Big data in context legal, social and technological insights
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Big data in context legal, social and technological insights
SPRINGER BRIEFS IN LAWThomas HoerenBarbara Kolany-Raiser EditorsBig Data in ContextLegal, Social anc Technological InsightsSpringer OpenMore informati Big data in context legal, social and technological insightsion about this series at http://www.springcr.coni/series/10164Thomas Hoeren • Barbara Kolany-RaiserEditorsBig Data in ContextLegal, Social and Technological InsightsSpringer OpenEditorsThomas 1 locrcnInstitute for Information.Telecommunication and Media LawUniversity of MunsterMunsterGermanyGƠÕRMRTV Big data in context legal, social and technological insightsOMBarbara Kolany-RaiserInstitute for Information,Telecommunication and Media LawUniversity of MunsterMinisterGermanyBundesministerium fur Bildung undBig data in context legal, social and technological insights
ForschungISSN 2192-855XISSN 2192-8568 (electronic)Springer Briefs in LawISBN 978-3-319-62460-0ISBN 978-3-319-62461-7 (eBook)! 0.1007/9SPRINGER BRIEFS IN LAWThomas HoerenBarbara Kolany-Raiser EditorsBig Data in ContextLegal, Social anc Technological InsightsSpringer OpenMore informati Big data in context legal, social and technological insightsion— Wirtschaftlichc und rcchtlichc Fragen dcr Digitalisicrung 4.0 by Thomas Hocrcn and Barbara Kolany-Raiser. © LIT Verlag Dr. w. Hopf Berlin 2016. All Rights Reserved.© The Editors) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018. This book is an open access publication.Open Access This lxx)k is licensed u Big data in context legal, social and technological insightsnder the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://crcativccommiins.Org/licenscx/by/4.0/). which permits use. sharinBig data in context legal, social and technological insights
g, adaptation. distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original authorfs) and the source,SPRINGER BRIEFS IN LAWThomas HoerenBarbara Kolany-Raiser EditorsBig Data in ContextLegal, Social anc Technological InsightsSpringer OpenMore informatiSPRINGER BRIEFS IN LAWThomas HoerenBarbara Kolany-Raiser EditorsBig Data in ContextLegal, Social anc Technological InsightsSpringer OpenMore informatiGọi ngay
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