Students perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university
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Students perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY MION UNIV ERSI1YNGUYEN Till I1OA1 ANSTUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONON TEACHER’S USE OF ORAL CORRECTIVE FEEDBACKTN SPEAKING Students perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university CLASSES TN ỌUY NHON UNIVERSITYField: Theory and Methodology of English Language I eachingCode: 8140111Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Th| Thu HiềnBộ GIÁO DỤC’ VÀ ĐÀO TẠOTRƯỜNG DẠI HỌC QUY NHONNGƯYẺN THỊ HOÀI ANNHẬN THỨC CỦA HỌC STNHVẺ HÌNH THÚC PHẢN HÒI LỎI CỦA GIÁO VIÊN TRONG LỚP HỌC NÓITẠI TR Students perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university ƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QƯY NHƠNChuyên ngành: l.ý Luận và Phương Pháp dạy học bộ moil l iếng AnhMã sơ: 8140111Người hướng dần: PGS.TS. Nguyễn Thi Thu HiềnSTATEMEStudents perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university
NT OF AUTHORSHIPI hereby certify that the thesis entitled “STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON TEACHER’S USE OF ORAL CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK IN SPEAKING CLASSES IN ỌUMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY MION UNIV ERSI1YNGUYEN Till I1OA1 ANSTUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONON TEACHER’S USE OF ORAL CORRECTIVE FEEDBACKTN SPEAKING Students perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university ity or tertiary institution. To the best of my knowledge, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by other people except where the references are made in the thesis itself.Author’s signatureNguyen Thị I loài AniiACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis study would not have taken its final shape Students perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university without significant support and efforts from many people who worked diligently to assist me. believed in me and encouraged me to pursue the final goalStudents perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university
. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge my sincere gratitude to all those concerned.My wholehearted appreciation goes to my supervisor.MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY MION UNIV ERSI1YNGUYEN Till I1OA1 ANSTUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONON TEACHER’S USE OF ORAL CORRECTIVE FEEDBACKTN SPEAKING Students perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university orough and immediate feedback, profound insights, professional support, dedication and devotion have given me admiration and motivation to complete my research.I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to teachers, lecturers and professors of Quy Nhon University for patiently and wholehearted Students perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university ly providing me with precious knowledge and guiding me through the process required to complete my program of study.I also gratefully acknowledge partStudents perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university
icipant teachers and students at Quy Nhon university for their helpful contribution and co-operation in this study.A special mention goes to my best fMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY MION UNIV ERSI1YNGUYEN Till I1OA1 ANSTUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONON TEACHER’S USE OF ORAL CORRECTIVE FEEDBACKTN SPEAKING Students perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university Last but not least. 1 owe a great debt to my parents who give me advice, unconditional love and support that have providing me with encouragement to further my learning and fulfil my dual responsibility throughout my walks of life.iiiABSTRACTOral corrective feedback (OCF) which is one of the central Students perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university themes in second language (L2) pedagogy and research in applied linguistics and L2 acquisition has received growing interest for the past two decadesStudents perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university
. However, little research has been done with respect to students’ perception and teachers’ practice of providing OCF in the context of English as a FMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY MION UNIV ERSI1YNGUYEN Till I1OA1 ANSTUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONON TEACHER’S USE OF ORAL CORRECTIVE FEEDBACKTN SPEAKING Students perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university students’ perception concerning the importance, types, liming and target of OCT and exploring how the teachers practice giving OCF in speaking classes. The data consisted of questionnaires with 127 students, interviews with 15 of those who completed the questionnaires, and 17 classroom observations Students perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university of 3 EEL teachers at a university in Vietnam. The findings disclosed that students endorsed the benefit of OCT and desire to be corrected when milkingStudents perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university
errors. Regarding feedback timing, the students preferred feedback delayed until they finish speaking. In addition, frequency and seriousness are twoMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY MION UNIV ERSI1YNGUYEN Till I1OA1 ANSTUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONON TEACHER’S USE OF ORAL CORRECTIVE FEEDBACKTN SPEAKING Students perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university s not highly valued. With regard to teachers' practice, explicit feedback was also the most frequently used, followed by recast. Hopefully, the findings of the study have provided an insightful understanding of how OCT' is perceived by students and teachers’ actual practices in the tertiary settings Students perception on teachers use of oral corrective feedback on speaking classes in quy nhon university in Vietnam. From these empirical findings, relevant implications are suggested for better OCF provision to improve students’ speaking skill.MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY MION UNIV ERSI1YNGUYEN Till I1OA1 ANSTUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONON TEACHER’S USE OF ORAL CORRECTIVE FEEDBACKTN SPEAKING MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY MION UNIV ERSI1YNGUYEN Till I1OA1 ANSTUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONON TEACHER’S USE OF ORAL CORRECTIVE FEEDBACKTN SPEAKINGGọi ngay
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