From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

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Nội dung chi tiết: From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

rom aAristóbulo de JuanFrom Good to Bad Bankers“1 have no hesitation in recommending Aristobulos book From Good to Bad Bankers as mandatory reading fo

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in bankingor all regulators and supervisors anywhere in rhe world. Ihe book is full of pearls oi wisdom based on years ol hands-on experience and problem solvin

g in banking regulation and supervision. What is most remarkable about Aristóbulo is his unwavering belief that good supervision is the essence of reg From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

ulation. To quote him: ‘While it is good that international regulators have focused strongly on boosting bank capital, less attention has been paid to

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

supervision, asset evaluation and provisioning, which could prevent or reduce the number and size ol crises, including their effective solutions. An

rom aAristóbulo de JuanFrom Good to Bad Bankers“1 have no hesitation in recommending Aristobulos book From Good to Bad Bankers as mandatory reading fo

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in bankingnecessary intrusive supervision to evaluate the banks’ asset value is absolutely true and is something supervisors should follow anywhere in the world

. In emerging economies like India, the book has great relevance and being based on practical experience, supervisors in these countries will find the From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

y can relate to it. Ihe style is easy to read and understand and this is a big bonus for these countries.’—Usha Thorat,y»rwer Deputy Governor of the R

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

eserve Bank of India"Bank regulators, bankers, investors, students of banking and bank regulation, and anyone interested in finance: run, don’t walk,

rom aAristóbulo de JuanFrom Good to Bad Bankers“1 have no hesitation in recommending Aristobulos book From Good to Bad Bankers as mandatory reading fo

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking learn some key lessons that will serve you well. Tire first chapter alone is worth the price and will help inoculate you against the viruses’ that at

limes run rampant in rhe financial world."—Jerry Caprio, William Brough Professor of Economics and Chair, Center for Development Economics, Williams From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

College, USAAristóbulo de JuanFrom Good to Bad BankersLessons Learned from a 50-Year Career in BankingpalgrsvemacmillanAriscóbulo de JuanMadrid, Spain

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

Translated byDaniel DuffieldMadrid, SpainUlis book was originally published in Spanish in 2017 under the title De Buenos Banqueros a Malos Banqueros.

rom aAristóbulo de JuanFrom Good to Bad Bankers“1 have no hesitation in recommending Aristobulos book From Good to Bad Bankers as mandatory reading fo

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in bankingress Control Number: 2018968424© The Edilor(s) (if applicable) and The Autlior(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019ihis

work is subjeer ro copyright. All righrs arc solely and exclusively licensed by rhe Publisher, whether rhe whole or parr of rhe material is concerned, From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

specifically rhe righrs of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any orher phys

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

ical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer .software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology no

rom aAristóbulo de JuanFrom Good to Bad Bankers“1 have no hesitation in recommending Aristobulos book From Good to Bad Bankers as mandatory reading fo

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in bankingply, even in the absence ol a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for

general use.I he publisher, rhe authors and rhe edirors arc safe ro assume rhar rhe advice and information in this book arc believed ro be true and ac From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

curate ar rhe dare of publication. Neither rhe publisher nor rhe authors or rhe editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect ro rhe mater

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

ial contained herein or for any errors or omissions rhar may have been made, ihc publisher remains neutral with regard ro jurisdictional claims in pub

rom aAristóbulo de JuanFrom Good to Bad Bankers“1 have no hesitation in recommending Aristobulos book From Good to Bad Bankers as mandatory reading fo

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in bankingublished by rhe registered company springer Nature Switzerland AG.Ihc registered company address is: Gewcrbcsrrasse I I, 6330 ('.ham, SwitzerlandForew

ordIn che lace 1980s, the World Bank began co review the lessons of financial development and discovered that commercial and policy-based banks were f From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

ailing not just in the developing countries, but also in the advanced economies. More than 25 developing countries took action during the 1980s to res

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

tructure financial institutions chat were distressed. Something was seriously wrong with development if rhe financial sector does nor work properly. A

rom aAristóbulo de JuanFrom Good to Bad Bankers“1 have no hesitation in recommending Aristobulos book From Good to Bad Bankers as mandatory reading fo

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in bankingvelopment Report 1989, which was devoted to the theme, Financial Systems and Development.The Report was prepared by Millard Long, the Division Chief i

n Financial Policy and Systems Division of the Research Department, with a team that included Yoon Je Cho, Dimitri Vietas and Barbara Kafka. As part o From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

f the preparatory work, research projects and seminars were held to draw experience from all over the world. I was lucky to be hired in October 1989 a

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

s parr of the Division to study bank failure and restructuring experience. Amongst the team already in place was Aristóbulo de Juan, a distinguished b

rom aAristóbulo de JuanFrom Good to Bad Bankers“1 have no hesitation in recommending Aristobulos book From Good to Bad Bankers as mandatory reading fo

From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking a fight against the then conventional wisdom of deregulation and consolidation as the panacea to solve banking crises. Instead, he strongly advocated

for identifying and solving problems by mechanisms based on asset evaluation and real cash flows. He thus changed the World Bank approach to diagnose From good to bad bankers lessons learned from a 50 year career in banking

and treat problem systems and became very well-known at the Bank and in a variety of countries.V

rom aAristóbulo de JuanFrom Good to Bad Bankers“1 have no hesitation in recommending Aristobulos book From Good to Bad Bankers as mandatory reading fo

rom aAristóbulo de JuanFrom Good to Bad Bankers“1 have no hesitation in recommending Aristobulos book From Good to Bad Bankers as mandatory reading fo

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