ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

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Nội dung chi tiết: ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu ps://khothu 11 .com<$ cororcAV iucit 'Y u» fARStQUXa"European Heart Journal doi: 10.1093/eurheart

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoctjfehv319ESC GUIDELINES2015 ESC Guidelines for the management of infective endocarditisThe Task Force for the Management of Infective Endocarditis of

the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)Endorsed by: European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS), the European Association of Nuclear Med ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

icine (EANM)Authors/Task Force Members: Gilbert Habib* (Chairperson) (France), Patrizio Lancellotti* (co-Chairperson) (Belgium), Manuel J. Antunes (Po

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

rtugal), Maria Grazia Bongiorni (Italy), Jean-Paul Casalta (France), Francesco Del Zotti (Italy), Raluca Dulgheru (Belgium), Gebrine El Khoury (Belgiu

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu ps://khothu 11 .com<$ cororcAV iucit 'Y u» fARStQUXa"European Heart Journal doi: 10.1093/eurheart

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hocanna Price (UK), Jolien Roos-Hesselink (The Netherlands), Ulrika Snygg-Martin (Sweden), Franck Thuny (France), Pilar Tornos Mas (Spain), Isidre Vilaco

sta (Spain), and Jose Luis Zamorano (Spain)Document Reviewers: Cetin Erol (CPG Review Coordinator) (Turkey). Petros Nihoyannopoulos (CPG Review Coordi ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

nator) (UK), Victor Aboyans (France). Stefan Agcwall (Norway). George Athanassopoulos (Greece). Saide Aytekin (Turkey), Werner Benzer (Austria), Hecto

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

r Bueno (Spain), Lidewij Broekhuizen (The Netherlands), Scipione Carerj (Italy), Bernard Cosyns (Belgium). Julie De Backer (Belgium), Michele De Bonis

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu ps://khothu 11 .com<$ cororcAV iucit 'Y u» fARStQUXa"European Heart Journal doi: 10.1093/eurheart

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hocrsen (Norway), Bruno Hoenh (France), Paulus Kirchhof (UK/Germany),' Corresponding authors: Glbcrt I labb. Service dĩ Cardobgie. CHU. De LaTimocc. Cd l

ean Houin. 13005 Harselle. France. Tct t 33 4 01 38 75 GO. Fax: I 33 4 91 38 47 64. Eirwl: lýlún-i *ul:ih7^|yiuilr ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

ge I tespital GIGA CardrovascUar Sciences. Departments of Cardctogy. I lean Valve Cine Cl u Sort Tfman. Liège. Bclgum GVM Care ĩrứ Research. E.S. I Ic

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

alth Science roundsman. Lugo (RA). taíy. Tet I 3243667196. rase 13243667194. Email: planacllotu'ijchu.ulg.acbcESC Ginimkl.r for Practice Guidi-liriw,

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu ps://khothu 11 .com<$ cororcAV iucit 'Y u» fARStQUXa"European Heart Journal doi: 10.1093/eurheart

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hocSC AvMicialions Acute Carrirrwr-zulir Care Awxtatxiri (ACGA), European Aww talion for CariCownculx Prevention à Riéulálilalỉon (EAfyiR). Hxopean Awwia

liixi of CardiovascJar Imagrg (EACVI). European I leant Rhythm Association (El IRA). I leant Faikrc Assooaacn (I IFA).ESC Councils Cotner) kx Onielogy ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

Practice (CCP), Comi on Cardkwascvksr Nursing and Allird Profrrsskms (CCNAP). Council on OrtfovKscutar Prinwy Care (CCPC) ESC Working Groups Cardcrra

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

scular Pnarmatcchcrapy. Cardiovascular Surgery. Grown up Ccngenttl I kart Deease. Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases. Pulmonary GrcubDcn and RiỊỳit V

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu ps://khothu 11 .com<$ cororcAV iucit 'Y u» fARStQUXa"European Heart Journal doi: 10.1093/eurheart

