Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

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Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

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Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG terest is playing sports. I like playing every sport, especially tennis. Behind my house, there is tennis court. In my free time, I enjoy playing tenn

is with my sister or my brother, but sometimes I play with my father because he is also a fan of this game. He says that tennis is a fashionable sport Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

for young people or old people. Besides playing sports, I would love to go for a walk with my friends. We usually go for a ride to remote villages to

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get fresh air and see wonderful views in the countryside. Alternatively, if 1 don’t have outdoor activities, 1 feel like watching TV at home with cof

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Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG ng things that I like in my free time. (148 words)2.An important personAn important person who has influenced my life in the most positive way is my f

riend, Minh. Firstly, Minh has a unique sense of humor. She creates the impression that she perceives everything as a joke and she never complains abo Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

ut her own problems. This attitude towards life has a great impact on me. I learn from Minh how to be optimistic and positive. She makes me realize th

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e importance of being openminded when interacting with other people, trying to find something I like about everybody in order to create a pleasant exp

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Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG values, the way I view myself, and the way I perceive life in general. Therefore, I am indebted to her for ail what she has brought to my life. (150 w

ords)3.A memorable event (embarrassing)Some things are easier to remember, and some are easier to forget. I can remember my most embarrassing moment a Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

s if it happened yesterday. Every break in school, my friends and I walked through the same corridor, where the science labs were, that lead to the fi

Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

eld. That day, however, was different. My friends and I were joking and laughing around. As a ‘joke’, my friend shoved me. Never did 1 think that such

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Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG xtremely ashamed to look at who it was. But 1 remember seeing some seniors standing there. My so - called friends were having a giggle while trying to

help me up. How such a stupid act! At that moment it was extremely embarrassing for me but now we have a laugh about it. These small moments makes ou Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

r life interesting. (166 words)4.3 most important qualities that lead to successThree most important traits that 1 think define what true success in l

Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

ife is ail about are passion, patience and honesty. Firstly, successful people inject passion into what they do. In addition, a person with passion ty

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Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG everyone wins. Secondly, we need to be patient to be successful in life. Basically, patience is waiting with difficulties. It's confidence in yourself

, with a good feeling of hope. It helps you tackle difficult circumstances. Lastly, “honesty is the best policy”. Honesty can breed trust and trust ma Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

kes it easier to build business. Life is easier for honest people to get a successful business, since they can win trust from people dealing with them

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. To sum up, I am convinced that being passionate, patient and honest will lead everyone to success and happiness in life. (153 words)5.Advantages Stu

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Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG the students learning oversea but for the government and their countries as well. Firstly, studying in a different country is seen as the best opportu

nity to obtain new knowledge as well as accumulate significant skills for their future. Moreover, when living in the foreign countries, the internatio Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

nal students have to get along with teammates who come from different parts of the world. Hence, they would be interacting with a number of various cu

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ltures, which helps them to broaden their mind and building self-confidence as well. In addition, these students will become key workforce for their c

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Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG untless. (145 words)6.Bad effects of using facebook to students?Using Facebook does harm the students in some ways. Firstly, the motivation to use fac

ebook is to socialize. The students’ irresistible need to connect with their peers, coupled with the development ofPage 1 of 66/storage 1/vhost/conver Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

t. ỉ accessible technologies, makes facebook a time consuming t

Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

ool. They push their homework aside to chat with friends, update their statuses, taking some selfies or check up on all the latest gossips. Spending t

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Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG future. In addition, facebook does affect face-to-face communication. People become so distracted in social networking that they often forget about co

mmunicating in the most influential way and they have little hope of being connected to people personally. Instead of meeting in person, many people c Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

hoose to virtually chat via Facebook’s instant messenger or comment section. To sum up, the bad effects of using facebook need to be considered despit

Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

e the fact that people are becoming more and more addicted to it. (172 words)7.The benefits of reading booksIt's often said that "tell me what you rea

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Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG information which is available for everyone to read, we can be nowhere but still keep pace with the life around us.Secondly, we won't have to experie

nce everything in a hard way.For example, we don't have to catch a disease to know that it can kill US or go to the jungle to know about the tiger. Mo Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

reover, by reading books regularly, we can improve the way we express our views and thoughts will be much more easier. Have you ever find it difficult

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to make everybody understand what you are saying ? Reading can be the solution to thí. No word can describe how useful reading books is. To sum up, f

/storage 1/vhost/convert.Ỉ6582027766507/mpp i 658202776.doc1.Free time activitiesMy number one int

Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG life, there is one person that I admire most. It's my english teacher. The first time I met her was three years ago when I wanted to study at her engl

ish class. At that time, I was very curious because I didn't know how my teacher looked like, but then she came into the class gently, I was really su Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

rprised that she was much prettier and gentle than I had thought about her. That was my first impression on her. And from that day, she taught me usef

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ul English knowledge, I learned many things about communication skill and enrich my vocabulary as well. If it had not been for her help, my english wo

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Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG later. For me, she is not only my teacher but she is also a good friend, a true companion that lifts me up when I am the worst. Many times I said to

her that she was really a dream maker and she just smiled with me sincerely. The only thing I need do is to pass the entrance examination with my high Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

est score to return her merits.9.The disadvantages of technological advancementEventhough the technological advancement has brought US enormous benefi

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ts in our daily life. There are some disadvantages that we have to face up to. First of all. Technological advancement takes up too much of our time,

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Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG tching tv and surfing on the internet. As a result, their life will absolutely be a mess. Secondly, techonology can cause distraction, more and more s

tudents are using telephones in class, which will result in bad marks and failures. What's more, technology has a bad impact on our health. Many users Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

of mobile phones can not lead a good life because of health problems such as heart disease,stress,.. To sum up, we should avoid using technology as m

Chủ đề viết đoạn văn ôn thi THPTQG

uch as possible to have a good life for all those disadvantages above10.The most memorable experience in my lifeSomething is easy to remember and some

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