fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

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Nội dung chi tiết: fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

Materials 2014. 7. 805-875; doi 10.3390 ma7020805OPEN ACCESSmaterialsISSN 1996-1944 journal materialsFabrications and Applications of Sti

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a reviewimulus-Responsive Polymer Films and Patterns on Surfaces: A ReviewJem-Kun Chen 1 and Chi-Jung Chang *■*1 Department of Materials Science and Engineeri

ng, National Taiwan University of Science andTechnology. 13. Section I. Keclung Road. Taipei 106. Taiwan; E-Mail: jkclicu(amail.nlust.cdu.lw■ Departme fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

nt of Chemical Engineering, Feng Chia University. 100 Wenhwa Road. Seatwen. Taichung 40724. Taiwan* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

E-Mail: changcj^;rd.: +886-1-2151-7250 (ext. 3678); Tax: +886-1-2'151-0890.Received: 26 November 2013: in revisedform: 10 January 2014/Acc

Materials 2014. 7. 805-875; doi 10.3390 ma7020805OPEN ACCESSmaterialsISSN 1996-1944 journal materialsFabrications and Applications of Sti

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a reviewmance stimuli-responsive polymeric materials. This review focuses on recent developments in the preparation and application of patterned slimuh-respon

sivc polymers, including thermoresponsive layers. pH ionic-responsive hydrogels, photo-responsive film, magnetically-responsive composites, electroact fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

ive composites, and solvent-responsive composites. Many important new applications for stimuli-rcsponsive polymers he HI the field of nano- and micro-

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

fabrication, where stimuli-responsive polymers are being established as important manipulation tools. Some techniques have been developed to selective

Materials 2014. 7. 805-875; doi 10.3390 ma7020805OPEN ACCESSmaterialsISSN 1996-1944 journal materialsFabrications and Applications of Sti

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a reviewstinmli-responsive hydrogels, including photolithography, electron beam lithography, scanning probe writing, and printing tecluuques (microcontact pri

nting, ink-jet printing) were surveyed. We also surveyed the applications of nanostructured stimuli-responsive hydrogels, such as biotechnology (biolo fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

gical interfaces and purification of biomacromoles), switchable wettability, sensors (optical sensors, biosensors, chemical sensors), and actuators.Ke

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

ywords:thenuore spoils ive;pH-responsive; photo-responsive; polymer;magnetically-responsiveMaterials 2014. 7806Ỉ. IntroductionMother Nature shows US a

Materials 2014. 7. 805-875; doi 10.3390 ma7020805OPEN ACCESSmaterialsISSN 1996-1944 journal materialsFabrications and Applications of Sti

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a reviewp snap shut on doomed insect prey: the leaflets of Codanocalyx motorius rotate, and sunflowers turn toward the sun: and chameleons change color accord

ing to their environment. At their most fundamental level, many of the most important substances in living systems are macromolecules with structures fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

and behavior's that vary according to the conditions in the surrounding environment. Mimicking the functions of such organisms, scientists have made g

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

reat efforts to synthesize stimuli-responsive polymers that have significance to science arid promising applications. Incorporating multiple copies of

Materials 2014. 7. 805-875; doi 10.3390 ma7020805OPEN ACCESSmaterialsISSN 1996-1944 journal materialsFabrications and Applications of Sti

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a reviewy minor changes in chemical stmcnire to be synergistically amplified to bring about dramatic transformations ill macroscopic material properties.Polym

ers such as proteins, polysaccharides, and nucleic acids are present as basic components in living organic systems. Synthetic polymers, which are desi fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

gned to mimic these biopolymers, have been developed into a variety of functional forms to meet industrial and scientific applications, lhese syntheti

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

c polymers can be classified into different categories based on their chemical properties. Certain special types of polymers have emerged as very uset

Materials 2014. 7. 805-875; doi 10.3390 ma7020805OPEN ACCESSmaterialsISSN 1996-1944 journal materialsFabrications and Applications of Sti

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a revieween variously called stimuli-sensitive [I J, intelligent |2J, smart |3,4J, or cm noiimcnlally-sensilivc polymers [51- SRPs can rapidly change shape wi

th respect to configuration or dimension under the influence of stimuli such as temperature [6], pH value [7.81, light [91. magnetic field [10], elect fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

ricity [I I J, and solvent water [I2J. These polymers can also have different compositions and architecture, including not only homopolymers [131 but

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

also statistical block copolymers [1 11, graft copolymers, and molecular brushes. They can be also grafted on horn surfaces [15] or be used as chemica

