The vietnam war syndrome in “forrest gump” movie scritp a critical discourse analysis
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The vietnam war syndrome in “forrest gump” movie scritp a critical discourse analysis
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERN ATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE SIT DIES-------------------TRỊNH Tin VÂN The vietnam war syndrome in “forrest gump” movie scritp a critical discourse analysisNTHE VIETNAM WAR SYNDROMETN FORREST GUMP MOVTE SCRIPT:A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSISHội chứng chiến tranh Việt Nam trong kịch bàn phim Forrest Gump-, Một phân tích diễn ngôn phê phánMA THESIS - TYTE 1Field: English LinguisticsCode: 8220201.01Hanoi, 2019VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOIUNIVERSITY OF The vietnam war syndrome in “forrest gump” movie scritp a critical discourse analysisLANGUAGES AM) INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES----The vietnam war syndrome in “forrest gump” movie scritp a critical discourse analysis
RITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSISIlội chứng chiến tranh Việt Nam trong kịch bàn phim Forrest Gump-. Một phân tích điền ngôn phê phánMA THESIS - TYPE 1Field :VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERN ATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE SIT DIES-------------------TRỊNH Tin VÂN The vietnam war syndrome in “forrest gump” movie scritp a critical discourse analysisump-' Movie Script: A Critical Discourse Analysis"' embodies the result of my own special work which has been composed by myself in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts at University of Languages and International Studies.Trịnh Thị VânJanuary ()5r/i, 20 Ỉ 9ACKNOWL The vietnam war syndrome in “forrest gump” movie scritp a critical discourse analysisEDGEMENTSI would firstly like to express my thankfulness for my supervisor, Dr. Ngô Tự Lập for all his help and guidance. Were it not his support, 1 wThe vietnam war syndrome in “forrest gump” movie scritp a critical discourse analysis
ould not have the courage to complete a Master’s Thesis on this topic. His valuable comments and suggestions also played an important pail in the finaVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERN ATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE SIT DIES-------------------TRỊNH Tin VÂN The vietnam war syndrome in “forrest gump” movie scritp a critical discourse analysis the books I need. I would also like to give thanks to all the lecturers at Faculty of Postgraduate Studies for all their adorable knowledge which made me broaden my mind to the world of language. Special thanks, finally, to my husband and my son who stand by me throughout the time I did my research The vietnam war syndrome in “forrest gump” movie scritp a critical discourse analysis, without whom 1 could nc\ er be motivated enough to fulfil my work.iiABSTRACTThe fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975 is a turning point that put the VietThe vietnam war syndrome in “forrest gump” movie scritp a critical discourse analysis
nam War into an end after 20 years of conflicts. Considered the most controversial war in the 20th century, the Vietnam War deeply divides the AmericaVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERN ATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE SIT DIES-------------------TRỊNH Tin VÂN The vietnam war syndrome in “forrest gump” movie scritp a critical discourse analysis\ ic script of one of the most famous Hollywood films about the Vietnam War, i'orrest Gump, lhe collected data are analyzed on the basis 1 airclough's three-dimensional Iranicwork for critical discourse analysis. As a result, the study reveals the different aspects of the syndrome considered as a ps The vietnam war syndrome in “forrest gump” movie scritp a critical discourse analysisychological trauma expressing in many factors such as the topic, the plot, the characters, the setting, the genre, the theme songs, and the language oThe vietnam war syndrome in “forrest gump” movie scritp a critical discourse analysis
f the whole movie. Moreover, the movie script exposes a long period of problematic and tragic time in the history of the United States. I lopeful ly, VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERN ATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE SIT DIES-------------------TRỊNH Tin VÂNVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERN ATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE SIT DIES-------------------TRỊNH Tin VÂNGọi ngay
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