Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers book

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Nội dung chi tiết: Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers book

Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers book

wwth TR & Afcfteeement Disc acd MP3 Audio CDJana Cornyns Carr and Louis Rogans Pearsonwith Nick WitherickLESSIRYPIUNIT 1 NEW THINGS page 7 o Interview

Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers bookws I What makes a good roommate?1.1Time for a Chat page udirect and indirect questionspersonalitysentence stressunderstanding advice forum messages1.2

Try Something New page 11present perfectfeelings; word building: nounsword stress; connected speechread a web article about trying something new1.3I'd Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers book

Like to Inquire page 14pnlitft inquiriesadspolite intonationread ads1.4Great Experiences page 16UNIT 2 ISSUES page 19 c Interviews I Does money make

Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers book

you happy?2.1Making a Difference page 20present perfect simple and continuousword stress; weak fnrms; auxiliariesissues; verbs/nouns with the same for

wwth TR & Afcfteeement Disc acd MP3 Audio CDJana Cornyns Carr and Louis Rogans Pearsonwith Nick WitherickLESSIRYPIUNIT 1 NEW THINGS page 7 o Interview

Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers bookomplaint2.3Good point! page 26opinionsopinion adjectivesintonutKNi fur partially agreeingread newspaper extracts2.4A Quiet Revolution page 26UNIT 4 DO

WNTIME page 43 c Interviews I What's the perfect way to switch off?4.1Out of Timo page 44present and past habitsfree timeconnected speech; contraction Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers book

sread about how uur free lime IS changing; read an opinion essay4.2Great Getaways page 47future formspositive adjectives; uncountable and plural nouns

Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers book

word stress; connected speechread ahout unusual vacations4.3How docs it work? page bodescribing proceduresabilitiesstress and intonation: mirror quesu

wwth TR & Afcfteeement Disc acd MP3 Audio CDJana Cornyns Carr and Louis Rogans Pearsonwith Nick WitherickLESSIRYPIUNIT 1 NEW THINGS page 7 o Interview

Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers bookschange; compound nounsweak forms and linking: theread an article about the worst inventions ever5.2Consumer Crazy page 59real and hypothetical condit

ionalsadvertising collocationssentence stress: conditionalsfind out your advertising IQ5.3What do you think? page G2suggesting ideascollocations with Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers book

ideaintonation: showing reservationsread about the rules of brainstorm tig5.4Genius page G4DVD-ROM:V, DVD CLIPS AND SCRIPTS ey INTERVIEWS AND SCRIPTSu

Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers book

nderstand informal ccnversationshave interesting conversationswrite an advice forum message; edit for accuracytflUc About new experienceshandlo phono

wwth TR & Afcfteeement Disc acd MP3 Audio CDJana Cornyns Carr and Louis Rogans Pearsonwith Nick WitherickLESSIRYPIUNIT 1 NEW THINGS page 7 o Interview

Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers bookbout different issueslisten to opinions about surveillancediscuss surveillancewrite a letter ol complaint; use formal written languagelisten to penpie

discuss issuesgive and respond tn opinions; support yuur viewpointỌy A Quiet Revolution: watch a program abnut changes in working patternsgive a pres Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers book

entation about traditional gender mleswrite notes lor a presentationtell anecdoteswrite a nurraUvu; use adverbslisten lu a radio program about wry slw

Pearson american speakout upper intermediate teachers book

rt stonestalk about life storieslisten Lu people recommending bookstalk ubuuL your reading; summarize a plot

wwth TR & Afcfteeement Disc acd MP3 Audio CDJana Cornyns Carr and Louis Rogans Pearsonwith Nick WitherickLESSIRYPIUNIT 1 NEW THINGS page 7 o Interview

wwth TR & Afcfteeement Disc acd MP3 Audio CDJana Cornyns Carr and Louis Rogans Pearsonwith Nick WitherickLESSIRYPIUNIT 1 NEW THINGS page 7 o Interview

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