political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

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Nội dung chi tiết: political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

Safe, Modular Packet Pipeline ProgrammingDEVON LOE I IR, Princeton University, USDAVID WALKER. Princeion University, USThe 1’4 language and programmab

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disasterble switch hardware, like the Intel Tofino. have made it possible for network engineers lo write new programs that customize operation of computer net

works, thereby improving per formance, fault tolerance, energy use. and security- Unfortunately, possible does not mean easy— there are many implicit political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

constraints that programmers must obey if they wish their programs to compile to specialized networking hardware, hl particular, all computations on t

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

he same switch must access data structures in a consistent order, or it will not be possible Io lay that data out along the switch’s packet processing

Safe, Modular Packet Pipeline ProgrammingDEVON LOE I IR, Princeton University, USDAVID WALKER. Princeion University, USThe 1’4 language and programmab

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disastere pipeline-sa fe. Lucid 2.0 builds on top of the original Lucid language, which is also pipeline-safe, but lacks the features needed for modular const

ruction of data structure libraries. Hence. Lucid 2.0 adds (1) polymorphism and ordering constraints tor code reuse; (2) abstract, hierarchical pipeli political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

ne locations and data types to support information hiding; (3) compile-time constructors, vectors and loops to allow for construction of flexible data

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

structures: and (4) type inference to lessen the burden of program annotations. We develop the meta theory of Lucid 2.0. provc soundness, and show ho

Safe, Modular Packet Pipeline ProgrammingDEVON LOE I IR, Princeton University, USDAVID WALKER. Princeion University, USThe 1’4 language and programmab

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disasterpplications that exploit our new language features, including Bloom filters, sketches, cuckoo hash tables, distributed firewalls. DNS reflection defen

ses, network address translators (NAls) and a probabilistic traffic monitoring service.CCS Concepts: • lheory of computation —• Type structures; • Sof political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

tware and its engineering Formal language definitions.Additional Key Words and Phrases: Network programming languages, Pt, PISA, type and effect syste

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

msACM Reference Format:Devon Loehr and David Walker. 2022. Safe. Modular Packet Pipeline Programming. /Voc. ACM Program. Lang. 6, POPL, Article 3X (Ja

Safe, Modular Packet Pipeline ProgrammingDEVON LOE I IR, Princeton University, USDAVID WALKER. Princeion University, USThe 1’4 language and programmab

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disasteres, there has been an inexorable push towards making them more programmable. Doing so allows networks to be customized to particular tasks or operatin

g environments, and can deliver better response times, decreased energy usage, superior fault tolerance, or improved security.P l (Bosshart cl al. [20 political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

14]) is one of the outcomes of this push towards programmability. The P l language allows programmers to not only modify the stateless forwarding beha

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

vior of networks (à la NctKAT (Anderson ct al. [2011]) or Frenetic (Foster cl al. [2011])), but to write stateful networking applications that run ins

Safe, Modular Packet Pipeline ProgrammingDEVON LOE I IR, Princeton University, USDAVID WALKER. Princeion University, USThe 1’4 language and programmab

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disasterning applications in these pipelines can yield tremendous performance benefits: in an environment where nanosecondsAuthors' addresses: Devon Loehr, Pr

inceton University, US,; David Walker, Princeton University, US, dpw@cs.princcton.cdu.Permission to make digital or hard copies o political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

f part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arc not made or distributed for profit or commerc

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

ial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third party components of this work must be hon

Safe, Modular Packet Pipeline ProgrammingDEVON LOE I IR, Princeton University, USDAVID WALKER. Princeion University, USThe 1’4 language and programmab

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster49869938Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 6. No. POPL, Article 38. Publication date: January 2022.1.58472222222222Devon Loehr and David Walkermatter, ada

ptive. P4-based services such as load balancers (Alizadeh et al. [2014]; Hsu et al. [2020]; Katta Ct al. [2016]). automatic rcrouters (Hsu Ct al. [202 political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

0]). and DDoS defenses (Liu Ct al. [20211) can react orders of magnitude faster than systems using network controllers hosted on servers. Indeed, rece

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

nt work has demonstrated latency reductions of up to 98% in 5G mobile cores (Shah Ct al. [2020]). and spccdups of over 300X in stateful firewalls (Son

