Economics of reducing greenhouse gas emi
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Economics of reducing greenhouse gas emi
Economics of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in South Asia Options and CostsADBAustralianFinanced under ADB-Australia South AsiaDevelopment Partners Economics of reducing greenhouse gas emi ship FacilityEconomics of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in South Asia Options and CostsRam Manohar Shrestha Mahfuz Ahmed Suphachol Suphachalasai Rodel Lasco41244ADBAustralianFinanced under ADB-Australia South AsiaDevelopment Partnership Facility© 2013 Asian Development BankAll rights reserved. r Economics of reducing greenhouse gas emi iJblished 2013.Printed in the Ftiilppincs.ISBN 978 92 9092 143 1 (Print). 978 92 9392 383 1 |PDF)I ’uWication Stock No. KKK1363/1-2Cataloging in PubliEconomics of reducing greenhouse gas emi
cation DataShresrha, KM., M. Ahmed, s. Suphachaiasai. and R.D. Lasco.Economics of reducing greenhouse gas omssicns in South Asia: Options and costs. MEconomics of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in South Asia Options and CostsADBAustralianFinanced under ADB-Australia South AsiaDevelopment Partners Economics of reducing greenhouse gas emi ed in ths publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the WAVS and potices of the Asian Development Bar* (ADB) or Its Board 01 Governors or the governments they represent.AD6 docs not guarantee Uxj accuracy 01 the data included in this (Xjbication and accepts no responsbiity Economics of reducing greenhouse gas emi lor any consequence of thar use.By making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area, or by using ttre lenn "countryEconomics of reducing greenhouse gas emi
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crContentsTables, Figures, and BoxesivEconomics of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in South Asia Options and CostsADBAustralianFinanced under ADB-Australia South AsiaDevelopment PartnersEconomics of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in South Asia Options and CostsADBAustralianFinanced under ADB-Australia South AsiaDevelopment PartnersGọi ngay
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