Imran project work docx

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Imran project work docx

ABSTRACTThe preservation of nutritional constituents of perishable vegetables including carrots (Daucus caroỉa) is important to prevent substantial lo

Imran project work docx osses. Fermentation apart from offering a means of producing a special group of food items as its primary objectives, it also helps in the prolongatio

n of shelve-life of food materials in areas where other methods of preservation is technically and economically difficult to implement. To assess the Imran project work docx

utility of fermentation in preserving carrots, pH, specific gravity, reducing sugar, alcohol content and viable yeast counts at days 0, 7 and 14 of fe

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rmentation were obtained. Significant changes where observed of these parameters at different intervals. pH(4.29, 3.81, 3.53). S.G( 1.016, 1.015, 1.00

ABSTRACTThe preservation of nutritional constituents of perishable vegetables including carrots (Daucus caroỉa) is important to prevent substantial lo

Imran project work docx 1.0 INTRODUCTIONOver (he years, certain measures have been taken by man in order to increase the shelf life of our foods and food items (food preserva

tion) from attack by spoilage microorganism. This measure ranges from traditional to modern methods of food preservation. This includes drying, saltin Imran project work docx

g, sugaring, smoking, pickling, refrigeration, freezing, canning, pasteurization, fermentation and many other methods.Fermentation is one of the metho

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ds used for food preservation (biopreservation), fermentation can be define as a process in which chemical changes are brought about in an organic sub

ABSTRACTThe preservation of nutritional constituents of perishable vegetables including carrots (Daucus caroỉa) is important to prevent substantial lo

Imran project work docx can also be seen as metabolic process that converts sugar to acids, gasses, and/or alcohol. Fermentation involves the use of organisms like yeast, mo

uld, and bacteria. Yeast is employed in the production of alcohols, wines, beers, and other alcoholic beverages. Bacteria also have been involved in a Imran project work docx

cetic acid, butyric propionic acid and lactic acid fermentation (Marica et al. 2007). Fermentation is also used more broadly to refer to bulk growth o

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f micro organisms on a growth medium, often2with the goal of producing a specific chemical product i.e ( continous and batch cultures).With many count

ABSTRACTThe preservation of nutritional constituents of perishable vegetables including carrots (Daucus caroỉa) is important to prevent substantial lo

Imran project work docx 2012 total production was in Africa. The world total production stood at 21.4million tones in 2012 (FAO, 2013). Nigeria is one of the Africa countries

located on the latitude 4" to 14" N and longitude 2° to 15°E, blessed with many natural edible fruits and vegetables most of these vegetables and fru Imran project work docx

its are sold raw in the markets of cities and towns across the country during their seasons. Also most of these fruits and vegetable rot away due to u

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nder consumption and utilization.The French microbiologist Louis Pasture is often remembered for his insight into fermentation and its microbial cause

ABSTRACTThe preservation of nutritional constituents of perishable vegetables including carrots (Daucus caroỉa) is important to prevent substantial lo

Imran project work docx ctivity than the original material. It removes or reduces the amount of unstable constituents and converts the fermentable portion into products that

is stable and in most cases is present in sufficient concentration to act as a preservative. 1 or instance Vinegar, cheese, and fermented foods are mo Imran project work docx

re flavor full than the law materials used. The flavor may be desirable to the extent that the fermented product is used to flavor other foods (Staink

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raus, 1995).3To many people, fermentation simply means the production of alcohol, grains and fruits are fermented to produce beers and wine. If a food

ABSTRACTThe preservation of nutritional constituents of perishable vegetables including carrots (Daucus caroỉa) is important to prevent substantial lo

Imran project work docx d items as its primary objectives. The prolongation and the keeping quality of food, raw materials especially when practiced or propagated in areas wh

ere other methods of preservation and technically and economically difficult to implement. Alcoholic fermentation is applied to the production of matu Imran project work docx

red palm wine, beer, stout, wines and other alcoholic beverages. In this type of fermentation sugars are converted to ethanol and carbon dioxide (Voet

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and Voet, 1995).c$ H12 Ơ6 +yeast2C: Hs OH + 2CƠ2Sugar______Ethanol Carbon dioxideThe fermentation of monosaccharide by yeast involves exactly the sam

ABSTRACTThe preservation of nutritional constituents of perishable vegetables including carrots (Daucus caroỉa) is important to prevent substantial lo

Imran project work docx of fermentation but the most commonly employed is genus Saccahromyces (Voet and Voet, 1995).Fermentation does not necessarily have to be carried out i

n an anaerobic environment. For example, even in the presence of abundant oxygen, yeast cell greatly prefer fermentation to anaerobic respiration as l Imran project work docx

ong as sugars are readily available for consumption a phenomenon known as Crab tree effect (Dickson, 1999). There are different types of fermentation

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which depends on the substrate4as well as the microorganism involved in the fermentation process for a variety of food and drinks. Ethanol fermentatio

ABSTRACTThe preservation of nutritional constituents of perishable vegetables including carrots (Daucus caroỉa) is important to prevent substantial lo

Imran project work docx cing lactic acid:•Homolactic fermentation : which is the production of lactic acid extensively•Heterolactic fermentation: is the production of lactic

acid as well as other acids like acetic acid, ethanol, and carbon dioxide.Sugars are the most common substrate of fermentation and typical example of Imran project work docx

the fermentation products are ethanol, lactic acid, carbon dioxide and hydrogen, however more exotic compounds can be produced by fermentation such as

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butyric acid and acetone, yeast carries out fermentation in the production of ethanol in beers, wines and other alcoholic drinks along with the produ

ABSTRACTThe preservation of nutritional constituents of perishable vegetables including carrots (Daucus caroỉa) is important to prevent substantial lo

Imran project work docx es limited resulting in (he creation of lactic acid (Voet and Voet, 1995).The art of wine making is an ancient practice but modern methods are careful

ly controlled borne out of science research. The essential stages in winemaking are pressing, fermentation, casking and bottling. In pressing, the jui Imran project work docx

ce is extracted from fruits or vegetable and a starter culture is introduced. Many different types of may be present on a single type of fruit or vege

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table and because many of them are wild yeast that would produce poor5quality wine, sulphur dioxide (SO2) is added to the juice in such a quantity tha

ABSTRACTThe preservation of nutritional constituents of perishable vegetables including carrots (Daucus caroỉa) is important to prevent substantial lo

Imran project work docx annot tolerate any alcohol content that is greater than 16% as such natural wine do not have alcohol content greater than this. In general they contai

n about 10% (Solomon and Fryle, 2002). After fermentation is transferred to cask where it may remain for up to five years, during these time sediments Imran project work docx

is occasionally removed and wine matures due to slow chemical changes which contribute to flavor and bouquet (Robinson, 2006). The alcoholic range of

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wine is greater than that of beer but not up to that of spirit, i.e. Ils alcoholic ranges between 10-12%. It may however be as low as 7%, at time and

ABSTRACTThe preservation of nutritional constituents of perishable vegetables including carrots (Daucus caroỉa) is important to prevent substantial lo

Imran project work docx by organism in the juice e.g. mosell cret, Hock.•Sparkling wines: which are given a second fermentation in the boule so that a visible excess of co2

is produced e.g. champagne•Fortified wines: containing about 2% v/v alcohol made by addition of spirit to wine e.g. porisherry, Madeira.1.1 AIMSAND OB Imran project work docx


ABSTRACTThe preservation of nutritional constituents of perishable vegetables including carrots (Daucus caroỉa) is important to prevent substantial lo

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