Behavioral game theory experiments in strategic interaction

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Nội dung chi tiết: Behavioral game theory experiments in strategic interaction

Behavioral game theory experiments in strategic interaction

BehavioralGame TheoryEXPERIMENTS IN. STRATEGIC INTERACTIONCOLIN F. CAAAERERn»e Roundtable Series in Behavioral EconomicsThe Roundtable Series ill Beha

Behavioral game theory experiments in strategic interactionavioral Economics aims lo advance research in die new interdisciplinary field of behavioral economics. Behavioral economics uses facts, models, and me

thods from neighboring sciences to establish descriptively accurate findings about human cognitive ability and social interaction and to explore the i Behavioral game theory experiments in strategic interaction

mplications ol these findings lor economic behavior. The most fertile neighboring science in recent decades has been psychology, but sociology, anthro

Behavioral game theory experiments in strategic interaction

pology, biology, and other fields can usefully influence economics as well. The Roundtable Series publishes hooks in economics that are deeply rooted

BehavioralGame TheoryEXPERIMENTS IN. STRATEGIC INTERACTIONCOLIN F. CAAAERERn»e Roundtable Series in Behavioral EconomicsThe Roundtable Series ill Beha

Behavioral game theory experiments in strategic interaction more accurate predictions of field phenomena, and suggesting better policy.Colin Camerer and Ernst Fehr, Series EditorsThe Behavioral Economics Round

tableGeorge LoewensteinScndhil MullainathanI lenry Aaron ( k'orge Akcrlof Linda Babcock Colin Camcrcr Peter Diamond Jon Elster Ernst FehrDaniel Kahnem Behavioral game theory experiments in strategic interaction

an David laibsonMatthew RabinThomas Schelling Eldar Shafi r Robert Shiller Cass SunsteinRichard ThalerRichard ZeckhauscrBehavioral Game TheoryExperime

Behavioral game theory experiments in strategic interaction

nts ill Strategic InteractionColin E CamererRussell Sage Foundation, New York, New York Princeton University Press, Princeton. New JerseyCxipyright ©

BehavioralGame TheoryEXPERIMENTS IN. STRATEGIC INTERACTIONCOLIN F. CAAAERERn»e Roundtable Series in Behavioral EconomicsThe Roundtable Series ill Beha

Behavioral game theory experiments in strategic interactionsPublished by Princeton University Press,41 William Street,Princeton. NewJeracy 08540111the United Kingdom: Princeton University Press,3 Market Place,

Woodstock. Oxfordshire 0X20 1SYand Russell Sage Foundation.112East 64lh Street. New York. New York 10021.Ml Rights ReservedLibrary of Congress Catalo Behavioral game theory experiments in strategic interaction

ging-in-Publication DataCamerer. Cxilin, 1959-Behavioral game theory : experiments in strategic interaction / Colin F Camel er.p. cm.

BehavioralGame TheoryEXPERIMENTS IN. STRATEGIC INTERACTIONCOLIN F. CAAAERERn»e Roundtable Series in Behavioral EconomicsThe Roundtable Series ill Beha

BehavioralGame TheoryEXPERIMENTS IN. STRATEGIC INTERACTIONCOLIN F. CAAAERERn»e Roundtable Series in Behavioral EconomicsThe Roundtable Series ill Beha

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