IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

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Nội dung chi tiết: IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

MySQL ClusterMySQL ClusterAbstractThis is the MySQL Cluster extract from the MySQL !#!amp!#!current-series!#!:!«! Reference Manual.Document generated

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4 on: 2010-09-30 (revision: 22931)Copyright c 1997. 2010. Oracle and or Its affiliate*. All rights reserved.This software and related documentation are

provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by property laws. Except as expressl IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

y permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law. you may not use. copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute

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, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, m any teem, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, un

MySQL ClusterMySQL ClusterAbstractThis is the MySQL Cluster extract from the MySQL !#!amp!#!current-series!#!:!«! Reference Manual.Document generated

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4be error-free If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this toftware 01 related documentation is delivered to the U.S. Governmen

t or anyone licensing it on behalf of the u s. Government, the following notice is applicableU.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

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ant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agencyspecific supplemental regulations. As such, the use. duplication, disclosure, modificat

MySQL ClusterMySQL ClusterAbstractThis is the MySQL Cluster extract from the MySQL !#!amp!#!current-series!#!:!«! Reference Manual.Document generated

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4ble by the terms of the Government contract, the additional lights set forth in FAR 52.227-19. Commercial Computet Software License (December 2007). O

tacle USA. Inc . 509 Oracle Parkway. Redwood City.CA 94065.This software is developed for general use in a variety of infotmation management applicati IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

ons It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may create a risk of personal injur

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

y If you use tills software in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take ail appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other

MySQL ClusterMySQL ClusterAbstractThis is the MySQL Cluster extract from the MySQL !#!amp!#!current-series!#!:!«! Reference Manual.Document generated

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4ftware in dangerous applications.Oracle IS a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and cc its affiliates. MySQL is a trademark of Oracle Corporat

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Its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all Warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services.

MySQL ClusterMySQL ClusterAbstractThis is the MySQL Cluster extract from the MySQL !#!amp!#!current-series!#!:!«! Reference Manual.Document generated

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4tent. preducts, or senices.Tills document in any fonn. software or printed matter, contains proprietary information that IS the exclusive property of

Oracle. Your access to and use of tlus material IS subject to the terms and conditions of your Oracle Software License and Sen ice Agreement, winch ha IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

s been executed and with which you agree to comply. Tins document and information contained herein may not be disclosed, copied, reproduced, or distri

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buted to anyone outside Oracle without prior written consent of Oracle or as specifically provided below. This document IS not part of your license ag

MySQL ClusterMySQL ClusterAbstractThis is the MySQL Cluster extract from the MySQL !#!amp!#!current-series!#!:!«! Reference Manual.Document generated

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4under a GPL license. Use of this documentation is subject to the following termsYou may create a printed copy of tills documentation solely for your o

wn personal use Conversion to other formats is allowed as long as the actual content t» not altered or edited in any way. You sliall not publish or di IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

stribute tills documentation in any form or on any media, except if you distribute tlte documentation in a manner similar to how Oracle disseminates i

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t (that is. electronically fol dowiiload on a Web site with the software) or on a CD-ROM or similar medium, provided however that the documentation is

MySQL ClusterMySQL ClusterAbstractThis is the MySQL Cluster extract from the MySQL !#!amp!#!current-series!#!:!«! Reference Manual.Document generated

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4n w hole or in part. in another publication, requires the prior wittea consent from an authorized representative of Oracle Oracle and or its affiliate

s reserve any and all tights to tills documentation not expressly granted aboveFor more information on the terms of tills license, for details on how IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

the MySQL documentation is built and produced, or if you are interested in doing a translation, please visit MySQL Contact & Questions.For additional

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

licensing information, including licenses for libraries used by MySQL products, see Preface. Notes. Licenses.If you want help with using MySQL, please

MySQL ClusterMySQL ClusterAbstractThis is the MySQL Cluster extract from the MySQL !#!amp!#!current-series!#!:!«! Reference Manual.Document generated

