Shopper behavior at the point of purchase drivers of in store decision making and determinants
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Shopper behavior at the point of purchase drivers of in store decision making and determinants
Toni SchmidtWriusiOtto Beisheim School of ManagementShopper Behavior at the Point of PurchaseDrivers of In-Store Decision-Makingand Determinants of Po Shopper behavior at the point of purchase drivers of in store decision making and determinantsost-Decision Satisfaction in a High-Involvement Product ChoiceSchriften ZU Marketing und Handel Herausgegeben von Martin Fassnacht18This book explores two central aspects of shopper behavior at the POP: decisionmaking itself and how it is affected by in-store and out-of-store factors, with a focus o Shopper behavior at the point of purchase drivers of in store decision making and determinantsn the role of in-store attention, post-decision choice satisfaction and its determinants. It empirically researches these aspects using data gatheredShopper behavior at the point of purchase drivers of in store decision making and determinants
in an eye-tracking field experiment. These data allow for a precise analysis of attention at the POP, as well as of many other important variables of Toni SchmidtWriusiOtto Beisheim School of ManagementShopper Behavior at the Point of PurchaseDrivers of In-Store Decision-Makingand Determinants of Po Shopper behavior at the point of purchase drivers of in store decision making and determinantscontrol over the POP, as out-of-store factors have a stronger impact on in-store decision-making than in-store factors.Toni Schmidt studied Finance and Accounting as well as Business Administration at the University of St. Gallen. He completed his doctorate at the WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Managem Shopper behavior at the point of purchase drivers of in store decision making and determinantsent.www.peterlang.comShopper Behavior at the Point of Purchasehttps://khothu vien .comSchriften ZU Marketing und HandelHerausgegeben von Martin FassnaShopper behavior at the point of purchase drivers of in store decision making and determinants
chtBand 18ACADEMICRESEARCHPLToni SchmidtShopper Behavior at the Point of Purchase Drivers of In-Store Decision-Making and Determinants of Post-DecisioToni SchmidtWriusiOtto Beisheim School of ManagementShopper Behavior at the Point of PurchaseDrivers of In-Store Decision-Makingand Determinants of Po Shopper behavior at the point of purchase drivers of in store decision making and determinantse Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the internet at, Wiss. Hochsch. fur Untemehmensfuhrung, Diss., 2015Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataNames: Schmidt, Toni, 19 Shopper behavior at the point of purchase drivers of in store decision making and determinants81- author.Title: Shopper behavior at the point of purchase : drivers of in-store decision-making and determinants of post-decision satisfaction in aShopper behavior at the point of purchase drivers of in store decision making and determinants
high-involvement product choice / Toni Schmidt.Description: 1 Edition. I New York : Peter Lang, 2016. I Series: Schriften ZUMarketing und Handel; BandToni SchmidtWriusiOtto Beisheim School of ManagementShopper Behavior at the Point of PurchaseDrivers of In-Store Decision-Makingand Determinants of Po Shopper behavior at the point of purchase drivers of in store decision making and determinantsConsumer satisfaction. I Consumers' preferences. Classification: LCC HF5415.335 .S36 2016 I DDC 658.8/342-dc23 LC record available at Shopper behavior at the point of purchase drivers of in store decision making and determinantsToni SchmidtWriusiOtto Beisheim School of ManagementShopper Behavior at the Point of PurchaseDrivers of In-Store Decision-Makingand Determinants of PoGọi ngay
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