Masters thesis of engineering study of aerofoils at high angle of attack in ground effect

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Nội dung chi tiết: Masters thesis of engineering study of aerofoils at high angle of attack in ground effect

Masters thesis of engineering study of aerofoils at high angle of attack in ground effect

Study of Aerofoils at High Angle of Attack, in Ground Effect.A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of Engineeri

Masters thesis of engineering study of aerofoils at high angle of attack in ground effectingDaniel J. WalterB.Eng. (Hons)SCHOOL OF AEROSPACE. MECHANICAL & MANUFACTURING ENGINEERINGPORTFOLIO OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYRMIT UNIVERSI

TY39326low-drag position (0° AoA) the addition power requirement would be only 26.ow. However given the added complexity an active aerodynamic system Masters thesis of engineering study of aerofoils at high angle of attack in ground effect

would add the design, manufacture and testing of a Formula SAE race car, it is unlikely that such a system could be considered worthwhile.IIDeclaratio

Masters thesis of engineering study of aerofoils at high angle of attack in ground effect

nI, Daniel Walter declare that:•the work included in this thesis is my own except where due acknowledgement has been made;•the work in this thesis has

Study of Aerofoils at High Angle of Attack, in Ground Effect.A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of Engineeri

Masters thesis of engineering study of aerofoils at high angle of attack in ground effectas been carried out since the official commencement date of the approved research program;•any editorial work, paid or unpaid, carried out by a third

party has been acknowledged:•ethics procedures and guidelines have been followed.Daniel Walter39167illAcknowledgementsFirstly I would like to thank my Masters thesis of engineering study of aerofoils at high angle of attack in ground effect

family. Their continuing support and encouragement have allowed me to complete this project.Thankyou to my Supervisors, Prof. Simon Watkins and Dr An

Masters thesis of engineering study of aerofoils at high angle of attack in ground effect

gelo Tempia for their guidance and support throughout the project. Thankyou for the time spent reading and commenting on the drafts for this thesis. T

Study of Aerofoils at High Angle of Attack, in Ground Effect.A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of Engineeri

Masters thesis of engineering study of aerofoils at high angle of attack in ground effect project; the team provided access to data for this project, and provided an environment for the development of tomorrow's automotive leaders. I look

forward to the new developments you will bring to the FSAE.The RMIT technical staff are a valuable resource and this project would not have happened w Masters thesis of engineering study of aerofoils at high angle of attack in ground effect

ithout their guidance and assistance. Thankyou to Gil Atkin for his assistance in the construction and installation of the mechanism to support the ae

Masters thesis of engineering study of aerofoils at high angle of attack in ground effect

rofoils and the construction, installation and removal of the 2D test section for the RMIT Industrial Wind Tunnel. Thankyou to both Adrian Reivers and

Study of Aerofoils at High Angle of Attack, in Ground Effect.A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of Engineeri

Masters thesis of engineering study of aerofoils at high angle of attack in ground effectility (TIRF) for access to, and the use of relevant tyre data.IVTable of ContentsTable of ContentsAbstract............................................

..................iDeclaration.........................................................iiiAcknowledgements............................................ Masters thesis of engineering study of aerofoils at high angle of attack in ground effect

.........ivTable of Figures.....................................................iv

Study of Aerofoils at High Angle of Attack, in Ground Effect.A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of Engineeri

Study of Aerofoils at High Angle of Attack, in Ground Effect.A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of Engineeri

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