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hocducational use only. No commercial use isautborirrd. No (Mrt of the ESC Guidelines may be translated or reproduced in any form without written penrasa

on from the ESC. Permscion can be obtained upon submission of a written request to Oxford Uni-vcrsity Press, the publisher of the European Heart Journ ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

al and the parry authoraed to hard-c such permissions co behalf of the ESCDisclaimer- ihe ESC (JuirHines represent the views of the ESC and were prrxi

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

xed after careful ccnsideraticn of the scientific 3'wl medtil knowledge and the eiiderwe avaitable at the time of their publication. The ESC IS not re

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu ps://khothu 11 .com<$ cororcAV iucit 'Y u» fARStQUXa"European Heart Journal doi: 10.1093/eurheart

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hocssued by the rdc.ant publk health authorrues, n parooubr «1 relation to good use of healthcare or therapcurtk strategics. Health professionals are cnc

our. ajted to take the ESC Guidelines fully into account when erereising their clrical judgment, as well as in the determnaticxi and the implementatio ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

n of preventive:, diagnostic or therapeutic medical strategies; howrrer. the ESC Guideires do not override. n any way whitscever. the rxfcvdiul respon

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

úbilty of health prolessoriils to mike apprvpriite and accurate decisions in consdcrabcn of each patient’s heath cccdtion and In consultation with tha

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu ps://khothu 11 .com<$ cororcAV iucit 'Y u» fARStQUXa"European Heart Journal doi: 10.1093/eurheart

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hocand careful consdcraucc the relevant official updated recommendations or guidelines issued by the corrpetent public health authorities. r> order to mi

nage each patient s case in lijỷx of the soentifically accepted dita pursuant to ther renpectiw ethical and professional cWijjitions It is also the he ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

alth profcssiond's rcspeceibiity- to verfy the appIkaUe rules and regulibms rotating to drugs and medkal devices at the time of prescription c The Eur

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

opean Society cf Cardotogy 2015. All rights reserved, for pcnrisskns please errat foumals.pcrm

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu ps://khothu 11 .com<$ cororcAV iucit 'Y u» fARStQUXa"European Heart Journal doi: 10.1093/eurheart

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc A. Mestres' (Spain/United Arab Emirates), Massimo F. Piepoli (Italy), Prakash p. Punjabi (UK), Claudio Rapezzi (Italy), Raphael Rosenhek (Austria), K

aat Siebens (Belgium), Juan Tamargo (Spain), and David M. Walker (UK)The disclosure forms of all experts involved in the development of these guidelin ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

es are available on the ESC website"Kepfcsoxirg Uie buiopciri AsuxMticn of bXxkur r-feekinc (EANf-1), ‘Rcprcscntrg

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

the turopean Society of Clinkal Mkrciioto^ U’d IrZcctioui tXsckvcs (fcSCMO); in] ■Rcprescrrjny. the European Aỉíocaoon for Cardo-Thoracic Surgery (EA

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu ps://khothu 11 .com<$ cororcAV iucit 'Y u» fARStQUXa"European Heart Journal doi: 10.1093/eurheart

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hocry • Cardiac device • Prosthetic heart valves • Congenital heart disease • Pregnancy • Prophylaxis • PreventionTable of ContentsAbbreviations and acro

nyms...................................... 31Preamble................................................... 42JustificatioiVscope of the problem......... ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

................ 53Prevention................................................. 53.1Rationale............................................. 532Populatio

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

n at risk.................................... 633Situations and procedures at risk..................... /3.3.1Dental procedures.......................

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu ps://khothu 11 .com<$ cororcAV iucit 'Y u» fARStQUXa"European Heart Journal doi: 10.1093/eurheart

ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hocn dental procedures.................. 83.5.1Respiratory tract procedures...................... 83-5.2 Gastrointestinal or genitourinary procedures....

.83.5.3Dermatological or musculoskeletal procedures _____ 8 ESC infective endocarditis 2015 khotailieu y hoc

European Heart Journal Advance Access published Augu ps://khothu 11 .com<$ cororcAV iucit 'Y u» fARStQUXa"European Heart Journal doi: 10.1093/eurheart

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