Safe, Modular Packet Pipeline ProgrammingDEVON LOE I IR, Princeton University, USDAVID WALKER. Princeion University, USThe 1’4 language and programmab

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disasterake it easy: syntactically correct P l programs regularly fail to compile, because the hardware imposes a collection of implicit constraints on progra

ms. To achieve both programmability and guaranteed high throughput, switches like the Tofino have adopted the Protocol-Independent Switch Architecture political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

(PISA), wliich is structured as a linear pipeline of rcconfigurablc packet-processing stages. Packets flow forward through the stages, with each stag

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

e having its own independent memory for storing persistent information. Since stage X cannot access the memory of stage y. all computations implemente

Safe, Modular Packet Pipeline ProgrammingDEVON LOE I IR, Princeton University, USDAVID WALKER. Princeion University, USThe 1’4 language and programmab

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster is no way to allocate D| and r>2 to stages and compile the compulations to hardware.hl Illis paper, we define Lucid 2.0 (or simply Lucid2). an extens

ion of the original Lucid language [Sonchack et al. 2021] (henceforth Lucid 1) for programming packet-processing pipelines. Lucid 1 defined a distribu political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

ted, event-driven programming model for programmable switches, showed how to develop a number of useful network applications, and provided an optimizi

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

ng compiler targeting a subset of P4 that can be compiled to the Tofino. Lucid 1 also defined a type system that ensured data is used in a consistent

Safe, Modular Packet Pipeline ProgrammingDEVON LOE I IR, Princeton University, USDAVID WALKER. Princeion University, USThe 1’4 language and programmab

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disasteribraries, define abstract types and enforce information hiding, or enable most forms of code reuse. I.ucid2 amclioriatcs these deficiencies by allowin

g users to implement, use. and reuse rich, high-level libraries for common networking data structures such as (cuckoo) hash tables, sketches, caches, political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

and Bloom filters, while ensuring they and their uses in client code are pipeline-safe. In other words, Lucid2 guarantees that all compulations touch

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

data in a consistent order, and hence can be laid out along a pipeline.To achieve these results, Lucid2 introduces a series of new language and type s

Safe, Modular Packet Pipeline ProgrammingDEVON LOE I IR, Princeton University, USDAVID WALKER. Princeion University, USThe 1’4 language and programmab

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disastere locations, and ordering constraints guarantee these functions are safe to call.•Hierarchical locations, which represent abstract pipeline stages, ma

ke it possible to define compound data structures inside modules with abstract types, while hiding the structure of the data from client code.•Despite political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

the fact that PISA architectures do not support dynamically allocated memory, compile-time constructors, vectors and loops make it possible to write

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

functions that allocate data structures of variable size and operate over them.•Type inference largely hides static locations and effects from program

Safe, Modular Packet Pipeline ProgrammingDEVON LOE I IR, Princeton University, USDAVID WALKER. Princeion University, USThe 1’4 language and programmab

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disasterity checks. Only in module interfaces and at declarations of mutually recursive event handlers, where constraints act as loop invariants, do programme

rs need to explicitly add annotations.We illustrate the utility of these new features by reimplementing a variety of applications that had previously political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

been implemented in Lucid 1. The Lucid 1 implementations were each monolithic and non-modular. with no reuse of libraries across different programs. I

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

n contrast, in Lucid2 we beganProc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 6, No. POPL, Article 38. Publication date: January 2022.Safe. Modular Packet Pipeline Pro

Safe, Modular Packet Pipeline ProgrammingDEVON LOE I IR, Princeton University, USDAVID WALKER. Princeion University, USThe 1’4 language and programmab

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disasterloom filters, count-ruin sketches, and maps. Many of the libraries include variations with extra features, like the ability to time out and delete sta

le entries. We used these libraries to construct several useful stand-alone applications, including a distributed firewall, a DNS reflection defense, political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

a NAT. and a probabilistic traffic monitoring service-each of these applications saw significant benefits in terms of modularity' and clarity from bei

political and policy basis - session 22 - nuclear power and hazardous materials disaster

ng able to reuse data structures. Only three Lucid 1 benchmarks (chain replication of a single array, the RIP routing protocol, and an automatic rerou

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