Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

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Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

St. John’s Law ReviewVolume 22Number 1 Volume 22, November 1947, Number 1Article 1Law as an Instrument of Social Policy-The Brandeis TheoryMiriam Ther

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theoryresa RooneyFollow this and additional works at: Article is brought to you for free and open access b

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hns Law Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact selbyc©stjohns edu.St. JOHN’S Law ReviewPublished semi-annually during the Academ

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

ic Year by St. John’s Law StudentsVolume XXII November, 1947Number 1LAW AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SOCIAL POLICY — THE BRANDEIS THEORYThe life-span of Louis

St. John’s Law ReviewVolume 22Number 1 Volume 22, November 1947, Number 1Article 1Law as an Instrument of Social Policy-The Brandeis TheoryMiriam Ther

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory delivered the Dred Scott decision, story, a decade earlier, had been able to continue his teaching at Harvard between trips to Washington to take par

t in sessions of the United States Supreme Court. The recognized authorities were Blackstone and Kent. Law was said to be declaratory of right, and th Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

e function of the judges was to apply the law found in statutes and previous decisions. Before Mr. Justice Brandeis died, in 1941, Harvard Law School

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

graduates, trained in case analysis, had become leaders in legal criticism and experimentation. The United States Supreme Court had survived grave cha

St. John’s Law ReviewVolume 22Number 1 Volume 22, November 1947, Number 1Article 1Law as an Instrument of Social Policy-The Brandeis TheoryMiriam Ther

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theoryent of social policy.” 1It was seventy years ago that Louis Brandeis graduated from Harvard Law School, with the reputation of having received the hig

hest marks ever given there. He had barely turned twenty-one, but he had already had a taste of the then fashionable German education and had found it Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

wanting. The intellectual climate at Harvard was for him more stimulating. c. c. Langdell, on becoming Dean six years before Brandeis entered, had in

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

troduced the case method of teach-1Mason, Brandeis and the Modern State 230 (1933); see Lerner, Mr. Justice Brandeis 35 (Frankfurter ed. 1932) and Ham

St. John’s Law ReviewVolume 22Number 1 Volume 22, November 1947, Number 1Article 1Law as an Instrument of Social Policy-The Brandeis TheoryMiriam Ther

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., trained under the old faculty, had preceded James Bradley Thayer in lecturing on constitutional law in the new; was editi

ng the American Law Review and the twelfth edition of Kent’s Commentaries; and was spending his leisure moments in “twisting the tail of the cosmos” w Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

ith William James.2 In 1881 he was to deliver and publish a series of Lowell Lectures under the title of The Common Law, which was to become one of th

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

e classics of jurisprudence. Roscoe Pound became a student in the Law School in 1889. Brandeis, enjoying thoroughly the friendly rivalry of such intel

St. John’s Law ReviewVolume 22Number 1 Volume 22, November 1947, Number 1Article 1Law as an Instrument of Social Policy-The Brandeis TheoryMiriam Ther

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theoryis appreciation of what Harvard Law School had done for him by founding the Harvard Law Association in 1886,3 designed to expand the school from a loc

al law school to a national institution, and by helping to inaugurate the Harvard La/W Review in 1887, as the first of that long line of distinguished Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

law school reviews which have been so very influential in advancing criticism and scholarship in American law. By 1891, Brandeis’ reputation for high

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

legal attainments was so well established in Boston that he was invited to give a course in Business Law at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.In

St. John’s Law ReviewVolume 22Number 1 Volume 22, November 1947, Number 1Article 1Law as an Instrument of Social Policy-The Brandeis TheoryMiriam Ther

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theorytrike at the Pittsburg steel mills. The impact of the great Dock strike in England two years earlier, in which Cardinal Manning had undertaken to inte

rvene;4 the challenge presented by the organization of the Knights of Labor in this country, and Cardinal Gibbons’ defense of their right to organize, Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

when he was in Rome to receive the red hat and to consult regarding the founding of The Catholic University of America;5 and the issuance of the grea

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

t Encyclical Letters of Pope2Bent, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes 57 (1932).3Brandeis, Business—A Profession xii (new ed. 1933)4 Kent, 9 Catholic Encyc

St. John’s Law ReviewVolume 22Number 1 Volume 22, November 1947, Number 1Article 1Law as an Instrument of Social Policy-The Brandeis TheoryMiriam Ther

