Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

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Nội dung chi tiết: Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis ChoiceThad CalabreseDoctoral CandidateRobert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. New

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choicew York University thad.calabreseti nyu.eduPaper prepared for presentation at the National Conference of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Ma

nagement Chicago. IL October 23-25, 2008DRAFTPlease do not cite without permission. Comments and suggestions are welcome.IntroductionTills paper exami Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

nes the determinants of whether nonprofit organizations report their publicly available financial information on the cash or accrual basis of accounti

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

ng. Accrual reporting is the norm in the for-profit sector because it is the only basis of accounting that represents the underlying economic value an

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis ChoiceThad CalabreseDoctoral CandidateRobert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. New

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choiceits place less emphasis on profits. Jegers (2002) notes that cash accounting may be more attractive to nonprofits. “(T]he choice between cash accounti

ng and accrual accounting is a genuine choice to be made in the case of [nonprofit organizations]" (440). The choice between cash and accrual financia Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

l reporting is a logical extension of this theme.This choice of accounting basis lias not been the focus of study in the existing literature.Yet the d

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

ecision to report on a cash or accrual basis of accounting has several important implications for nonprofit management and public policy. From a manag

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis ChoiceThad CalabreseDoctoral CandidateRobert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. New

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice's organization is making or losing money, one’s ability to manage is severely limited. Additionally, cash reporting cannot provide a manager with und

erstanding of organization costs. Without this information, a manager cannot price goods and services correctly or. in the case of many nonprofits, de Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

termine an appropriate level of subsidy for those in need. Finally, taxpayers provide nonprofits with billions of dollars annually. This money comes d

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

irectly from donations, through tax exemptions and tax expenditures, and also through donated time. Cash accounting and reporting will simply report i

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis ChoiceThad CalabreseDoctoral CandidateRobert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. New

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice cash reporting prevents society from evaluating the level of services provided versus the level of resources retained.Because the nonprofit sector ha

s no owners, there is less oversight than in the for-profit sector over operations and finances and. as a result, financial reporting. While publicly- Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

traded companies' financials are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and overseen by investors able to remove capital for accounting v

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

iolations, most nonprofits are overseen only by thcừ states’ Attorneys General. Authority and enforcement efforts from these offices vary greatly betw

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis ChoiceThad CalabreseDoctoral CandidateRobert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. New

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choicelly Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). One important difference between the Form 990 and GAAP is that the Form 990 permits a nonprofit organizatio

n to report its financial statements on either a cash or accrual basis of accounting, whereas GAAP requires accrual reporting.Why. then, do some organ Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

izations choose to comply with GAAP and present their public financial statements on the accrual basis while others do not? The issue is one of import

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

ance for the nonprofit sector field as a whole, with implications for nonprofit governance and regulation. Prior authors have assumed that organizatio

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis ChoiceThad CalabreseDoctoral CandidateRobert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. New

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choicer oversight of nonprofits are more important determinants.This paper seeks to empirically test what characteristics differentiate organizations that r

eport on a cash (or modified cash) basis of accounting and those that report on an accrual basis of accounting, one of the most basic of all GAAP conc Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

epts. The first section describes the policy relevance of studying the basis of accounting choice made by nonprofit organizations. The3second section

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

outlines the existing literature on nonprofit oversight and the effect this oversight has on financial reporting quality and. by extension, the accoun

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis ChoiceThad CalabreseDoctoral CandidateRobert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. New

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choicecial data available on nonprofit organizations. The fourth section proposes a model that seeks to differentiate the characteristics of nonprofits that

use cash versus accrual reporting. Research hypotheses and variable definitions are also presented within this section. The fifth section presents re Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

sults and robustness tests, with a final section discussing the results.Policy Relevance of Basis of Accounting Choice in the US Nonprofit SectorWheth

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

er an organization chooses to use cash or accrual reporting has implications both for the individual organization and for society as a whole.Organizat

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis ChoiceThad CalabreseDoctoral CandidateRobert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. New

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choiceined time period. From an individual organization perspective, this failure to match revenues and expenses makes it impossible for a nonprofit to know

what its financial performance. While a nonprofit may rationally choose to operate at a loss for some mission purpose, management needs to know that Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

this is the case so that it can ensure the long-term feasibility' of the organization, since losses cannot be sustained in perpetuity.If revenues and

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

expenses are not matched, the economic worth of the organization is unknowable. All organizations need resources in order to sustain, update, or expan

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis ChoiceThad CalabreseDoctoral CandidateRobert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. New

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choicerwise their relevance is diminished.An extension of this failure to match revenues and expenses within a fiscal period, an organization that uses cash

accounting has no accurate information on its net worth (net assets) and true costs (see Appendix A for an illustration of the difference between cas Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

h and accrual reporting). Without these, a nonprofit cannot determine whether or not sendees are profitable, rendering cost accounting impossible. Whi

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

le a nonprofit may not wish to maximize profit as a for-profit entity, knowing that services only break even or lose money is valuable. For example, i

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis ChoiceThad CalabreseDoctoral CandidateRobert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. New

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice 5 PerspectiveOnly accrual accounting and reporting allows an accurate assessment of organization net worth. Society provides billions of dollars in a

nnual subsidies to nonprofits through taxdeductible donations and government contracts, income tax exemptions, and access to tax-exempt debt markets. Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

According to the US Treasury Department, charitable tax deductions by taxpayers will reduce federal income tax revenue (“tax expenditures”) by $40 bil

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

lion in 2005, representing a substantial annual public subsidy to nonprofit organizations. This figure does not include foregone tax revenues to state

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis ChoiceThad CalabreseDoctoral CandidateRobert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. New

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choiceially in managing financial resources (Light 2008). The use of a non-GAAP reporting basis in required financial statements does nothing to alleviate t

hese public concerns that resources are5being managed and used effectively.Because of these subsidies, society may wish to determine whether the optim Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

al level of sendees has been provided. The only way to make this determination accurately is through the analysis of net assets measured on an accrual

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

basis, which is the only way that allows an economic interpretation of available resources. Cash accounting will simply reflect inflows and outflows

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis ChoiceThad CalabreseDoctoral CandidateRobert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. New

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choiceon the timing of receipts and payments, cash accounting cannot provide a true surplus or deficit for the fiscal period under examination (see Appendix

A for an example). Since cash accounting cannot provide a true economic measure of surplus or deficit, it cannot, by definition, provide an accurate Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

measure of net assets since net assets is the balance sheet category where annual surpluses and deficits accumulate. Finally, since accrual accounting

Examining the Determinants of Nonprofit Accounting Basis Choice

is less open to manipulation than cash accounting, society may desire that publicly supported nonprofit organizations report in a manner that is less

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