The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2

The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2

PartTools of the TradeIf you need to get a nail into a wall, you’ll probably reach for a hammer rather than a tire iron, toaster, or socket wrench. A

The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2 jack is the tool of choice when you’re changing a tire; cleavers work great to dice celery. Most tools arc so simply labeled that there’s no choice a

t all: Even I know that a screwdriver goes with screws, for instance.Life is not as simple for writers and their tools, however. Not only are there ma The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2

ny different writing tools to choose from, but the ones you select can have a great influence on the quality and Style of your writing.Tn addition to

The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2

pens and computers, writers work with punctuation, capitalization, abbreviations, and spelling rules. That’s what this part is all about.YEAH, IT’S AN

PartTools of the TradeIf you need to get a nail into a wall, you’ll probably reach for a hammer rather than a tire iron, toaster, or socket wrench. A

The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2us can offer you♦Check out computerized writing aidsMost people write with a pen, many write with a computer, and a few holdouts still write with a ty

pewriter. All good writers use dictionaries and reference books. How can each of these help you to write better? That’s what you find out in this chap The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2

ter. So let’s go shopping for some essential writing equipment.Pencil Pusherrhe Canterbury Tales, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Candide were written

The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2

longhand. So were Dracula, Don Quixote, and the Divine Comedy. Pen-and-paper writers have a long and illustrious history. I low can you tell if writin

PartTools of the TradeIf you need to get a nail into a wall, you’ll probably reach for a hammer rather than a tire iron, toaster, or socket wrench. A

The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2t: Toolsof th? fade 1. You type 2,500,000 words per minute—blindfolded. 2. You have many fingers. Unfortunately, they are all thumbs. 3. You can assem

ble a nuclear reactor, intercept messages from Venus on your short-wave radio, and program a VCR. 4. You can sharpen a pencil._____ 5. You can sit at The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2

a workstation and type for so long that your rear end assumes the shape of the chair. 6. You can write in a bubble bath until you turn into a prune. 7

The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2

. Your friends call you a computer nerd. 8. Your friends call you a Luddite. 9. You own an espresso machine the size of a compact car, a car that cost

PartTools of the TradeIf you need to get a nail into a wall, you’ll probably reach for a hammer rather than a tire iron, toaster, or socket wrench. A

The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2 checked 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9: Beam me up, Scottie.If you checked 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10: Bet you still bake from scratch, too.What do your answers to this q

uiz reveal? As much as possible, you should tailor your choice of writing tools to your personal needs and society’s conventions. Many people are less The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2

willing to self-edit their writing when they use a pencil or pen because it takes a long time by hand and “looks messy.” If you have any proficiency

The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2

with typing, computers allow much greater variation in style (not to mention the advantage of spell checkers). But if you’re intimidated by a computer

PartTools of the TradeIf you need to get a nail into a wall, you’ll probably reach for a hammer rather than a tire iron, toaster, or socket wrench. A

The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2ndolence, congratulation, or other personal messages be handwritten; business documents, in contrast, must be prepared on a computer. Select the metho

d that works for you, within the constraints of society’s conventions and your job.Using the Dictionary: You (ould Look It UpLife was simpler in the p The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2

ast. Grandma had orthopedic shoes, not Rollerblades; bacon was considered a healthful food. Children were seen but not heard. Okay, okay—so w hat if t

The complete idiots guide to grammar style (2nd ed) part 2

he only residents of this mythical land were Wally and the Beaver?

PartTools of the TradeIf you need to get a nail into a wall, you’ll probably reach for a hammer rather than a tire iron, toaster, or socket wrench. A

PartTools of the TradeIf you need to get a nail into a wall, you’ll probably reach for a hammer rather than a tire iron, toaster, or socket wrench. A

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