Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

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Nội dung chi tiết: Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

Anaerobic Treatment of Agricultural Residues and WastewaterApplication of High-Rate ReactorsWilson ParawiraDepartment of BiotechnologyLundUniversityAk

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi kademisk avhandling som for avlãggande av teknologie doktorsexamen vid tekniska fakulteten vid Liuids Universitet konuner att offentligen forsvaras to

rsdagen 16 december 2004. kl 10:30 1 hórsal A pà Kemicentnun. Solvegatan 39. Lund.Academic thesis which, by due permission of the Faculty of Engineeri Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

ng at Lund University, will be publicly defended on Thursday 16 December. 2004, at 10:30 in lecture hall A. at the Center for Chemistry and Chemical E

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

ngineering. Solvegatan 39. Lund, for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy 111 Engineering.Faculty opponent Professor Amelia K. Kivaisi, Applied Microbio

Anaerobic Treatment of Agricultural Residues and WastewaterApplication of High-Rate ReactorsWilson ParawiraDepartment of BiotechnologyLundUniversityAk

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi rsitySwedenif- Wilson ParawiraISBN: 91-89627-28-8ISRNLUTKDH TKBT--04 1081-SEPunted in Sweden by Media-Tiyck. Lund University.Lund. 2004ABSTRACTThe pro

duction of methane via anaerobic digestion of agricultural residues and industrial wastewater would benefit society by providing a clean fuel from ren Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

ewable feedstocks. Illis would reduce (lie use of fossil-fucl-dcrivcd energy and reduce en\ iionincntal impact. including global wanning and pollution

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

. Ĩ.imitation of carbon dioxide and other emissions through emission regulations, carbon taxes, and subsidies on biomass energy is making anaerobic di

Anaerobic Treatment of Agricultural Residues and WastewaterApplication of High-Rate ReactorsWilson ParawiraDepartment of BiotechnologyLundUniversityAk

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi estion of solid potato waste, sugar beet leaves and opaque beer brewery wastewater. Studies were performed using batch, one-stage and two-stage proces

ses using laboratory -. pilot- and full-scale anaerobic reactors. 1 or improv cd under standing of the anaerobic digestion of solid potato waste, some Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

of the aspects investigated in this work were the profiles of hydrolytic enzymes, rhe distribution of the major volatile fatty acids produced in the

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

acidification stage, the organic matter degradation, methane yield and the effect of co-digcstion.During the hydrolysis of solid potato waste, both fr

Anaerobic Treatment of Agricultural Residues and WastewaterApplication of High-Rate ReactorsWilson ParawiraDepartment of BiotechnologyLundUniversityAk

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi er paper cellulase The fermentation products during batch anaerobic digestion of solid potato waste were chiefly acetic, butyric, propionic and lactic

acid, rhe concentration and proportions of individual volatile fatty acids Hl the acidogeme stage are important 111 the overall performance of the an Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

aerobic digestion system since acetic and butyric acids are the preferred precursors in methane formation.The performance of two-stage anaerobic diges

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

tion systems under mesophihe and thermophilic conditions showed that the digestion period for solid potato waste was shorter under thermophilic condit

Anaerobic Treatment of Agricultural Residues and WastewaterApplication of High-Rate ReactorsWilson ParawiraDepartment of BiotechnologyLundUniversityAk

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi udge blanket (UASB) reactor were no different from those in the effluent from the mesophilic UASB reactor.High rate reactors (packed-bed reactors with

plastic and straw as biofilm carriers and a ƯASB reactor) were found to perform well during methanogenesis in two-stage anaerobic digestion of solid Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

potato waste. The ƯASB performed better than the packed-bed reactor with plastic carriers. Straw’, a common agricultural by-product, was confirmed to

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

work well as a biofilm carrier.Employing efficient but low-cost technology’ is important for increased utilisation of anaerobic digestion, and the pos

Anaerobic Treatment of Agricultural Residues and WastewaterApplication of High-Rate ReactorsWilson ParawiraDepartment of BiotechnologyLundUniversityAk

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi sugar beet leaves, alone and combined, with the recov cry of biogas. Co-digcslion of solid potato waste and sugar beet leaves improved the methane yie

ld by 60° 0 compared with that from digestion of the separate substrates in both batch and pilot-scale studies. Results from this work suggest that po Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

tato waste and sugar beet leaves are suitable substrates for anaerobic digestion giving high biogas yields, and could provide additional benefits to f

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

armers.rhe performance of a full-scale UASB reactor treating opaque beer brewery w astewater investigated over a period of two years enabled the brewe

Anaerobic Treatment of Agricultural Residues and WastewaterApplication of High-Rate ReactorsWilson ParawiraDepartment of BiotechnologyLundUniversityAk

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi y the brewery is an attractive economic and environmental alternative considering that an era of critical energy shortage, substantially’ higher energ

y prices and high demand on environmental protection lies aheadCONTENTSTHE PAPERS...............................................................11INTR Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

ODUCTION...........................................................31.1Biodegradable waste( water) treatment options........................41.2Aerobi

Anaerobic treatment of agricultural resi

c vs anaerobic degradation.....................................52BIOCHEMICAL AND MIC ROBIOLOGIC AL ASPECTS OF ANAEROBICDIGESTION......................

Anaerobic Treatment of Agricultural Residues and WastewaterApplication of High-Rate ReactorsWilson ParawiraDepartment of BiotechnologyLundUniversityAk

Anaerobic Treatment of Agricultural Residues and WastewaterApplication of High-Rate ReactorsWilson ParawiraDepartment of BiotechnologyLundUniversityAk

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