ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

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Nội dung chi tiết: ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

cut-orcAXi SOCICTV or CĂẽixxoÕv*European Heart Journal (2011) 32. 1769 1818 doi: 10.1093/eurtieartp'ehr 158ESC/EAS GUIDELINESESC/EAS Guidelines for th

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoche management of dyslipidaemiasThe Task Force for the management of dyslipidaemias of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Athero

sclerosis Society (EAS)Developed with the special contribution of: European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation'^Authors/Task F ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

orce Members: Zeljko Reiner* (ESC Chairperson) (Croatia) Alberico L. Catapano* (EAS Chairperson)* (Italy), Guy De Backer (Belgium), Ian Graham (Irelan

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

d), Marja-Riitta Taskinen (Finland), Olov Wiklund (Sweden), Stefan Agewall (Norway), Eduardo Alegria (Spain), M. John Chapman (France), Paul Durringto

cut-orcAXi SOCICTV or CĂẽixxoÕv*European Heart Journal (2011) 32. 1769 1818 doi: 10.1093/eurtieartp'ehr 158ESC/EAS GUIDELINESESC/EAS Guidelines for th

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hocaly), Robert F. Storey (UK), David Wood (UK).ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG) 2008-2010 and 2010-2012 Committees: Jeroen Bax (CPG Chairpers

on 2010-2012), (The Netherlands). Alec Vahanian (CPG Chairperson 2008-2010) (France). Angelo Auricchio (Switzerland). Helmut Baumgartner (Germany), Cl ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

audio Ceconi (Italy), Veronica Dean (France), Christi Deaton (UK), Robert Fagard (Belgium). Gerasimos Filippatos (Greece). Christian Funck-Brentano (F

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

rance). David Hasdai (Israel), Richard Hobbs (UK), Arno Hoes (The Netherlands), Peter Kearney (Ireland), Juhani Knuuti (Finland), Philippe Kolh (Belgi

cut-orcAXi SOCICTV or CĂẽixxoÕv*European Heart Journal (2011) 32. 1769 1818 doi: 10.1093/eurtieartp'ehr 158ESC/EAS GUIDELINESESC/EAS Guidelines for th

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc (Germany), Per Anton Sirnes (Norway), Michal Tendera (Poland), Adam Torbicki (Poland). Panos Vardas (Greece), Petr Widimsky (Czech Republic). Stephan

Windecker (Switzerland)Document Reviewers:, Christian Funck-Brentano (CPG Review Coordinator) (France), Don Poldermans (Co-Review Coordinator) (The N ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

etherlands), Guy Berkenboom (Belgium), Jacqueline De Graaf (The Netherlands). Olivier Descamps (Belgium), Nina Gotcheva (Bulgaria), Kathryn Griffith (

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

UK), Guido Francesco Guida (Italy), Sadi Gulec (Turkey), Yaakov Henkin (Israel), Kurt Huber (Austria). Y. Antero Kesaniemi (Finland), John Lekakis (Gr

cut-orcAXi SOCICTV or CĂẽixxoÕv*European Heart Journal (2011) 32. 1769 1818 doi: 10.1093/eurtieartp'ehr 158ESC/EAS GUIDELINESESC/EAS Guidelines for th

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hocava (Georgia). Terje Pedersen (Norway), Eva Prescott (Denmark), Quiteria Rato (Portugal). Giuseppe Rosano (Italy), Susana Sans (Spain), Anton Stalenho

ef (The Netherlands), Laie Tokgozogtu (Turkey), Margus Viigimaa (Estonia), M. E. Wittekoek (The Netherlands). Jose Luis Zamorano (Spain).Downloaded tf ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

om iitlp:■•'c'liLo.ji-.oxfciid-s’iiit.ik.tx^' by guest00 September 19.201 s' Corrcspondng authors: 2d|>o Rcrer (ESC Charperson). Unr.ersity I lospacal