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theoryion of the Working Classes” in 1891, indicate the depths to which the Christian world was moved in its regard for human personality and justice. Harva

rd, too, recognizing that strong forces were at work which demanded attention, read the Encyclicals6 but was not convinced Pope Leo’s proposals would Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

avail. To what extent Louis Brandeis was informed of the Papal program at that time is not known, although after he became a Supreme Court judge in Wa

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

shington, he is said to have spent many a Thanksgiving Day discussing the principles of the Encyclicals with Monsignor John A. Ryan of the Catholic Un

St. John’s Law ReviewVolume 22Number 1 Volume 22, November 1947, Number 1Article 1Law as an Instrument of Social Policy-The Brandeis TheoryMiriam Ther

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theoryons in Europe, especially in France and Italy, though remote, could not be entirely ignored politically or culturally in this country, but the literat

ure growing out of or giving rise to them was written in foreign tongues. Not so the works of the Fabians in England. Eventually H. G. Wells, George B Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

ernard Shaw, and the Webbs became topics of daring parlor conversation in the wealthiest homes. Louis Brandeis was one of the first of the Harvard int

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

ellectuals to investigate their claims.8 Their conclusions about state ownership of property as a substitute for private ownership never won his adher

St. John’s Law ReviewVolume 22Number 1 Volume 22, November 1947, Number 1Article 1Law as an Instrument of Social Policy-The Brandeis TheoryMiriam Ther

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory from efforts of human beings to overcome at any cost, oppression and injustice in the economic sphere, he put aside all preconceptions based upon his

capitalistic environment, and inaugurated a new technique of fact-finding in connection with the administration of justice, which not only caused him Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

to rewrite his M.I.T. lectures in 1895, but which eventu-6 Peabody, Jesus Christ and the Social Question 45-6 (1904); Royce, Pope Leo's Philosophical

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

Movement and Its Relation to Modem Thought, Fugitive Essays 408-429 (1920).JDujljard, Mr. Justice Brandeis, Great American 98 (1941), citing 87 Cong.

St. John’s Law ReviewVolume 22Number 1 Volume 22, November 1947, Number 1Article 1Law as an Instrument of Social Policy-The Brandeis TheoryMiriam Ther

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory the originator of a novel type of legal brief, first introduced into the United States Supreme Court in the Minimum Wage Case9 and known as the “Bran

deis Brief.”“I think it was the affair at Homestead,” he once wrote, “which first set me thinking seriously about the labor problem. It took the shock Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

of that battle, where organized capital hired a private army to shoot at organized labor for resisting an arbitrary cut in wages, to turn my mind def

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

initely toward a searching study of the relations, of labor to industry. ... I saw at once that the common law, built up under simpler conditions of l

St. John’s Law ReviewVolume 22Number 1 Volume 22, November 1947, Number 1Article 1Law as an Instrument of Social Policy-The Brandeis TheoryMiriam Ther

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theorye from new angles. Those talks at Tech marked an epoch in my own career.” 10Unlike the eighteenth century, which had given rise to legal arguments aga

inst tyranny, culminating only as a last resort in recourse to arms in the American Revolution,11 the nineteenth had been marked by excessive reliance Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

on force and the claims of absolutism. In jurisprudence, Bentham had thought of law as an instrument of force by which planned reforms were to be eff

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

ectuated. In philosophy, the dichotomy between speculation and practice attempted by Kant, and the concentration on abstractions proposed by Hegel, ha

St. John’s Law ReviewVolume 22Number 1 Volume 22, November 1947, Number 1Article 1Law as an Instrument of Social Policy-The Brandeis TheoryMiriam Ther

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory Herbert Spencer, an altruistic interest in social reform became fashionable, but because of the idealistic turn given to what had become for the most

part a materialistic foundation, the interest of the intellectuals in “the greatest good of the greatest number” was largely speculative and unrealis Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

tic. The law, functioning most successfully for prosperous litigants, while continuing to protest its devotion to the cause of justice, had tended to

Law as an Instrument of Social Policy--The Brandeis Theory

equate order not with justice but with the status quo, and to lend its support to the coercion of the rebellious.9 Midler V. Oregon, 208 u. s. 412, 52

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