The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

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Nội dung chi tiết: The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

Gennaro AulettaThe Quantum Mechanics ConundrumInterpretation and Foundations0 springerGennaro AulettaThe Quantum MechanicsConundrumInterpretation and

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations Foundations123Gennaro AulettaUniversity of Cassino and Southern LazioCassino. Frosinone, ItalyPonti cal Gregorian UniversityRome, ItalyISBN 978-3-030

-16648-9 ISBN 978-3-030-16649-6 (eBook)■ Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publishe The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

r, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, sparally the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadca

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

sting, reproduction on miđms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer soft

Gennaro AulettaThe Quantum Mechanics ConundrumInterpretation and Foundations0 springerGennaro AulettaThe Quantum MechanicsConundrumInterpretation and

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations vice marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a spestátement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective la

ws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expr

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

essed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral

Gennaro AulettaThe Quantum Mechanics ConundrumInterpretation and Foundations0 springerGennaro AulettaThe Quantum MechanicsConundrumInterpretation and

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations Nature Switzerland AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham. SwitzerlandPrefaceThe starting point of this book was my tutors

hip for a doctoral dissertation in the year 2014 at the Pontial Gregorian University in Rome. The now Ph.D. Father Lluc Torcal wrote a thesis titlddi The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

Search of an Ontology that Underlies Quantum Mechanics: Which Vision of the Physical World Could We Get from Quantum Mechanics'^ was essentially a phi

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

losophical assessment of the main problems and solutions in interpreting quantum theory with a look at the proposals that I have developed in my own r

Gennaro AulettaThe Quantum Mechanics ConundrumInterpretation and Foundations0 springerGennaro AulettaThe Quantum MechanicsConundrumInterpretation and

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations of the Problems and a Synthesis of the Reputttìshed in 2000 by World Scientic. At that time. I spent a summer in the monastery of Poblet working toge

ther with Father Torcal. Since this gave US the opportunity for examining many crucial points in interpreting quantum mechanics, after the discussion The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

of the mentioned dissertation, both of US envisaged the project of making a book on this subject. However, when I started to work on it, I became soon

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

aware that the issue at the stake went much further than a simple philosophical assessment. Moreover, Father Torcal, due to his duties in the Cisterc

Gennaro AulettaThe Quantum Mechanics ConundrumInterpretation and Foundations0 springerGennaro AulettaThe Quantum MechanicsConundrumInterpretation and

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations was why metaphysics and science were such courageous enterprises, such startling inventions, bigger than the wheel, bigger than agriculture, human art

ifacts set right against the grain of human nature. Disinterested truth.Ian McEwan.Enduring LoveRome. ItalyGennaro AulettaVIntroductionAs well-known, The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

it was the epistemologist K. Popper to speak of a schism in physics determined by quantum theor^Retrospectively it seems opportune to ask: does the sc

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

hism consist of the introduction of the subjectivity in the mid of physics, as Popper (following Einstein) seems inclined to think, or in accepting th

Gennaro AulettaThe Quantum Mechanics ConundrumInterpretation and Foundations0 springerGennaro AulettaThe Quantum MechanicsConundrumInterpretation and

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations th quantum systems as suggested by the young Heisenberg? Or even does it consist in the acceptance of non-local correlations as pointed out by Sdfmger

? The answer may vary according to personal taste. These aspects essentially deal with the following problems (keeping the same order): reality, causa The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

lity, measurement, status of formalism. They represent a challenge to our rational understanding of Nature. They are all fundamental issues, but I am

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

inclined to think that the crucial problem that is at the root of all these puzzles is the notion of reality. So, we may rephrase Bopper de nition of

Gennaro AulettaThe Quantum Mechanics ConundrumInterpretation and Foundations0 springerGennaro AulettaThe Quantum MechanicsConundrumInterpretation and

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations century from its beginning) is poorly understood and not universally accepted by the community of scientists and philosophers. As a matter of fact, m

any physicists still today consider it as a kind of metaphysical speculation devoid or poor of empirical import, and when they use it in neighbouringl The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

ds (e.g. cosmology or statistical mechanics), they limit such a connection to what is strictly necessary and often, in these applications, forget or m

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

inimise what is really typical and fundamental of quantum theory. The present book is addressed to the problem of making quantum mechanics understanda

Gennaro AulettaThe Quantum Mechanics ConundrumInterpretation and Foundations0 springerGennaro AulettaThe Quantum MechanicsConundrumInterpretation and

The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations ct, if our relation with reality is disturbed, it must be related somehow with the way in which we categorise reality with our notions of physical obj

ect, law of nature, probability, cause and so on. Moreover, if, in order to circumvent the problem, we’Popper (1982).vii The quantum mechanics conundrum; interpretation and foundations

Gennaro AulettaThe Quantum Mechanics ConundrumInterpretation and Foundations0 springerGennaro AulettaThe Quantum MechanicsConundrumInterpretation and

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