Nano and quantum optics; an introduction to basic principles and theory

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Nội dung chi tiết: Nano and quantum optics; an introduction to basic principles and theory

Nano and quantum optics; an introduction to basic principles and theory

Graduate Texts in PhysicsNano and Quantum OpticsAn Introduction to Basic Principles and Theoryr\/TH Af /XIII HITGraduate Texts in PhysicsSeries Editor

Nano and quantum optics; an introduction to basic principles and theory rsKurt II. Becker. NYU Polytechnic School ot'Engineering. Brooklyn. NY. USA Jean-Marc Di Meglio. Malière el Systèmes Complexes. Bailment Condorcet. Un

ivcrsitc Paris Diderot. Paris, FranceSadri Hassani. Deparlmenl of Physics, Illinois Stale University, Normal. IL. USA Morten I Ijorth-Jcnscn, Departme Nano and quantum optics; an introduction to basic principles and theory

nt of Physics. Blindern. University of Oslo. Oslo. NorwayBill Munro. NTT Basic Research Laboratories. Alsugi. JapanRichard Needs. Cavendish Laboratory

Nano and quantum optics; an introduction to basic principles and theory

. University of Cambridge. Cambridge, UK William T. Rhodes. Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Florida Atlantic U

Graduate Texts in PhysicsNano and Quantum OpticsAn Introduction to Basic Principles and Theoryr\/TH Af /XIII HITGraduate Texts in PhysicsSeries Editor

Nano and quantum optics; an introduction to basic principles and theory artment. Boston University, Boston, MA, USA.Martin Stutzmann. Waller Schottky Institute. Technical University of Munich.Garching, GermanyAndreas Wipf.

Institute of Theoretical Physics. Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. Jena, GermanyGraduate Texts in Physics publishes core learning/leaching materia Nano and quantum optics; an introduction to basic principles and theory

l for graduate-and advanced-level undergraduate courses on topics of current and emerging fields within physics, both pure and applied. These textbook

Nano and quantum optics; an introduction to basic principles and theory

s serve students al the MS- or PhD-level and their instructors as comprehensive sources of principles, definitions, derivations, experiments and appli

Graduate Texts in PhysicsNano and Quantum OpticsAn Introduction to Basic Principles and Theoryr\/TH Af /XIII HITGraduate Texts in PhysicsSeries Editor

Nano and quantum optics; an introduction to basic principles and theory ufficiently to serve as required reading. Their didactic style, comprehensiveness and coverage of fundamental material also make them suitable as intr

oductions or references for scientists entering, or requiring timely knowledge of. a research field.More information about this series at http://www.s Nano and quantum optics; an introduction to basic principles and theory HohenesterNano and Quantum OpticsAn Introduction to Basic Principles and Theory0 SpringerUlrich HohenesterInstitut filr

Nano and quantum optics; an introduction to basic principles and theory

Physik. Theoretische Physik Karl-Franzens-Universitat GrazGraz. AustriaISSN 1868-4513ISSN 1868-4521 (electronic)Graduate Texts in PhysicsISBN 978-3-03

Graduate Texts in PhysicsNano and Quantum OpticsAn Introduction to Basic Principles and Theoryr\/TH Af /XIII HITGraduate Texts in PhysicsSeries Editor

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Nano and quantum optics; an introduction to basic principles and theory

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Graduate Texts in PhysicsNano and Quantum OpticsAn Introduction to Basic Principles and Theoryr\/TH Af /XIII HITGraduate Texts in PhysicsSeries Editor

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Nano and quantum optics; an introduction to basic principles and theory

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Graduate Texts in PhysicsNano and Quantum OpticsAn Introduction to Basic Principles and Theoryr\/TH Af /XIII HITGraduate Texts in PhysicsSeries Editor

Graduate Texts in PhysicsNano and Quantum OpticsAn Introduction to Basic Principles and Theoryr\/TH Af /XIII HITGraduate Texts in PhysicsSeries Editor

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