The application of group work activities to improve speaking skills for 10th grade students at a bac ninh high school
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The application of group work activities to improve speaking skills for 10th grade students at a bac ninh high school
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIESFACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE TH I I RANGTHE APPL The application of group work activities to improve speaking skills for 10th grade students at a bac ninh high schoolLICATION OF GROUP WORK AC 1TV1TESTO IMPROVE SPEAKING SKILLS FOR 101H GRADE STUDENTS ATA RAC NINH HIGH SCHOOLSừ dụng hoạt động nhóm đê cài thiện kì nấng nói cùa học sinh lứp 10 lại trường trung học phổ thông tinh Bắc NinhM.A. MINOR PROGRAM THESISField: English l eaching MethodologyCode: 8140231.01Sup The application of group work activities to improve speaking skills for 10th grade students at a bac ninh high schoolervisor: Dr. Vu Thi Thanh NhaHanoi, 2019VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGl AGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATEThe application of group work activities to improve speaking skills for 10th grade students at a bac ninh high school
STI Till TRANGTHE APPLICATION OF GROUP WORK ACTIVITESTO IMPROVE SPEAKING SKILLS FOR 10™ GRADE STUDENTS ATA BAC N1NH HIGH SCHOOLSừ VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIESFACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE TH I I RANGTHE APPL The application of group work activities to improve speaking skills for 10th grade students at a bac ninh high school Teaching MethodologyCode: 8140231.01Supervisor: Dr. Vu Thi Thanh NhaHanoi, 2019DECLARATION1 hereby declare lhal this thesis represents my own work for tile Degree of Master in TESOL at the Faculty of Post-graduate Studies. Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies - Vietnam National U The application of group work activities to improve speaking skills for 10th grade students at a bac ninh high schoolniversity, and that it has not been previously submitted to this University or any other institution in application for admission to a degree, diplomaThe application of group work activities to improve speaking skills for 10th grade students at a bac ninh high school
or other qualifications.BacNinh. May 29,h 2019Nguyen Thi I rangiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFirst of all. I would like to acknowledge the debt of gratitude to mVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIESFACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE TH I I RANGTHE APPL The application of group work activities to improve speaking skills for 10th grade students at a bac ninh high schoolr guidance and help, this work would not have been completed.My sincere thanks go to all the staff at the Department of Post-graduate Studies, Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies for giving me assistance and the lecturers who conducted the Master's course for providing me with va The application of group work activities to improve speaking skills for 10th grade students at a bac ninh high schoolluable knowledge.VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIESFACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE TH I I RANGTHE APPLVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIESFACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE TH I I RANGTHE APPLGọi ngay
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