Think 3 Student book
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Think 3 Student book
STUDENT’S BOOK 3with Online Workbook and Online PracticeHerbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones-----The authors would like to thank all those Think 3 Student book e who have made contributions to the development, creation and ptoduction of Think. Many thanks to teachers in various countries fThink 3 Student book
id creative thought.Think-, also to Chris Wiliams for his imaluable (xosuctkxi suppo-1We woukf ike to thank the Cixntxidrjc Engr/I teams around Um worSTUDENT’S BOOK 3with Online Workbook and Online PracticeHerbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones-----The authors would like to thank all those Think 3 Student book ) and Kathryn Davies fThink 3 Student book
xviKkaiCiluinl Publishing Director Schools). feebernq involved so actively in the planning stages of the project deSpile her huge, John TultSTUDENT’S BOOK 3with Online Workbook and Online PracticeHerbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones-----The authors would like to thank all those Think 3 Student book wr the yearsLilt but not least, W1-wnuld like to thank our partners Wares, Adriana and Claudia. Without their supccrt ths orcject would not have happened.CorpusDevelopment of this publication has made use of the Cambr dge Engltih Corpus (CEO- The CEC is a computer database of contemporary spoken and Think 3 Student book written English, which curently standi at Ort-r (Xie billion words It includes British English. American English .ind other varieties of English. ItThink 3 Student book
also includes the Carrtondg? learner Corpus, developed in collaboration with Cambridge Engish LafiỌud9>.- Assessment. Cambridge University Press has bSTUDENT’S BOOK 3with Online Workbook and Online PracticeHerbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones-----The authors would like to thank all those Think 3 Student book by the Erxjlish Vocabi/ary Profile, ouift as part ợl English Profile, a cdlaburative piogramriK* li-.-ũgir-d to I-Iihaiiie the learning, teaching arid .wj-ssnirtii of English worldwide Its main funding pa-ti'ers am Camtciooe unr.-ersity Press and Cambridge English I .-niqii.igr Assessment ar«d Its Think 3 Student book aim IS to email-.1 'p-nlic-’ Im r-igtsh linked to the Comwcn FunifXMTi Frwrx-wcxk of Reference fee Languages (CEO English Profile outcomes, such X theThink 3 Student book
English vocabulary tYofJe, Wil prove)'- rk-lailiid information about tile language that loirncr-. I an be expected to dạmiMv.Haic .11 c-.xh CEE levelSTUDENT’S BOOK 3with Online Workbook and Online PracticeHerbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones-----The authors would like to thank all those Think 3 Student book ctionanes are the wor d s most widely used dir txina-ies for learners of Englsb. Thi- dK K’S are aválablp in print andcxilirK-at dictionary Cambridge arg copynqht V Cambridge university Press, reproduced with pemussicn.CambridgeUNIVERSITY PRESSUniversity Printing House. Cambridge CB2 8BS, Un Think 3 Student book ited KingdomCambridge University p-ess is part of the University of CambridgeIt furthers the University's mission by disseminating knowledge in the puThink 3 Student book
rsuit cd «*jcation. learning and research at the highest international lewis of exc&nce.www.camtxidge.orgInformation on this title www.cambodgexxgfti STUDENT’S BOOK 3with Online Workbook and Online PracticeHerbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones-----The authors would like to thank all those Think 3 Student book ensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press.first published 2015Printed in lufy Ly Rocolito lombarda SpAA I .Ii.ikxjtif retorti far rhiĩ pubteanon IS available from the EWiitfi library1$3N 978-1 -107-56770 7 Students Boos Think 3 Student book Lê-.tí 3r>BN 978-1-107-56262-2 StudenlX Bcxik with Onli-ic-Wcxkixiok .-ndOnAne Practice Level 3IWJ 97R-1 107 *56T7r> 4 Wodbock with Crilrne PracticeThink 3 Student book
Le-/H 3ISBN ‘J/B-1 107663TM1 combo Awilh Wcxktiix* arid Cnlirr-Practke Level 3l$3N 978-1 -107-56952 -0 Combo B wth omne Vikxtóoc*. and OnlineSTUDENT’S BOOK 3with Online Workbook and Online PracticeHerbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones-----The authors would like to thank all thoseSTUDENT’S BOOK 3with Online Workbook and Online PracticeHerbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones-----The authors would like to thank all thoseGọi ngay
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