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Nội dung chi tiết: report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016


Reforming Doctoral Education. 1990 to 2015 Recent Initiatives and Future ProspectsA Report Submitted to the Andrew w. Mellon Foundation by Robert Weis

report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016sbuch and Leonard Cassutowith contributions by Peter Bums. Johnnella Butler, and AAV. StrouseJune 2,20162This report was commissioned by the Andrew w

Mellon Foundation to provide an historical overview of initiatives to reform graduate education in the last 25 years. It is intended as a resource for report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016

administrators, faculty, students. and others interested in graduate education The conclusions and recommendations contained within the report are th


ose of the authors alone.Reforming Doctoral Education. 1990 to 2015 Recent Initiatives and Future ProspectsExecutive Summary111 tills report. we summa

Reforming Doctoral Education. 1990 to 2015 Recent Initiatives and Future ProspectsA Report Submitted to the Andrew w. Mellon Foundation by Robert Weis

report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016s of the last quarter century makes evident a consensus stretching, sometimes surprisingly, across the arts and sciences. Such a consensus deserves co

nsideration in formulating any new agenda. But in assessing why recent reforms were not more readily adopted by doctoral programs, we also hope to pre report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016

sent lessons for more effective means to achieve the goals of that consensus.The report IS organized hr three parts, by a history of recent national e


fforts, then by a crosscutting of past and current reforms organized by topic, and finally by a small number of fundamental recommendations for future

Reforming Doctoral Education. 1990 to 2015 Recent Initiatives and Future ProspectsA Report Submitted to the Andrew w. Mellon Foundation by Robert Weis

report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016es. The degree took too long—about eight years in the humanities, and six plus several post-doc years in the sciences. Attrition from doctoral program

s stood at about fifty percent, and socioeconomically disadvantaged groups were badly underrepresented, as were women in the sciences. Most degree pro report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016

grams were structured on the assumption that graduates would join research university faculties, rhe lengthened lune to degree and singular focus on p


rofessorial careers resulted from a nostalgia for the single Cold War generation of full academic employment. 1 imes changed. bill altitudes did not c

Reforming Doctoral Education. 1990 to 2015 Recent Initiatives and Future ProspectsA Report Submitted to the Andrew w. Mellon Foundation by Robert Weis

report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016and half of all science students drd not even identify academic careers as their goal. This has been more or less the case for nearly two generations.

In their attempts to restore a lost status quo. doctoral programs became so narrowly careerist drat their attempts to be practical produced rhe oppos report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016

ite effect.Tn addition to various foiurdation-funded efforts ar student diversity (most of which remain ongoing), nrajor reforms efforts dial began du


ring the 1990-2005 period included:• The Graduate Education Initiative (sponsor: the Andrew w. Mellon Foundation). Sought to reduce trine to degree, r

Reforming Doctoral Education. 1990 to 2015 Recent Initiatives and Future ProspectsA Report Submitted to the Andrew w. Mellon Foundation by Robert Weis

report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016d Universities, and the Council of Graduate Schools). Sought to expand professional development for doctoral students through an emphasis on teaching

and service in a wide range of colleges and universities.•Re-Envisioning the Ph D (University of Washington Graduate School). Sought to prepare studen report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016

ts for a hill range of roles and careers in various social sectors, within and beyond academia.•The Humanities at Work (The Woodrow Wilson National Fe


llowship Foundation). Sought to encourage greater career opportunities within and beyond the professoriate foi PliDs in the humanities.•Intellectual E

Reforming Doctoral Education. 1990 to 2015 Recent Initiatives and Future ProspectsA Report Submitted to the Andrew w. Mellon Foundation by Robert Weis

report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016 D. (The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation).Sought student diversity, interdisciplinary scholarship, professional development, diverse car

eer options for doctoral students across the aits and sciences, and community engagement.•The Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate (Carnegie foundatio report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016

n foi the Advancement of Teaching). Sought wise stewardship of the academic disciplines in the arts and sciences by engaging faculty 111 programmatic


self-evaluations.These reforms mainly supported efforts in a relatively small number of programs, with the hope that they would serve as models to the

Reforming Doctoral Education. 1990 to 2015 Recent Initiatives and Future ProspectsA Report Submitted to the Andrew w. Mellon Foundation by Robert Weis

report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016 improvements in practice, while they did occur especially in programs and institutions with an authentic appetite for change, were modest and general

ly disappointingAs foundations were drawn to crises 111 K-12 public education and as they found the results of Ph D. reform not worth the expenditure report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016

of major funding—especially 111 comparison to other social challenges—national efforts diminished after 2006.But the unease with traditional doctoral


education simmered. especially as the academic job market worsened and the number of under-employed Ph D. graduates increased. and co

Reforming Doctoral Education. 1990 to 2015 Recent Initiatives and Future ProspectsA Report Submitted to the Andrew w. Mellon Foundation by Robert Weis

report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016 reach of doctoral education in the US by placing recent Ph.D. 's into positions at select govenunent and nonprofit organizations.•Career Diversity fo

r Historians (American Historical Association). Seeks to better prepare graduate students and early-cai eer historians for a range of career options w report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016

ithin and beyond the academy.•Comiected Academics (Modem Language Association). Develops the capacity of doctoral students in the humanities to bring


theii expertise to a wide range of car eers.iiiInitiatives in tile sciences include those by the Council of Graduate Schools on degree completion, by

Reforming Doctoral Education. 1990 to 2015 Recent Initiatives and Future ProspectsA Report Submitted to the Andrew w. Mellon Foundation by Robert Weis

report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016ks to focus giants on student development rather than on faculty research alone.2. The Twelve ChallengesHere we distill a dozen issues that were defin

ed by the reports of the 1990s and the reforms of the first half of the 2000s. These continue to constitute the major challenges facing doctoral educa report-on-doctoral-education-reform_june-2016


Reforming Doctoral Education. 1990 to 2015 Recent Initiatives and Future ProspectsA Report Submitted to the Andrew w. Mellon Foundation by Robert Weis

Reforming Doctoral Education. 1990 to 2015 Recent Initiatives and Future ProspectsA Report Submitted to the Andrew w. Mellon Foundation by Robert Weis

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