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw272ESC/EAS GU

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hocUIDELINES2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines for the Management of DyslipidaemiasThe Task Force for the Management of DysUpidaemias of the European Society of Car

diology (ESC) and European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS)Developed with the special contribution of the European Assocciation for Cardiovascular Preven ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

tion & Rehabilitation (EACPR)Authors/Task Force Members: Alberico L. Catapano* (Chairperson) (Italy), Ian Graham* (Chairperson) (Ireland), Guy De Back

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

er (Belgium), Olov Wiklund (Sweden), M. John Chapman (France), Heinz Drexel (Austria), Arno w. Hoes (The Netherlands), Catriona s. Jennings (UK), Ulf

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu--Ps‘//khothuVlen .comCUVOPCAUỊỤẸỊỊ ,rEuropean Heart Journaldoi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw272ESC/EAS GU

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc(Turkey), w. M. Monique Verschuren (The Netherlands), Charalambos Vlachopoulos (Greece), David A. Wood (UK), Jose Luis Zamorano (Spain)Additional Cont

ributor: Marie-Therese Cooney (Ireland)Document Reviewers: Lina Badimon (CPG Review Coordinator) (Spain), Christian Funck-Brcntano (CPG Review Coordin ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

ator) (France), Stefan Agewall (Norway), Gonzalo Barón-Esquivias (Spain), Jan Boren (Sweden), Eric Bruckert (France), Alberto Cordero (Spain), Alberto

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

Corsini (Italy), Pantaleo Giannuzzi (Italy),*<ừirrKSfxMKlr^4ut>K>f\ Allan >1 o IOr^Mrlnwre id P1i«ri-u

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu--Ps‘//khothuVlen .comCUVOPCAUỊỤẸỊỊ ,rEuropean Heart Journaldoi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw272ESC/EAS GU

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hocbriGnfam, Cardiologyl>n;urlrrHvil. Herrnllayy Mrxlial <3r,<,tXrlI iKianRrmcl.lTubiri 20. Dublr. Ireland. Tct I 353 1 6459715. Fax: I 353 1 6459714. £

rafc larỂvgrahamsrctESC Committee for Pnưtk. Guidvliriex (CPG) xml National Cardiac Society Reviewer, ran la- frerxl ri the A;»[m'-kI ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

ving participated in the development of thi: document:Axxociatirmv Ar uleOrdrrro.r liter Awaialk-ai (AfX'-A), EuroptMU AwxMlirer for Rrwr

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

lkm a Ri+vd>3ilatkm (EAF793), Europew Amxúlirri «ll Orclkrvas-cifar Imagrg (EACV1). Hropron Awwixlkm ri( PẹrriilamxmvOrrhxroxiilu hilvrvryrtnxv, (EAPC

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu--Ps‘//khothuVlen .comCUVOPCAUỊỤẸỊỊ ,rEuropean Heart Journaldoi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw272ESC/EAS GU

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hocscuUr Pnmay Care. Council on I lypertcnsionWorking Groups: Atherosclerosis 4 Vascular Biology. Cardova^ular Fharmpcocherapy. Coronary Pbthophysiolog/

& Microcirculation. £ cardotogy. Myocardial ard Peocard^ Diseases. Peripheral Crculaocn Thrcmtostc.3 lie content ol thine European Society of Oirfrilr ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

igy (ESC)and Europe*! Ailụrovlẹrrẹi, Society Ginddrie, h«, boro pubfahed for ptrwxul and rduraikxul irr only No ccmmrrrird uw i, authorized No pwt of

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

the ESC Gukfcfkre, may be traoabtedor reproduced in any frxm without written permóvon from the ESC Prori won can be cbtuned upon vctrnriúon of a writt

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu--Ps‘//khothuVlen .comCUVOPCAUỊỤẸỊỊ ,rEuropean Heart Journaldoi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw272ESC/EAS GU

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoce ESC (|0.malspcrrríssions@oupxofn).Dric burner the ESC Guideline, represent tire view, of tire E5C and were prodxed after careful conýderatirxr of th

e Kientific and medical kzxiwktdfce and the evidence availible at the time of their publication. The ESC IS not responsible n the evert of any co'Crad ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

cocr. discrepancy andi’or arrtogLity between the ESC Gudelres and any other OÍ1CU1 recommendations or gudelnes issued by the relevant public health au

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

thorities, n panic Jar n relation to good use of healthcare or therapeutic strateges. Health professionals arc encour-axed to lake the ESC Guideline,

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu--Ps‘//khothuVlen .comCUVOPCAUỊỤẸỊỊ ,rEuropean Heart Journaldoi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw272ESC/EAS GU

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoctic medical stratepe,; however, the ESC Guideirc, do rot override, in any wry whitsoever. the rrdrviduil re,provb>l»y of health proles,>0’111, to mike

appropriitc and xcurute decisions in consideration of each patient's health cordtxm and in consultation with that patient and. where appropriate and' ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

er necessary, the patient's carcflver. Nor do the ESC Guideline: exempt realm professionals from taking rto full arid careful consideration the releva

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

nt official updated recommendations or guidelines Issued by the competent public health authorities in order to mo-upe each patient', caw in lĩjỷx of

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu--Ps‘//khothuVlen .comCUVOPCAUỊỤẸỊỊ ,rEuropean Heart Journaldoi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw272ESC/EAS GU

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hocy the applicable rule, and rtgulibon, relating to drug, and medical device, at the time of prescriptionc 2016 European Soocey of Cardlologr and Europe

an Alhcroscicrods Associatxan. Ai rights reserved. For pcnnlsstóns please cmal: yournalspcrmssioraậoupeomDonnlaMJci9. ÍIOTI1 http .'•'eilibpftitj.oxfo ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

icjoiiiufilx.wt:-' by jiriOit on September

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

tos Lionis (Greece), Gregory Y. H. Lip (UK), Pedro Marques-Vidal (Switzerland), Davor Milicic (Croatia), Juan Pedro-Botet (Spain), Massimo F. Piepoli

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu--Ps‘//khothuVlen .comCUVOPCAUỊỤẸỊỊ ,rEuropean Heart Journaldoi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw272ESC/EAS GU

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoczech Republic), Thomas w. Weiss (Austria), Bryan Williams (UK), Stephan Windecker (Switzerland), and Reuven Zimlichman (Israel)The disclosure forms of

the authors and reviewers are available on the ESC website • cholesterol • triglycerides • low-den ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

sity lipoproteins • high-density lipoproteins • apolipoprotein B • lipoprotein remnants • total cardiovascular risk • treatment, lifestyle • treatment

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

, drugs • treatment, adherenceTable of Contents1st of abbreviations............................................ 3Preamble.............................

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu--Ps‘//khothuVlen .comCUVOPCAUỊỤẸỊỊ ,rEuropean Heart Journaldoi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw272ESC/EAS GU

ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc12 Development of the Joint Task Force guidelines.........61.3Cost-effectiveness of prevention...................... 72I otal Girdiovasrular risk.....

............................ 82.1Total cardiovascular nsk estvnation................... 82.1.1Rationale for assessing total cardiovascular diseaserisk ESC dyslipidemia 2016 khotailieu y hoc

..................................................... 8

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu--Ps‘//khothuVlen .comCUVOPCAUỊỤẸỊỊ ,rEuropean Heart Journaldoi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw272ESC/EAS GU

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu--Ps‘//khothuVlen .comCUVOPCAUỊỤẸỊỊ ,rEuropean Heart Journaldoi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw272ESC/EAS GU

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