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4roducts, including translations of the documentation into other languages, and downloadable versions ID variety of formats, including HTML and PDF fcc

inats. see tile MySQL Documentation Library.MySQL Cluster NDB 6.X/7.XThis chapter contains information about MySQL chuter. which 15 a high-availabilit IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

y, high-redundancy version of MySQL adapted fol the distributed computing environment. Current releases of MySQL Cluster use versions 6 and 7 of the N

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

DBCLUSTER storage engine (also known as NDB) to enable running several computers with MySQL servers and other software in a cluster.Beginning with MyS

MySQL ClusterMySQL ClusterAbstractThis is the MySQL Cluster extract from the MySQL !#!amp!#!current-series!#!:!«! Reference Manual.Document generated

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4er binaries built by MySQL should upgrade to the most recent binary release of MySQL Cluster NDB 7.0 or MySQL Cluster 7.1 for supported platforms—thes

e include RPMs that should work with most Linux distributions. MySQL Cluster users who build from source should be aware that, also beginning with MyS IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

QL 5.1.24. KDB-CLUSTER sources in the standard MySQL 5.1 tree are no longer maintained: these users should use the sources provided for MySQL Cluster

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

NDB 7.0 or later. (Locations where the sources can be obtained are listed later in this section.)NoteMySQL Cluster NDB and 6 3 were formerly

MySQL ClusterMySQL ClusterAbstractThis is the MySQL Cluster extract from the MySQL !#!amp!#!current-series!#!:!«! Reference Manual.Document generated

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4 the MySQL Cluster software—which is now known simply as "MySQL Cluster"—but rather to a commercial licensing and support package. You can learn more

about available options for commercial licensing of MySQL Cluster from MySQL cìuĩttr Features. on the MySQL web site.This chapter contains information IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

about MySQL Cluster in MySQL 5.1 mainline releases through MySQL 5.1.23. MySQL Cluster NDB 6.2 releases through 5 l.47-ndb-6.2.19. MySQL Cluster NDB

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

6 3 releases through 5.1.47-ndb-6.33S. MySQL Cluster NDB 7.0 releases through 5.1.47-ndb-7.0.19 and MySQL Cluster NDB 7.1 releases through 5.1 47-ndb-

MySQL ClusterMySQL ClusterAbstractThis is the MySQL Cluster extract from the MySQL !#!amp!#!current-series!#!:!«! Reference Manual.Document generated

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4le (GAI. MySQL Cluster NDB 6.2 and MySQL Cluster NDB 6.3 ate previous GA release series: although these are still supported, we recommend that new dep

loyments use MySQL Cluster NDB 7 0 or MySQL Cluster NDB 7.1.This chapter also contains historical information about MySQL Cluster NDB 6.1. although ti IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

ns release series is no longer in active development, arid no longer supported for new deployments. You slrould upgrade to MySQL Cluster 6.3 or a MySQ

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

L Cluster NDB 7.x release series as soon as possible.Platfor ms supported. MySQL Cluster is currently available and supported on a number of platforms

MySQL ClusterMySQL ClusterAbstractThis is the MySQL Cluster extract from the MySQL !#!amp!#!current-series!#!:!«! Reference Manual.Document generated

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4luster is also available for production use OU Microsoft Windows platforms. For exact levels of support available for MySQL Cluster on specific combin

ations of operating system versions, operating system distributions, and hardware platforms, please refer to http: //WWW.mysạl .coR/supporT/si-pported IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

plaTfc-rms/cluster .html. maintained by the MySQL Support Team on the MySQL web site.Availability. MySQL Cluster NDB 6.3. MySQL Cluster NDB 7.0. and M

IT training MySQL cluster excerpt 5 1 en a4

ySQL Cluster NDB 7,1 binary and source packages are available for supported platforms from http, downloads cluster.NoteBinary releases

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