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

Center Zagreb. School of Medcre. Urrversrty of Zaycb. Soina 2. 10 cco Zagreb. Croatia. Tet 1 MS 1 492 0019. fax: I MS 1 4Ô1 8457, Emait zreanenSWK xa

cut-orcAXi SOCICTV or CĂẽixxoÕv*European Heart Journal (2011) 32. 1769 1818 doi: 10.1093/eurtieartp'ehr 158ESC/EAS GUIDELINESESC/EAS Guidelines for th

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc2 5031 8302. Fax” 4 39 02 5031 8386. Final Afce«xo.Catapw>o®inimijt1 Other ESC crrjucs basing partitioned in the development of ths document Associati

ons: Heart Failure Association.Working Groups.- Cardovmculir PlnrrruKỜoxy and Drug Iherapy. Hypeitci'wn and the Heart. ThrernbosisCouncils: Cardk^i^or ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

Practice. Pnrru.ry Cardiovascular Care. Cardiovascular InuiPTtThe corrzrr. of these European Society of Cardotogy (ESC) and the European Aihcrosdcros

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

ts Society (EAS) Guidclncs has been published for personal and educational use only. No commercial use IS authonxed. No part of the ESC Gu deices may

cut-orcAXi SOCICTV or CĂẽixxoÕv*European Heart Journal (2011) 32. 1769 1818 doi: 10.1093/eurtieartp'ehr 158ESC/EAS GUIDELINESESC/EAS Guidelines for th

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hocord u-vsvrsity P1TO. the prbWxe of the European Mwt Ạrxrol ard the pirty authorised to hndt such permissions on behalf of the ESC Disclaimer. The ESC

Guidelines represerr. the Slews cá the ESC wa the EAS. were arrived at after carci J. consideration of the available evidence at the time they were wr ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

itten. Health, professionals arc crccuraged to ta-c them fully into account when exercising their clrical /udgemem The gudelrcs do not however. overri

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

de the indMdual rcspcrcibilty of health profesvonils to mike appropriate decróom in the cvxumstarKes d the indhidual patients, in consultation with th

cut-orcAXi SOCICTV or CĂẽixxoÕv*European Heart Journal (2011) 32. 1769 1818 doi: 10.1093/eurtieartp'ehr 158ESC/EAS GUIDELINESESC/EAS Guidelines for th

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hocd regjbtkx-s applicable to dnjgs and devices at the time of presenption.©2011 The European Society of Cardofo^ and the European AUncrosclerosis Associ

ation. Al rights reserved. For permissions please ernait ,our'ialspcrrrissiccsSouoxcm1770The disclosure forms of the authors and reviewers are availab ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

le on the ESC website • Cholesterol • Triglyccridcs • Treatment • Cardiovascular diseases • Guidelines

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

Table of Contents1. Preamble..................................................17722Introduction............................................17732.1Scop

cut-orcAXi SOCICTV or CĂẽixxoÕv*European Heart Journal (2011) 32. 1769 1818 doi: 10.1093/eurtieartp'ehr 158ESC/EAS GUIDELINESESC/EAS Guidelines for th

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc...............17743.1Total cardiovascularrisk estimation...............17/432Risk levels........................................17784. I ion

of laboratory lipitl anti apolipoprotein parameters. .1779s. Treatment targets.........................................17836. Lifestyle modifications ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

to improve the plasma lipid profile . .17846.1I he influence of lifestyle on total cholesterol andlow density lipoprotcin-chotesterol levels..........

ESC dyslipidemia 2011 khotailieu y hoc

1/8562The ofluence of lifestyle on ưigtycende levels.....178563I he influence of Restyle on high densitybpoprotein-chdesterol levels..................

cut-orcAXi SOCICTV or CĂẽixxoÕv*European Heart Journal (2011) 32. 1769 1818 doi: 10.1093/eurtieartp'ehr 158ESC/EAS GUIDELINESESC/EAS Guidelines for th

cut-orcAXi SOCICTV or CĂẽixxoÕv*European Heart Journal (2011) 32. 1769 1818 doi: 10.1093/eurtieartp'ehr 158ESC/EAS GUIDELINESESC/EAS Guidelines for th

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