Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

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Nội dung chi tiết: Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

WestVirginiaUniversityTHE RESEARCH REPOSITORY @ wvuGraduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports2012Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in

Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of the Implementation of Total Quality Management by Leaders of Business and Academe in Saudi ArabiaAli AljodeaWesf Virginia UniversityFollow this and a

dditional works at: CitationAljodea, All. 'Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implement Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

ation of Total Quality Management by Leaders of Business and Academe in Saudi Arabia' (2012). Graduate Theses. Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 482

Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

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WestVirginiaUniversityTHE RESEARCH REPOSITORY @ wvuGraduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports2012Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in

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tion, please contact researchrepository@mail of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of Total Quality Management by Lea

WestVirginiaUniversityTHE RESEARCH REPOSITORY @ wvuGraduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports2012Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in

Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation ofty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ofDoctor of Education inCurriculum and InstructionJoy F. Saab. Ed. D.. Chair Steven D. Ri

nehart. Ed. D Ernest R. Goeres. Ph. D. Patricia Obenauf. Ed. D. Pern- D. Phillips. Ed. D.Department of Curriculum and Instruction Literacy StudiesMorg Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

antown. West Virginia2012Kepvords: Total Quality Management. Saudi Arabia. LeadershipCopyright 2012 Ah AljodeaABSTRACTPerception of Lcadcrsilip Issues

Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

111\ oh cd in the Implementation of Total Quality Management by Leaders of Business and Academe Hl Saudi ArabiaAli Aljodealhe importance of implement

WestVirginiaUniversityTHE RESEARCH REPOSITORY @ wvuGraduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports2012Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in

Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation ofand only a few institutions have begun to implement 1QM. Illis study examined two of die major institutions in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Basic industries Co

rporation (SAB1C). and King Saud University (KSĨ J), where TQM principles had been implemented. The study sought to determine the perceptions of upper Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

and middle managers of the two institutions concerning rhe implementation of TQM and the factors related to those perceptions.Little has been done Hl

Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

Saudi Arabia to compare TQM implementation strategies between a leading industrial firm (SARIC) and a leading educational institution (KSU). This res

WestVirginiaUniversityTHE RESEARCH REPOSITORY @ wvuGraduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports2012Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in

Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation ofase research study of TQM implementation 111 an international manufacturing firm and a regional institution of liiglier education.Dara were gathered b

y means of questionnaires and interviews. A questionnaire for faculty and staff and a set of structured questions were used to interview TQM leaders m Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

King Saud University. The questionnaire was randomly given to 150 staff members from three different colleges, 50 each from Pharmacy. Engineering, an

Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

d Education. Interviews with deans of the tlu ee colleges were done In SABIC. questionnaires were given to 150 staff and unit w orkers of the three lU

WestVirginiaUniversityTHE RESEARCH REPOSITORY @ wvuGraduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports2012Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in

Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation oftition from other companies and the desire to improve the retention rate of employees. For KSU. competition horn the other universities for student en

rollment and a declining economic situation were the main factors. External pressures were common factors for both of them, but the contexts were diff Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

erent. A major challenge for both organizations was to convince people, both internally and externally, that a change in the work culture was necessar

Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

y if the major issues were to be addressed and the survival of the organizations ensured.l eadership commitment was an essential component of TQM impl

WestVirginiaUniversityTHE RESEARCH REPOSITORY @ wvuGraduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports2012Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in

Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation ofof the faculty, and staff. However, the major challenge was to make the staff aware of TQM and obtain their commitment to TQM training and meetings. I

t was found that one of the challenges to implementation was to target areas where TQM would lead to improvement m the organization’s w ork climate, p Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

roductivity, and employee satisfaction.Keywords: Total Quality Management. Saudi Arabia. l eadershiphttps://khothuvien.cori!inACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI take t

Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in the Implementation of

his opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for tlieir support and guidance without which this research would not have been po

WestVirginiaUniversityTHE RESEARCH REPOSITORY @ wvuGraduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports2012Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in

WestVirginiaUniversityTHE RESEARCH REPOSITORY @ wvuGraduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports2012Perception of Leadership Issues Involved in

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