Pearson american speakout intermediate teachers book

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Nội dung chi tiết: Pearson american speakout intermediate teachers book

Pearson american speakout intermediate teachers book

AmericanIntermediateTeacher’s Bookwith TR Si Assessment Disc and MP3 Audio CD"p PearsonDamian Williams)) CONTENTSLESSONGRAMMAR/FUNCTIONVOCABULARYPRONU

Pearson american speakout intermediate teachers bookUNCIATIONREADINGUNIT 1 IDENTITYpage 7 o Interviews I What does family mean to you?1.1Me Jind My Languages page uquestion formslanguageintonation: wti

questionsread about bdoguaiisin1.2Same or different? page 11review of verb lensesreiauonships; collocationsword stress1.3Tell Me about Yourself page 1 Pearson american speakout intermediate teachers book

4talking about yourselfinterview adviceintonation: sounding politeread tips on doing successful interviews1.4The Blind Painter page 16UNIT 2 TALES pag

Pearson american speakout intermediate teachers book

e 19 Ữ Interviews I When is it OK to tell a lie?2.1Fact or fiction? pagcSUpresent per I cut and past simpletypes of story: piepomuonsweak forms: flaw2

AmericanIntermediateTeacher’s Bookwith TR Si Assessment Disc and MP3 Audio CD"p PearsonDamian Williams)) CONTENTSLESSONGRAMMAR/FUNCTIONVOCABULARYPRONU

Pearson american speakout intermediate teachers book 26telling A storySAy/tfttfintonation: soundrg interestedread a text About lying2.4Hustle page 26UNFT 3 FUTURE page 31 0 Interviews I Can new technolo

gy help communication?3.1Making Plans page 3?Uic future (plans)organizationlust speech: ywtty Lu3.2Tomorrow's World page 3Fithe future (predictions!fu Pearson american speakout intermediate teachers book

ture time markers: idiomsstress in time markersread an article About rhe future3.3In other words ... page 36dealing with mtfil inderstandingsmisi inde

Pearson american speakout intermediate teachers book

rstandingslinking in connected speech3.4YouTube page 4U■UNIT 4 JOBS page 43 c Interviews I Is your job a ’dream job"?4.1Millionaires page 44mouưhiìvu

AmericanIntermediateTeacher’s Bookwith TR Si Assessment Disc and MP3 Audio CD"p PearsonDamian Williams)) CONTENTSLESSONGRAMMAR/FUNCTIONVOCABULARYPRONU

Pearson american speakout intermediate teachers booke adjectivesintonation: emphasis: linking: used Coread a cover Idler4.3That's a Good Idea page r>nreaching agreementbusinesssentence stress4.4Gavin an

d Stacey page 52UNIT 5 SOLUTIONS page 55 o Interviews 1 Are you good at solving problems?5.1Low-Tech Solutions page 56comparatives and superlativestec Pearson american speakout intermediate teachers book

hnologysyllable stressread about some low-tech soluuons5.2Ask the Experts page 59question lagsinformation; word building: adjectivesintonation: questi

Pearson american speakout intermediate teachers book

on tagsread a book review5.3It's Out of Order page 62pelite requestsproblems and solutionsintonation: polite requests5.4Man versus Machine page 64DVD-

AmericanIntermediateTeacher’s Bookwith TR Si Assessment Disc and MP3 Audio CD"p PearsonDamian Williams)) CONTENTSLESSONGRAMMAR/FUNCTIONVOCABULARYPRONU

AmericanIntermediateTeacher’s Bookwith TR Si Assessment Disc and MP3 Audio CD"p PearsonDamian Williams)) CONTENTSLESSONGRAMMAR/FUNCTIONVOCABULARYPRONU

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