Developing supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh province
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Developing supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh province
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIESFACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES - -OOO-----QUẢN THỊ MINH NGUYỆTDE Developing supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh provinceEX ELOPING SI PPLE.X1ENTARY VOCABULARY ACTIVITIES TO ENHANCE VOCABULARY RETENTION FOR TENTH GRADESTUDENTSAT A HIGH SCHOOL TN BAC NTNH PROVINCE.Phát triển các hoạt động bo trọ- học từ vựng đề cái thiện vốn từ vựng cúa học sinh lóp 10 tại một trưòng TIIPT Bắc NinhM.A. MINOR PROGRAM THESISField: Englis Developing supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh provinceh Teaching MethodologyCode: 8140231.01Supervisor : Dr. Xu Thi Thanh NhaHanoi 2019iDECLARATIONI hereby certify the thesis entitled “Developing supplemeDeveloping supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh province
ntary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in Bac Ninh province. ” as my own work in the fuVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIESFACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES - -OOO-----QUẢN THỊ MINH NGUYỆTDE Developing supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh provinceanoi.Bac Ninh. 2019Student's signatureQuan Thi Minh NguyetiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFor the very beginning part. I wish to give a bunch of thank to a number of people for their contribution to my paper.First of all. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Vu Thi Thanh Nha. my research supervisor. f Developing supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh provinceor her patient guidance, and enthusiastic encouragement for this research work. Thanks for her comprehensive instruction. I could broaden my knowledgeDeveloping supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh province
about the research field. Had not been for her helps. I could not have finished my study properly.Secondly, my grateful thanks arc also extended lo MVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIESFACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES - -OOO-----QUẢN THỊ MINH NGUYỆTDE Developing supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh provincecollecting data for mypaper.finally, I wish to thank my family for their support and encouragement throughout my study.iiiABSTRACTIt can he understood that vocabulary is a key point in learning English. As a teacher of English for high school students, I am highly aware of vocabulary' acquisition fu Developing supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh provincenction for my students. They are from rural district with quite low level of English. In addition, they have obstacles with words when they arc learniDeveloping supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh province
ng English because of lacking vocabulary'. Therefore, they could face with a number of difficulties learning vocabulary effectively. As a teacher, I wVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIESFACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES - -OOO-----QUẢN THỊ MINH NGUYỆTDE Developing supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh province.Aiming to achieve my goals, 1 prefer action research with helps me in finding out the effectiveness of supplementary activities on my students, and then-attitudes towards those activities. That using digital flashcards and paper flashcards IS expected to support students’ vocabulary retention. Obse Developing supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh provincervation and questionnaire arc research tools which help me to carry out my study. Due to the limitattion of the study, the participants includes 45 stDeveloping supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh province
udents in the practitioner's class, quite a small number. After an cighl-wcck study, the practitioner gels some positive feedback of the students, andVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIESFACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES - -OOO-----QUẢN THỊ MINH NGUYỆTDE Developing supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh provincedents’ vocabulary retention, she hopes to help and suggest some effective vocabulary learning and leaching activities. Therefore, she docs expect that her findings would be the hints for further investigation in vocabulary retention as well. Although the study lime is not quite long, she would caref Developing supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh provinceully review and think of later study.ivTABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION........................................................iACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..........Developing supplementary vocabulary activities to enhance vocabulary retention for tenth grade students at a high school in bac ninh province
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