The topic improving distribution channels at classic fine foods

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Nội dung chi tiết: The topic improving distribution channels at classic fine foods

The topic improving distribution channels at classic fine foods

ỰN1VERS1TÉ PARIS II p A N T H É 0 N - A s s A sACTIVITY REPORTCompany?2021-2022Name of the studentƯN1VERS1TÉ PARIS II p A N T H E 0 N - A s s A sACTIV

The topic improving distribution channels at classic fine foodsVITY REPORTCompany?Student name:Student’s ID Number:Class: CN16LOG - Management of distribution companies in logistics networksHanoi, Vietnam, 2022TAB

LES OF CONTENTSTABLES OF CONTENTS.................................................3LIST OF FIGIRES.................................................... The topic improving distribution channels at classic fine foods

5LIST OF CHARTS.....................................................6LIST OF DIAGRAMS...................................................7LIST OF TABLE

The topic improving distribution channels at classic fine foods

S.....................................................8CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..................................................11.1Background and ind

ỰN1VERS1TÉ PARIS II p A N T H É 0 N - A s s A sACTIVITY REPORTCompany?2021-2022Name of the studentƯN1VERS1TÉ PARIS II p A N T H E 0 N - A s s A sACTIV

The topic improving distribution channels at classic fine foods..........................21.4Subjects and scope of research................................21.5Research Methods......................................

........2CHAPTER 2: LITERATI RE REVIEW............................................42.1Theoretical basis.............................................42 The topic improving distribution channels at classic fine foods

.1.1Distribution concept and distribution channel.........42.1.2The role of distribution channels.....................52.1.3Functions of distribution

The topic improving distribution channels at classic fine foods

chamiels....................52.2Contents of distribution activities...........................62.2.1Distribution channel structure....................

ỰN1VERS1TÉ PARIS II p A N T H É 0 N - A s s A sACTIVITY REPORTCompany?2021-2022Name of the studentƯN1VERS1TÉ PARIS II p A N T H E 0 N - A s s A sACTIV

The topic improving distribution channels at classic fine foodschannel system management......................112.3Factors affecting distribution activities of enterprises.....13

ỰN1VERS1TÉ PARIS II p A N T H É 0 N - A s s A sACTIVITY REPORTCompany?2021-2022Name of the studentƯN1VERS1TÉ PARIS II p A N T H E 0 N - A s s A sACTIV

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