A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

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Nội dung chi tiết: A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

Tomas Bata University in ZlinFaculty of Management and EconomicsDoctoral ThesisA comparison of FDI determinants in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5 countries: New ev

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance vidence from financial integration factor analysisSrovnání determinant PZI V zemich ASEAN3 a ASEAN5: Nové dukazy z analyzy faktoru financni integrateA

uthor:Ho Thanh TriDegree programme:P6202 Economic Policy and AdministrationDegree course:6202VO 10 FinanceSupervisor:prof. Ing. Juraj Sipko, PhD. MBAZ A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

lin, January, 2020© Ho Thanh TriThe publication was issued in the year 2020.Key words in Czech: hrubỷ domáci produkt (HDP), infrastrutaura, otevrenost

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

obchodu, mzdove náklady, úroková sazba, index vnimáni kontpce, smẻnnỷ kurzKey words in English: Foreign Direct Investment (FDIt, Gross Domestic Produ

Tomas Bata University in ZlinFaculty of Management and EconomicsDoctoral ThesisA comparison of FDI determinants in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5 countries: New ev

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance ilable in the Library of TBƯ in Zlin.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS1 am deeply grateful to my Supervisor - Professor Juraj Sipko for his invaluable advice, guidance

, and kindness supported in conducting this study.I would like to thank Tomas Bala University in Zlin for awarding the scholarship that allowed me to A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

concentrate on my research. Il is pleasant to express my gratitude to the Faculty of Management and Economics as well as Pavla Bartosová and Martina D

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

rábková for supporting me in the administrative procedures during my study at the University.I would like to especially thank Professor Drahomíra Pave

Tomas Bata University in ZlinFaculty of Management and EconomicsDoctoral ThesisA comparison of FDI determinants in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5 countries: New ev

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance Without their support, I could not have completed my study. My deepest gratitude goes to my mother, Lê Thị Minh Nhu for her immeasurable love and enco

uragement.And there are also many friends that I would like to say thank you to them for their help, support and encouragement during the time I study A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

abroad.I dedicate this achievement to all.3ABSTRACTForeign direct investment (FDI) contributes greatly to the economic development of the receiving c

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

ountry by providing an important source of finance for development and acting as a channel for the transfer of capital and new technology. On the one

Tomas Bata University in ZlinFaculty of Management and EconomicsDoctoral ThesisA comparison of FDI determinants in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5 countries: New ev

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance d, FDI also contributes to diversifying the economy by adding new economic actors and promoting competition to produce better products at lower prices

in the host country. The literature has indicated that FDI inflows are determined by the market size, the degree of openness, the role of institution A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

al factors and degree of economic integration. Besides, other factors such as labor costs, infrastructure, domestic tax rates, and institutional envir

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

onment are correlated significantly with FDI inflows. Many studies about the factors were influenced by foreign direct investment inflows in developin

Tomas Bata University in ZlinFaculty of Management and EconomicsDoctoral ThesisA comparison of FDI determinants in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5 countries: New ev

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance the financial integration factor measured by the KAOPEN index to see whether or not it has an impact, along with other factors, on attracting FDI inf

lows in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5 member countries. Therefore, in this study, the author conducts a "a comparison of FDI determinants in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5," f A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

ocusing on the new issue of the financial integration measure by KAOPEN index and a reexamination of the impact of other factors such as gross domesti

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

c product, infrastructure facility, trade openness, labor costs, interest rate, institutional stability, and exchange rate to FDI inflows. The author

Tomas Bata University in ZlinFaculty of Management and EconomicsDoctoral ThesisA comparison of FDI determinants in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5 countries: New ev

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance research question and research hypotheses of this study. There are three stages of this study. In the first stage, the author identifies factors influ

encing FDI inflows in ASEAN countries. In the second stage, the author uses econometric models to give concrete empirical evidence. And in the third s A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

tage, the author draws a conclusion based on findings from the econometric models. The author also includes an interview conducted with experts on the

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

impact of these factors on attracting FDI in ASEAN member countries, which can help policymakers improve the FDI attraction of ASEAN member countries

Tomas Bata University in ZlinFaculty of Management and EconomicsDoctoral ThesisA comparison of FDI determinants in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5 countries: New ev

