The impacts on facebook to happiness

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Nội dung chi tiết: The impacts on facebook to happiness

The impacts on facebook to happiness

The Impact of Facebook on Social Comparison and Happiness: Evidence from a Natural ExperimentAyala AradOhad Barzilay Maayan PerchickColler School of M

The impacts on facebook to happiness Management Tel Aviv UniversityAbstractThe ubiquity of Facebook in modern life compels US to study its effects on well-being. We study a unique sample

of users and non-users in a security-related organization, where Facebook usage was manipulated by an organizational policy change, initially banning The impacts on facebook to happiness

Facebook altogether and later differentially restricting its usage. Thus, the assignment of the employees to the group of non-users was circumstantial

The impacts on facebook to happiness

rather than due to a-priori personal characteristics, which makes it possible to identify Facebook’s impact on social comparison and happiness. We fi

The Impact of Facebook on Social Comparison and Happiness: Evidence from a Natural ExperimentAyala AradOhad Barzilay Maayan PerchickColler School of M

The impacts on facebook to happiness ect of Facebook on happiness, but only for the younger half of our sample and only for those who believe that others have many more positive experienc

es than they do. Surprisingly, we find that Facebook does not cause users to overestimate the frequency of their friends' positive experiences. Thus, The impacts on facebook to happiness

the organization's banning of Facebook use had an overall positive effect on the employees' psychological well-being.Keywords:Economics of information

The impacts on facebook to happiness

systems. Happiness. Facebook. Information and communication technologies. Natural experiment. Social comparisonIElectronic copy available at. https7/

The Impact of Facebook on Social Comparison and Happiness: Evidence from a Natural ExperimentAyala AradOhad Barzilay Maayan PerchickColler School of M

The impacts on facebook to happiness ecade. It has become an integral part of Its users' everyday lives. Drawing on the literature regarding the effect of information and communication te

chnologies (ICT) on social welfare and subjective well-being (Ganju et al.. 2016: Greenstein and McDevitt. 2011) and given the prominence of Facebook, The impacts on facebook to happiness

we study whether using Facebook affect happiness. While many snidies have looked into the personality traits driving differential Facebook usage (see

The impacts on facebook to happiness

Nadkarni and Hofmann (2011) for a review), the effect of Facebook on the well-being of Its users IS little understood (Appel et al.. 2016). This issu

The Impact of Facebook on Social Comparison and Happiness: Evidence from a Natural ExperimentAyala AradOhad Barzilay Maayan PerchickColler School of M

The impacts on facebook to happiness 05).Alongside the many benefits of Facebook usage, such as maintaining social connections (and possibly even reducing mortality rates (Hobbs et al.. 2

016)). Facebook may also have the potentially negative effect of encouraging social comparison. Because Facebook users tend to post mostly positive ex The impacts on facebook to happiness

periences and underreport negative ones (Zhao et al.. 2008; Mehdizadeh. 2010). we hypothesize that Facebook-driven comparisons with others may be unde

The impacts on facebook to happiness

rmining users' happiness. This is in line with existing literature suggesting that upward social comparison (off-platform) decreases happiness (Argyle

The Impact of Facebook on Social Comparison and Happiness: Evidence from a Natural ExperimentAyala AradOhad Barzilay Maayan PerchickColler School of M

The impacts on facebook to happiness ficult to devise a proper control group of non-users because the unique individuals who choose not to use Facebook are likely to have personalities th

at differ from those of the Facebook users (Nadkarm and Hofmann, 2011: Ljepava et al.. 2013). A Similar selection problem exists in studies that compa The impacts on facebook to happiness

re the subjective well-being of users With different types or intensities of usage (Chou and Edge. 2012: Tandoc et al.. 2015). It IS possible that hap

The impacts on facebook to happiness

py people tend to use Facebook differently, and hence one cannot identify the impact of Facebook on2Electronic copy available at.

