ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

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Nội dung chi tiết: ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

®) curorcA*> KK’t_,T u*European Heart Journal (2014) 35. 3033 3060 đoi:10.1093/eurheartji ehu283ESC GUIDELINESQ 2014 ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis a

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hocand management of acute pulmonary embolismThe Task Force for the Diagnosis and Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism of the European Society of Cardi

ology (ESC)Endorsed by the European Respiratory Society (ERS)Authors/Task Force Members: Stavros V. Konstantinides* (Chairperson) (Germany/ Greece), A ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

dam Torbicki* (Co-chairperson) (Poland), Giancarlo Agnelli (Italy), Nicolas Danchin (France), David Fitzmaurice (UK), Nazzareno Galiè (Italy), J. Simo

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

n R. Gibbs (UK), Menno V. Huisman (The Netherlands), Marc Humbert* (France), Nils Kucher (Switzerland), Irene Lang (Austria), Mareike Lankeit (Germany

®) curorcA*> KK’t_,T u*European Heart Journal (2014) 35. 3033 3060 đoi:10.1093/eurheartji ehu283ESC GUIDELINESQ 2014 ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis a

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc (Poland), Lars H. Rasmussen (Denmark), Thomas H. Schindler (USA), Pavel Svitil (Czech Republic), Anton Vonk Noordegraaf (The Netherlands), Jose Luis

Zamorano (Spain), Maurizio Zompatori (Italy)ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG): Jose Luis Zamorano (Chairperson) (Spain), Stephan Achenbach ( ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

Germany), Helmut Baumgartner (Germany), Jeroen J. Bax (Netherlands), Hector Bueno (Spain), Veronica Dean (France), Christi Deaton (UK), Getin Erol (Tu

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

rkey), Robert Fagard (Belgium), Roberto Ferrari (Italy), David Hasdai (Israel), Arno Hoes (Netherlands), Paulus Kirchhof (Germany/UK), Juhani Knuuti (

®) curorcA*> KK’t_,T u*European Heart Journal (2014) 35. 3033 3060 đoi:10.1093/eurheartji ehu283ESC GUIDELINESQ 2014 ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis a

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc1 >1» <«ri'lr^ authors Su.Tft, KnmUiilútỉilrx.Oưilrvhr IhvrvnlHxũc anil HiriK'AU'k.JirMnni'. C.ulmlx-IỊ; I ^'iwrcily Miinz. Unizirci

l y M*t(< zl Cznliv Mhiiz. I x^pvtlHX kvtrmsr 1,55131 cxvnuiiy Irỉ I 4961 4 11/6755,hx: ị 49614 117345A Enxd**Uwrr,k ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc


ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

x-i irxl 1 hnni’Kicnilxlii IJiwors Mnrlkal CrrXrvril Pr.'igi «1 Mil- hdinalirrv hCZ-Olwrxk, Ul Rnrow. 14/18. 05-400 Olwrx k. Pokmd I«4 4 48 777104057.

®) curorcA*> KK’t_,T u*European Heart Journal (2014) 35. 3033 3060 đoi:10.1093/eurheartji ehu283ESC GUIDELINESQ 2014 ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis a

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc»pm*nt Ilfthis document:ESC Associations: Acute Cardiovascular Care AssooatKC (ACCA). European AssooatKC for Cardozascutar Prever.twn & Rehashtanon lE

ACFft). European Assccoocri of Cardo vasriim hníttõự(EACVI). Heart Frilinv AwKixtkxi (HFA). ESC Crxxxỉv Crxmcỉ ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

rwn (CCNAP), Cixxxl fat Carddfoxy PrxtxrỊ (CCP), Council on Giiiliw.iMi.lzr Prinvry Cure (CCPC)ESC Working Groups: Cardiovascular Phanrocotogy ard Dru

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

g Therapy. NuclearCardctogy are Cardoc Computed Torrwgraphy. Perpi-ierailCircutat»n. Puknonay Crculason ard RrIiI Ventrictfcw function. thrombosisDisc

®) curorcA*> KK’t_,T u*European Heart Journal (2014) 35. 3033 3060 đoi:10.1093/eurheartji ehu283ESC GUIDELINESQ 2014 ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis a