Materials 2014. 7. 805-875; doi 10.3390 ma7020805OPEN ACCESSmaterialsISSN 1996-1944 journal materialsFabrications and Applications of Sti

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a reviewreversible self-assembly into polymeric micelles or vesicles. Given these unique properties, stimuli-rcspoiisivc polymers are being developed for use

in such fields as drug delivery, cell adhesion, sensors, actuator systems, releasing of encapsulated materials and trafficking of molecules through po fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

lymeric membranes [18-231-The “response” of a polymer can be defined in various ways. SRPs in solution are typically classified as those that change t

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

hen individual chain dimensions size, secondary structure, solubility, or the degree of intennolecular association. In most cases, the physical or che

Materials 2014. 7. 805-875; doi 10.3390 ma7020805OPEN ACCESSmaterialsISSN 1996-1944 journal materialsFabrications and Applications of Sti

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a reviewstatic interactions, etc.), simple reactions (e.g., acid-base reactions) of moieties pendant to the polymer backbone, and or osmotic pressure differen

tials that result from such phenomena. In other systems, the definition of a response can lie expanded to include more dramatic alterations in the pol fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

ymeric structure. In the past decade, many breakthroughs have been made in developing SPRs with novel stimulus-active mechanisms. This article reviews

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

the mechanisms and fabrication strategies of stimulus active polymers that are sensitive to heat, light, electrical field, magnetic field, and solven

Materials 2014. 7. 805-875; doi 10.3390 ma7020805OPEN ACCESSmaterialsISSN 1996-1944 journal materialsFabrications and Applications of Sti

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a reviewlar ordering of the switching components via self-assembly is an excellent strategy. Switching primarily requires organization of individual molecules

into a cooperative function, which leads to an amplification of the switching effect. Typically, each molecule contains a functional group that is re fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

sponsive to stimuli, two components that create differing property-states, and a group that anchors the molecule to the surface SRPs based on monolaye

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

rs are designed by taking advantage of reversible (i) attaclunent-detaclnnenl of monolayer molecules [211: (11) conformational changes [251; or (iii)

Materials 2014. 7. 805-875; doi 10.3390 ma7020805OPEN ACCESSmaterialsISSN 1996-1944 journal materialsFabrications and Applications of Sti

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a reviewh stnuuh-responsix cncss.2.1. Ihermoresponsive LayersDue to the relative case of control, temperature is the most widely used external stimulus in syn

thetic and bio-mspned. stimulus-responsive systems. Many temperature-responsive polymers exhibit a critical solution temperature at which the polymer fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

changes phase. Tf the polymer undergoes a phase transition from a soluble stale to an insoluble stale above the critical temperature. 11 is characteri

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

zed as having a lower critical solution temperature (LCST); if the polymer transitions hour an insoluble stare to a soluble state with increasing temp

Materials 2014. 7. 805-875; doi 10.3390 ma7020805OPEN ACCESSmaterialsISSN 1996-1944 journal materialsFabrications and Applications of Sti

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a reviewey arc soluble in a solvent (waler) al low temperatures but become insoluble as the temperature rises above the Ĩ.CST [28J.Ihcrmally-responsive polyme

rs can be classified into different gloups depending on the mechanism and chemistry of die gloups, lhese arc (a) poly(N-alkyl substituted acry lamides fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

), e.g.. poly(N-isopropy-lacrylamide) with an T.CST of .32 °C [29J; and (b) poly (N-vinylalkylamides), c.g.. poly(N-Miiy lcapiolaclani), with an LCST

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

of about 32-35 uc according to die molecular mass of the polymer [30J. Figure I shows respective N-substituted polyamides according to the substitutio

Materials 2014. 7. 805-875; doi 10.3390 ma7020805OPEN ACCESSmaterialsISSN 1996-1944 journal materialsFabrications and Applications of Sti

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a reviewwidely studied for its ability to switch surface wettability [31 J. Tills effect is explained by changes in the competition between intermolecular and

intramolecular hydrogen bonding below and above the T.CST. Below the T.CST. the predominantly inleiniolccular hy drogen bonding between the PN1PAAM c fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

hains and water molecules contributes to the hydrophilicity of PNIPAAM brush films. Above the I.CST. intramolecular hydrogen bonding between c=o and N

fabrications and applications of stimulus responsive polymer films and patterns on surfaces a review

H groups in the PNIPAAM chains results in a compact and hy drophob ically collapsed conformation of PN1PAAM chains, rendering the blush surface hydro

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