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance author divides ASEAN member countries into two groups, ASEAN3 and ASEAN5, based on their level of economic development. The findings indicate that th

e coefficient of financial integration is positive and statistically significant at a 1% level of significance on FDI capital inflows. The empirical r A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

esults also support the hypothesis that foreign direct investment in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5 is positively correlated to market size and4infrastructure faci

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

lities, and negatively correlated to labor costs as well as trade openness in ASEAN3.ABSTRAKTPrime zahraniCni investice (PZI, Foreign direct investmen

Tomas Bata University in ZlinFaculty of Management and EconomicsDoctoral ThesisA comparison of FDI determinants in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5 countries: New ev

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance ologic. Na jedne Strane PZI navysuji zasoby domáciho kapitálu a zvysuji produktivitu výrobních faktoru, jakymi jsou suroviny a práce. Na druhé stranẻ

PZI take pfispivaji k diverzifikaci ekonomiky tim, 2e vytvafi nové hospodárské subjekty a podporuji konkurenceschopnost s cilem vyrábẻt V hostitelské A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

zemi lepsi produkty za ni2§i ceny.Literature naznacuje, ze priliv PZI je urcován velikosti trhu. stupnèm otevrenosti. roll institucionálních faktoiii

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

a stupnèm ekonomieké integrace. Dalsi faktory jakymi jsou mzdove náklady, infrastniktura, danova sazba dané zeme a institucionální prostfedi, pak s pf

Tomas Bata University in ZlinFaculty of Management and EconomicsDoctoral ThesisA comparison of FDI determinants in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5 countries: New ev

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance V rozvinutych zemich. Zadny z vyzkumnych clánkủ vsak nesrovnává determinanty PZI V ASEAN3 a ASEAN5 s novou problematikou faktoru fmancni integrace me

fenou indexem KAOPEN, aby se zjistilo, zda má nebo nemá dopad, spoil! s dalẫími faktory, na pfiliv PZI do ASEAN3 a õlenských zemi ASEAN5. z toho dủvod A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

u provedl autor této práce „srovnáni determinant PZI V ASEAN3 a ASEAN5“ zamenijici se na novou problematiku faktoni financni integrace merenou indexem

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

KAOPEN a na následné pfezkoumani dopadu dalsich faktorii. jakymi jsou hrubý domácí produkt. infrastinktura, otevrenost trhu, mzdove nákỉady, úroková

Tomas Bata University in ZlinFaculty of Management and EconomicsDoctoral ThesisA comparison of FDI determinants in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5 countries: New ev

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance vni vyzkumne strategic s vyuhtim metody nejmenSich ètvercíi aproximaci s metodou pivni diferenciace. Tato práce má tri faze. V prvni fazi autor identi

fikuje faktory ovlivnujici pfiliv PZI V zemich ASEAN. Ve druhé fazi autor vyuziva ekonometrickych modelii k zajiỗtèní konkrétních empirickỷch diikazii A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

. Ve tfeti ỏásti pak autor, na základè výsledku z ekonometriekých modelủ, vyvodi závèr. Autor take poskytuje rozhovor s odbomiky 0 dopadu tỗchto fakto

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

rii na atraktivitu PZI V clenskych zemich ASEAN, coz muze politikum pomoci zlepsit atraktivitu PZI jak V clenskych zemich ASEAN, tak i ve Vietnamu. Ta

Tomas Bata University in ZlinFaculty of Management and EconomicsDoctoral ThesisA comparison of FDI determinants in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5 countries: New ev

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance skupin, ASEAN3 a ASEAN5. na základẽ úrovnè jejich ekonomiekého rozvoje. Výsledky naznaiuji, 2e koeficient financni integrace je pozitivni a statistic

ky vyznamny pro pfiliv kapitálu PZI. pfi statistické hladinê vyznamnosti 1%. Empirické xýsledky take podporuji hypotezu, ze prime zahranicni investice A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance

do ASEAN3 a ASEAN5 pozitivne koreluji s velikosti trhu a vybavenosti infrastruktury a negativnẽ koreluji se mzdovvmi náklady a otevfenosti trhu V ASE

A comparison of fdi determinants in asean3 and asean5 countries new evidence from financial integretion factor analysis doctoral thesis major finance


Tomas Bata University in ZlinFaculty of Management and EconomicsDoctoral ThesisA comparison of FDI determinants in ASEAN3 and ASEAN5 countries: New ev

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