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoccadence ava/able at the trrie of thcr pubUaooc.The ESCisnot responsible •» the event of trtf contradiction.disctepincy andfer-unbij? jty between the E

SC Guidelines md any other officiri recixrmerxiiboris or guidelines issued by the relevant public health MXhoribes. r> pirtkulu in rrbtxm to Rood use ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

of hcahhore or thciipetxic strategies Health professionals are e’Kixraprd to trice the ESCGàdẹlrxrs kjly into account when exercising thcr dntcal ludg

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

mcnt. as well as in the determrauer and the mplemcrxatron of prcvcrtric. dagnoshc or therapeutic medeal strategies: however. the ESC Guidelines do not

®) curorcA*> KK’t_,T u*European Heart Journal (2014) 35. 3033 3060 đoi:10.1093/eurheartji ehu283ESC GUIDELINESQ 2014 ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis a

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoctent’s health condtxsn and in consukMion with that patient and. where appropriate andi'or necessary, the ptbent’s carejjwr Nor do the ESC Guidelines e

xempt health professxmils from takrg into full fed careU consideration the lelevirc offkitl updated recommendabonscr guddines issued by the competent ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

pubfc health authorities, in order to maniRe osth patient’s case In light of the sciprjf .tally accepted data pursuant to that respective cthKal and p

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

rofcssiorul obigaucrc. It a also the health professional's responsibly to vera^ the applicable rules and regutabons relating to drugs and medical dc.l

®) curorcA*> KK’t_,T u*European Heart Journal (2014) 35. 3033 3060 đoi:10.1093/eurheartji ehu283ESC GUIDELINESQ 2014 ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis a

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc reserved. For permissions please emat |dumalspcrmlss>dns$, Piotr Ponikowski (Poland), Per Anton Simes (Norway), Juan Luis Tamargo

(Spain), Michal Tcndcra (Poland), Adam Torbicki (Poland), William Wijns (Belgium), Stephan Windecker (Switzerland).Document Reviewers: Ọetin Erol (CPG ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

Review Coordinator) (Turkey), David Jimenez (Review Coordinator) (Spain), Walter Ageno (Italy), Stefan Agewall (Norway), Riccardo Astcggiano (Italy),

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

Rupert Baucrsachs (Germany), Cecilia Becattini (Italy), Henri Bounameaux (Switzerland), Harry R. Buller (Netherlands), Constantinos H. Davos (Greece)

®) curorcA*> KK’t_,T u*European Heart Journal (2014) 35. 3033 3060 đoi:10.1093/eurheartji ehu283ESC GUIDELINESQ 2014 ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis a

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hocustafa Kilickap (Turkey), Viachcslav Marccv (Russia), Manuel Monreal (Spain), Joao Morais (Portugal), Petros Nihoyannopoulos (UK), Bogdan A. Popescu (

Romania), Olivier Sanchez! (France), Alex c. Spyropoulos (USA).The disclosure forms provided by the experts involved in the development of these guide ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

lines are available on the ESC website<-A.yAi Ĩ0I4KeywordsGuidelines • Pulmonary embolism • Venous thrombosis • Shock

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

• Hypotension • Chest pain • Dyspnoea • Heart failure • Diagnosis • Ireatmcnt Anticoagulation • IhrombotysisTable of ContentsAbbreviations and acronym

®) curorcA*> KK’t_,T u*European Heart Journal (2014) 35. 3033 3060 đoi:10.1093/eurheartji ehu283ESC GUIDELINESQ 2014 ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis a

ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc........ 30362.1Epidemiology......................................303744959Predisposing factors.............................303/2.3Natural history...

...............................30382.4Pathophysiology..................................30382.5Clinical classification of pulmonary onboliạn severity . ESC PE pulmonary embolism 2014 khotailieu y hoc

. 10393Diagnosis.............................................30393.1Clinical prnsentatien.............................3039

®) curorcA*> KK’t_,T u*European Heart Journal (2014) 35. 3033 3060 đoi:10.1093/eurheartji ehu283ESC GUIDELINESQ 2014 ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis a

®) curorcA*> KK’t_,T u*European Heart Journal (2014) 35. 3033 3060 đoi:10.1093/eurheartji ehu283ESC GUIDELINESQ 2014 ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis a

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