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LET’S CHECK!PearsonPearson Education S.A.Av. Helgrann 61h pi$o 11“C1092AAG Ciudad Autonomy de Buenos Aires. Argentina.www.pearsonelt.com.ar© Pearson E Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST Education SA 2016The Publisher would like to acknowledge Maria Alicia Maldonado for the authorship of these tests as well as for her adaptation and pedagogical supervision OÍ the What$ Up73'J edition senesPublisherAnne-Sophie VignollesEditorPaula CzajkaDesignEl Ojo del Huracãn®Cover designEl Ojc del Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST Huracán®ProductionDamiãn Marrapodi Manuel LdpezThe publisher would like to thank the following for their kind permission to reproduce their photograpTests WHATS UP 3 TEST
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otomek. danle1969. oily, teracreonte. vladimirtloyd. P32 sylvlrohl. Alephcomol. rnajorosiw. arlhui hidden. Nomad Soul. P33 Nomad Soul, szmydsebastian.LET’S CHECK!PearsonPearson Education S.A.Av. Helgrann 61h pi$o 11“C1092AAG Ciudad Autonomy de Buenos Aires. Argentina.www.pearsonelt.com.ar© Pearson E Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST rulie, ChiccuDudirC.All other images © Pearson EducationWe have made every effort to trace copyright fwldcrs. However, if any material has heen incorrectly acknowledged, we would be pleased to correct this at the earliest opportunityWordle. facebook, Twitter. PowerPoint, YouTube. Pecha Kucha, intere Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST st. Goọợíe. Skype, Audacity. SurveyMonkey. floorplanner and SkctchUp arc registered trademarks.Our vi1*5010Assessment is an integral part 0Í the teachTests WHATS UP 3 TEST
ing and learning cycle. Classroom interactions provide teachers with varied instances suitable to evaluate students' progress and teachers' own achievLET’S CHECK!PearsonPearson Education S.A.Av. Helgrann 61h pi$o 11“C1092AAG Ciudad Autonomy de Buenos Aires. Argentina.www.pearsonelt.com.ar© Pearson E Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST ommunication", ie we use English for everyday real communication, not |USt to practise English for future possible use.Teacher s' aim, as mentors, is to show students how much they are learning so as to encourage them to go on trying and learning as much as they arc capable of doing. The well-known Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST assessment washback effect explains what students pay attention to and how they approach the subject being studied Therefore, assessment can promote oTests WHATS UP 3 TEST
r inhibit the learning In order to enhance learning. It IS advisable to use continuous assessment, which provides teachers With opportunities to give LET’S CHECK!PearsonPearson Education S.A.Av. Helgrann 61h pi$o 11“C1092AAG Ciudad Autonomy de Buenos Aires. Argentina.www.pearsonelt.com.ar© Pearson E Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST ive strategies, as skills develop From an experiential and holistic view of language, which understands cognitive and socio-functional aspects of communication as paramount, assessment is carried out by means of contextualised use of language It is also necessary to have some instance of formal asse Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST ssment which measures learning through the performance of previously taught linguistic content which is context embeddedThere are many arguments for aTests WHATS UP 3 TEST
nd against testing The main drawback attributed to tests is the state of nervousness and anxiety students are in when facing a testing instance. It isLET’S CHECK!PearsonPearson Education S.A.Av. Helgrann 61h pi$o 11“C1092AAG Ciudad Autonomy de Buenos Aires. Argentina.www.pearsonelt.com.ar© Pearson E Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST pinions support the idea that students study for the test and then forget what they have learnt.On the other hand, students deserve the opportunity to be tested. They need to have a feeling of achievement and. why not. they also deserve to be challenged and Io l;e given the opportunity to fail and t Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST hus develop resilience The emotions tests ai se on students very much depend on teachers' feedback. I hat 15 what makes the big difference A positive,Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST
encouraging response shows students that their effor t pays off Moreover, the teachersand classmates' feedback arc a great source of improvement FeedLET’S CHECK!PearsonPearson Education S.A.Av. Helgrann 61h pi$o 11“C1092AAG Ciudad Autonomy de Buenos Aires. Argentina.www.pearsonelt.com.ar© Pearson E Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST systematisation and retention strategies. Feedback should be an instance of learning and never an instance of highlighting learners' errors. The set of tests offered includes-> a diagnostic-prognostic test which identifies what learners have achieved or learnt after having finished Level 2 of the Wh Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST at's Up? series. Teachers will be able to identify the starting point in order to move onio new contents and skills, using whatstudents have already lTests WHATS UP 3 TEST
earnt as a springboard for acquiring new contents, improving already learnt skills and developing new ones. This test 15 meant to be encouraging, showLET’S CHECK!PearsonPearson Education S.A.Av. Helgrann 61h pi$o 11“C1092AAG Ciudad Autonomy de Buenos Aires. Argentina.www.pearsonelt.com.ar© Pearson E Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST lems presented.>six progress tests - to see how learners improve their performance as classroom practice advances. A test after each unit measur es achievement, focusing on contents taught and skills developed throughoutIt enables teachers to redirect teaching according to students’ performance. In Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST order Io be valid, reliable and fair, these lesls have been prepared using the same procedure followed during the teaching process Students do uol feeTests WHATS UP 3 TEST
l threatened by the evaluation experience If students are familiar with the procedure and the demands of the tests are up to their level of achievemenLET’S CHECK!PearsonPearson Education S.A.Av. Helgrann 61h pi$o 11“C1092AAG Ciudad Autonomy de Buenos Aires. Argentina.www.pearsonelt.com.ar© Pearson E Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST iasm to go on working together.Results also provide information about aspects of the teaching and learning process which may not be working adequately. This can be discussed in class and improved for future work.>an integrative test every two units, which Wil help students and teachers to recycle kn Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST owledge. Resorting to previously presented material triggers a better awareness of the idea of language being meaningful in context, to serve as a reaTests WHATS UP 3 TEST
l means of authentic communication Integrative tests focus on students' strengths 50 that they become aware of how much they can do with language.>an LET’S CHECK!PearsonPearson Education S.A.Av. Helgrann 61h pi$o 11“C1092AAG Ciudad Autonomy de Buenos Aires. Argentina.www.pearsonelt.com.ar© Pearson E Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST cess achieved by the end of the year course.Reading comprehension testsReading opens our minds to incredible spaces. It can help us to dream of not yet created realities. It we really learn how Io read, understanding that there is always a hidden secret under the lines, wo will develop our imaginati Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST on, lateral thinking and creativity. We will plunge into Hie slory and become part of it. Moreover, nobody Will be able to give US the story already pTests WHATS UP 3 TEST
rocessed for US to swallow it without even tasting its essenceI he reading comprehension tests aim at helping students Io become re-creators of their LET’S CHECK!PearsonPearson Education S.A.Av. Helgrann 61h pi$o 11“C1092AAG Ciudad Autonomy de Buenos Aires. Argentina.www.pearsonelt.com.ar© Pearson E Tests WHATS UP 3 TEST feedback What matters is that both students and teachers think and reflect upon the magic of reading.Name: Class:DIAGNOSTIC TESTLET’S CHECK!PearsonPearson Education S.A.Av. Helgrann 61h pi$o 11“C1092AAG Ciudad Autonomy de Buenos Aires. Argentina.www.pearsonelt.com.ar© Pearson EGọi ngay
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