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Nội dung chi tiết: 3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Report


Development of CSR Guidelines for Mining CompaniesFinal Report1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1BackgroundThe mineral sector in Ghana has shown significant growth in

3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Reportn the past decade, thanks to an investor-friendly environment created by the Government since the mid 1980s. However, recent impressive GDP growth rat

es, in the range of 5-6 per cent per year, cannot be sustained in the face of alarmingly high rates of Natural Resource and Environment (NRE) depletio 3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Report

n, which reduces Ghana’s potential economic growth by one per cent per year according to the World Bank. The forestry, wildlife and mining sectors acc


ount for 15 per cent of Ghana’s GDP, 25 per cent of government revenues and 60 per cent of foreign exchange. The Government of Ghana faces serious cha

Development of CSR Guidelines for Mining CompaniesFinal Report1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1BackgroundThe mineral sector in Ghana has shown significant growth in

3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Reportource-dependent communities and (iv) increasing revenues from timber and mining sectors.In an attempt to sustain the growth of the industry, the Gover

nment of Ghana (GoG) has over the years received project based funding from her development partners to support (he execution of sector-based projects 3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Report

. However, due to various factors that hamper the smooth implementation of projects, there has been a paradigm shift from the traditional modes of ass


istance (0 Government for sector specific projects to broad base Sector Budget Support (SBS). Thus for the first time, the mining sub-sector has been

Development of CSR Guidelines for Mining CompaniesFinal Report1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1BackgroundThe mineral sector in Ghana has shown significant growth in

3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-ReportREG Programme, Government of Ghana (GOG) has received assistance through Sector Budget Support (SBS) from the World Bank, the Royal Netherlands Govern

ment, United Kingdom Department of International Development (DIFID), Agence Fran<;aise de Developpment and (he European Commission (EC) to implement 3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Report

a programme with an overall objective of assisting the improvement of Natural Resource and Environmental Governance in Ghana.The NREG programme focuse


s on a set of policies and reforms intended to; improve mining sector revenue collection, management and transparency; address social issues in forest

Development of CSR Guidelines for Mining CompaniesFinal Report1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1BackgroundThe mineral sector in Ghana has shown significant growth in

3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-ReportEIA) among others. The expected outcomes include (a) improved management of government revenues in the forestry and Mining sub-sectors; (b) reduced il

legal logging and small scale mining (c) reduced social conflict in Forestr}- and Mining communities; and (d) integration of environmental considerati 3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Report

ons into policy formulation and implementation.The main beneficiaries of the programme are the Mining. Forestr}- and Environmental institutions under


(he Ministr}'- of Lands, Forestry and Mines (MLFM), the Ministr}' of Local Government, Rural Development and Environment (MLFRDE) and the Ministry of

Development of CSR Guidelines for Mining CompaniesFinal Report1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1BackgroundThe mineral sector in Ghana has shown significant growth in

3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Reportof CSR Guidelines for Mining CompaniesFinal ReportThe Development of Corporate Social Responsibility Guidelines for Mining Companies in Mining Communi

ties is a critical part of the NREG Programme. In recent times, the mining industry has come under tremendous pressure to improve its social, developm 3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Report

ental, and environmental performance. Mining companies are more routinely expected to perform to ever-higher standards of behaviour, going well beyond


achieving the best rate of return for shareholders. They are also increasingly being asked to be more transparent and subject to third-party audit or

Development of CSR Guidelines for Mining CompaniesFinal Report1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1BackgroundThe mineral sector in Ghana has shown significant growth in

3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Report law. Even so, some observers remain suspect that many businesses are merely engaging in public relations exercises and doubt their sincerity. In part

icular, the industry has been failing to convince some of its constituencies and stakeholders that it necessarily has the ‘social licence to operate’ 3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Report

in many mining communities.According to a recent World Bank Group study, there are four principal roles the public sector can play to enable corporate


uptake of CSR: mandating, facilitating, partnering, and endorsing1. In a “mandating” role, governments define minimum standards for business performa

Development of CSR Guidelines for Mining CompaniesFinal Report1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1BackgroundThe mineral sector in Ghana has shown significant growth in

3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Reportnclusion of CSR principles in their business practices. As “partners,” governments may participate, convene or facilitate strategic partnerships betwe

en the private sector, civil society and the public sector. Finally, governments can "endorse” CSR-related initiatives through political and public po 3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Report

licy support of the concept of CSR. The Government, through the Minerals Commission, is engaged in all four of these functions, with the view' to effe


ctively creating a CSR Guidelines for mining companies in Ghana.These Guidelines highlights key principles, tools and standards of CSR for considerati

Development of CSR Guidelines for Mining CompaniesFinal Report1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1BackgroundThe mineral sector in Ghana has shown significant growth in

3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Reportis worth noting however that even though the Guidelines are primarily intended for use by mining companies, they may also be of value to other stakeho

lders in the mining sector. These Guidelines are the result of extensive consultation with members of mining communities, academics, mining companies, 3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Report

mining sector agencies and civil society organization. References were also made to published literature and case studies. A list of all reference so


urces used is included in appendix I.1.2Scope of the StudyThis study does not attempt to create legislation, but to make recommendation for considerat

Development of CSR Guidelines for Mining CompaniesFinal Report1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1BackgroundThe mineral sector in Ghana has shown significant growth in

3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Reportsized international benchmarked tools, standards, codes and guidelines relevant to CSR. Although suggestions made are broadly sequential ordering, all

the issues raised by the Guidelines should be considered together to obtain a comprehensive picture.1 Tom Fox. Halina Ward, and Bruce Howard. Public 3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Report

Sector Roles In Strengthening Corporate Social Responsibility: .4 Baseline Study. International Institute for Environment and Development. October 200


2.SRC Consulting240210Development of CSR Guidelines for Mining CompaniesFinal Report13 ObjectivesThe study was undertaken with the overall objective o

Development of CSR Guidelines for Mining CompaniesFinal Report1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1BackgroundThe mineral sector in Ghana has shown significant growth in

3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Reportng the hitherto socio-economic issues confronting mining communities. Specifically, the Guidelines shall ensure:■lhe development of appropriate projec

ts in consultation with all stakeholder's in die community;■That both die mining companies and their communities will benefit from its implementation: 3-CSR-GUIDLEINES_MAIN-Final-Report

and■That adverse socio-economic impact shall be reduced.1.4AssumptionsThe following set of assumptions shaped the preparation of the Guidelines.1.The


study focused on selected mining companies and communities where the mining of the following are undertaken:■Gold■Diamond■Bauxite■Manganese

Development of CSR Guidelines for Mining CompaniesFinal Report1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1BackgroundThe mineral sector in Ghana has shown significant growth in

Development of CSR Guidelines for Mining CompaniesFinal Report1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1BackgroundThe mineral sector in Ghana has shown significant growth in

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