The Impact of Facebook on Social Comparison and Happiness: Evidence from a Natural ExperimentAyala AradOhad Barzilay Maayan PerchickColler School of M

The impacts on facebook to happiness across types of usage (e.g. Kross et al.. 2013; Verduyn et al.. 2015) are subject to the possibility that in periods when the participants are happier

they also choose to use Facebook more or less intensively. Some studies use path analysis (Baron and Kenny. 1986) to explore the mediating effect of The impacts on facebook to happiness

envy, rumination and social comparison on depression (Tandoc et al., 2015; Feinstein et al.. 2013) or on life satisfaction (Krasnova et al.. 2013; Loc

The impacts on facebook to happiness

atelli et al.. 2012). However, this approach does not eliminate the possibility of underlying endogeneity (for a discussion of this issue, see Appel e

The Impact of Facebook on Social Comparison and Happiness: Evidence from a Natural ExperimentAyala AradOhad Barzilay Maayan PerchickColler School of M

The impacts on facebook to happiness sample of users and non-users for whom not using Facebook is a circumstantial outcome rather than a result of a personal choice. All the participants

are employees of a security-related organization in which the use of Facebook was at first entirely forbidden (during the period 2008-2012). and then The impacts on facebook to happiness

differentially restricted. The restrictions, however, became contingent on the projects in which the employee is involved (rather than their function)

The impacts on facebook to happiness

. For example, an administrator and a scientist could have identical restrictions placed on them. Thus, this policy change selves as a pseudo-natural

The Impact of Facebook on Social Comparison and Happiness: Evidence from a Natural ExperimentAyala AradOhad Barzilay Maayan PerchickColler School of M

The impacts on facebook to happiness nitude (see Section 3.1).The almost exogenous assignment to each of the two groups - users and non-users - makes It possible to more cleanly measure t

he impact of Facebook on the above-mentioned constructs, without having to be concerned that initial differences in these constructs led to the choice The impacts on facebook to happiness

of whether or not to be a Facebook user. Furthermore, the unique research setting provides an additional benefit in that it allows US to account for

The impacts on facebook to happiness

the cumulative effect of Facebook usage ’in the wild’, in contrast to lab experiments and short-lived field studies (Kross et al.. 2013; Verduyn et al

The Impact of Facebook on Social Comparison and Happiness: Evidence from a Natural ExperimentAyala AradOhad Barzilay Maayan PerchickColler School of M

The impacts on facebook to happiness social networksInformation and communication technologies transcend boundaries from the workplace into the home and society in large (Brown. 2008; Wa

lther 1996). Enabled by technologies such as the Internet, the Web and online social networks, computing now mediates the communication and social int The impacts on facebook to happiness

eractions of many (Preece and Shneiderman, 2009; Kim and Lee. 2011; Walther. 2011). As information and communication technologies become pervasive in

The impacts on facebook to happiness

everyday life, they influence not only the way in which one communicates, but perhaps also one's psychological well-being (Caplan. 2003) and even the

The Impact of Facebook on Social Comparison and Happiness: Evidence from a Natural ExperimentAyala AradOhad Barzilay Maayan PerchickColler School of M

The impacts on facebook to happiness hey enable users to maintain social relationships with family and friends by making it easy to share and read updates about one another. Online social

networks are essentially a virtualization of the offline social processes (Overby et al.. 2010). Over the years, the use of social networks has broad The impacts on facebook to happiness

ened, and users report using online social networks also for relaxation, entertainment, and socializing (Ku et al.. 2013 and Park et al., 2009). Onlin

The impacts on facebook to happiness

e social networks, like their offline counterparts, have been found to fortify- one’s self esteem (Gentile et al.. 2012; Gonzales and Hancock. 2011; T

The Impact of Facebook on Social Comparison and Happiness: Evidence from a Natural ExperimentAyala AradOhad Barzilay Maayan PerchickColler School of M

The impacts on facebook to happiness line social networks and well-beingAdditional benefits of online social networks include increased social capital, social support, and relationship ma

intenance (Ellison et al., 2007; McEwan. 2013; Nabi et al.. 2013). Since social capital and subjective wellbeing are strongly associated (e.g. Bjornsk The impacts on facebook to happiness

ov. 2003; Helliwell, 2001; Leung et al.. 2013). it is reasonable to assume that online social networks increase one's social capital and. in turn, hav

The impacts on facebook to happiness

e a positive effect on one's well-being. However, there is a growing body4Electronic copy available at.

The Impact of Facebook on Social Comparison and Happiness: Evidence from a Natural ExperimentAyala AradOhad Barzilay Maayan PerchickColler School of M

The impacts on facebook to happiness uce psychological well-being, as manifested in increased depression and loneliness.It is possible that Internet technolog}', and in particular online

social networks, which are tailored to streamline information flow among users, is a two-edged sword. The platform designers' control of which informa The impacts on facebook to happiness

tion is to be highlighted and in what manner affects the evolutionary dynamics of the platforms (Tiwana et al., 2010), as was demonstrated on a broad

The impacts on facebook to happiness

variety of contexts (e.g. Dellarocas, 2005). In the case of Facebook, the design of the friends feed creates an overwhelming emphasis on others' posit

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