Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

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Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics:Written In The Hope Of Ending The Centuries-OldSeparation Between Philosophy And ScienceWhile 1 silently pon

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993ndered these things, and decided to write down iny wretched complaint, there appeared standing above me a woman of majestic countenance whose flashing

eyes seemed wise beyond the ordinary wisdom of men. Her color was bright, suggesting boundless vigor, and yet she seemed so old that she could not be Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

thought of as belonging to our age. Her height seemed to vary: sometimes she seemed of ordinary' human stature, then again her head seemed to touch t

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

he top of the heavens. And when she raised herself to her full height she penetrated heaven itself, beyond the vision of human eyes. Her clothing was

A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics:Written In The Hope Of Ending The Centuries-OldSeparation Between Philosophy And ScienceWhile 1 silently pon

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993sting fabric. Her clothes had been darkened in color somewhat by neglect and the passage of time, as happens to pictures exposed to smoke. At the lowe

r edge of her robe was woven a Greek n, at the top the letter 0, and between them were seen clearly marked stages, like stairs, ascending from the low Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

est level to the highest. This robe had been torn, however, by the hands of violent men, who had ripped away what they could. In her right hand, the w

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

oman held certain books; in her left hand a scepterWhen she saw me the Muses of poetry standing beside my bed and consoling me with their words, she w

A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics:Written In The Hope Of Ending The Centuries-OldSeparation Between Philosophy And ScienceWhile 1 silently pon

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993ey cannot offer medicine for his sorrows: they will nourish him only with their sweet poison. They kill the fruitful harvest of reason with the steril

e thorns of the passions; they do not liberate the minds of men from disease, but merely accustom them to it. I would find it easier to bear if your f Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

lattery had, as it usually does, seduced some ordinary dull-witted man. But this man has been educated in the philosophical schools of the Eleatics an

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

d the Acacemy. Get out, you Sirens; your sweetness leads to death. Leave him to be cured and made strong by my Muses.1Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethi

A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics:Written In The Hope Of Ending The Centuries-OldSeparation Between Philosophy And ScienceWhile 1 silently pon

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993 long under die cruel yoke of scientific socialism.IntroductionWhy Care about Metaphysics, Christian Metaphysics, and Ending the Separation between Ph

ilosophy and Science?For centuries Western “philosophers" largely avoided the study of metaphysics. As I will show in this work, a chief reason they d Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

id so was because they had largely lost their understanding of philosophy and science and the crucial role that metaphysics plays in relation to both.

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

As a result, currently metaphysics has largely become the “Cinderella of the Sciences." If asked about the nature of this subject, many people, inclu

A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics:Written In The Hope Of Ending The Centuries-OldSeparation Between Philosophy And ScienceWhile 1 silently pon

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993e spirit world.”From a practical standpoint educationally and culturally the results of this neglect have been devastating. In ancient Greek and medie

val limes, metaphysics had been what is largely equivalent today to what professional philosopher call "philosophy of science.” It was the only discip Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

line that existed capable of judging the nature, division, and methods of the different arts and sciences, the only human science that could rationall

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y judge the other sciences and rationally explain how they relate to each other and justify their existence in relationship to human life as a whole.A

A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics:Written In The Hope Of Ending The Centuries-OldSeparation Between Philosophy And ScienceWhile 1 silently pon

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993ulturally are devastating. Within the twentieth century', die effects of this started to cause philosophy departments, especially those dealing with c

lassical philosophy, to become largely gutted or to close at colleges and universities to close. As a result, other disciplines, philosophical mimics, Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

generally referred to by the oxymoronic title “social sciences" (oxymoronic because, by nature they are not social or scientific) to attempt to repla

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ce metaphysics as the queen of the sciences. Since they could not fulfill this role, higher education became weakened to the point that many instituti

A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics:Written In The Hope Of Ending The Centuries-OldSeparation Between Philosophy And ScienceWhile 1 silently pon

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993of science and expect not to suffer damage educationally, culturally, politically, and economically.During the twentieth century, the hate-metaphysics

attitude that had dominated the West for several centuries started to subside a bit. Some metaphysics texts appeared, including ones written by stude Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

nts of St. Thomas. Most, if not all, these were written specifically for use in academic programs. None have dealt in adequate detail to show how phil

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osophical metaphysics is crucial to understanding the nature, divisions, and methods of the classical and contemporary sciences and solving a host of

A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics:Written In The Hope Of Ending The Centuries-OldSeparation Between Philosophy And ScienceWhile 1 silently pon

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993t will serve as a philosophy of science, that can show in an intelligible, general way, the nature, methods, and divisions of the sciences, how these

arose historically, and why they are reasonable. I also write it, however, as a Christian, Thomistic metaphysics, because I think that only this metap Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

hysics has the intellectualhttps://khothuvien.cori!resources (0 bridge the gap between ancient and contemporary culture so as to end the separation be

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

tween philosophy and contemporary science.From the end of Greek antiquity up until the start of the twentieth century, the terms “philosophy” and “sci

A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics:Written In The Hope Of Ending The Centuries-OldSeparation Between Philosophy And ScienceWhile 1 silently pon

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993 a scientist and philosopher. Hence, he entitled his groundbreaking book in physics, Principia mathematica philosophiae naturalis (The Mathematical Pr

inciples of Natural Philosophy, not Principia mathematica scientiae naturalis [The Mathematical Principles of Natural Science]). Further evidence of t Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

he truth of the claim in the first sentence above is that St. Thomas Aquinas, who is well-known to have been influenced by Aristotle and neo-Platonism

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, used these terms synonymously.2 Noting the radical difference between St. Thomas’s understanding of “science" and the prevailing contemporary' notio

A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics:Written In The Hope Of Ending The Centuries-OldSeparation Between Philosophy And ScienceWhile 1 silently pon

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993tion between them is. Science in general is thought of as any reasoned knowledge that is universal and systematic. The ideal of scientific knowledge i

s an exact science such as mathematical physics, which uses precise mathematical calculations and a highly refined method involving experimentation, f Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

ormation of hypotheses and their verification. Whatever philosophy may be, it obviously does not fit this description.3The move in the West toward sep

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arating the two terms and have them designate different human activities came about gradually, over centuries, and had its proximate root in the work

A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics:Written In The Hope Of Ending The Centuries-OldSeparation Between Philosophy And ScienceWhile 1 silently pon

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993 first true philosopher and scientist, as someone who had given birth to true philosophy after centuries of intellectual decadence in which philosophy

, strictly speaking, had not existed. Prior to him, he claimed no one had possessed “The Method” of science, philososphy, as a system of clear and dis Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

tinct ideas whereby human beings could finally know truth and eradicate doubt from our minds.Strictly speaking, as I have argued extensively elsewhere

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, Descartes was no philosopher. Like Renaissance humanists before him, he was a sophist. His sophistic method consisted of an elaborate reduction of p

A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics:Written In The Hope Of Ending The Centuries-OldSeparation Between Philosophy And ScienceWhile 1 silently pon

Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993ilosophy and theology, while, simultaneously, identifying mathematics and physics with the whole of science, or rational, logically-systematic, knowle

dge of reality.4Among the many mistakes Descartes made in working out his project were to (1) identify truth and science and (2) relocate truth from a Reichman - Charting the Collapse 1993

n act of intellect, or reason, to that of will. For Descartes, to know- the truth is identical with knowing scientifically. As Etienne Gilson tells US

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, Descartes’s grand project consisted in knowing everything by one method with the same amount of certainty or knowing nothing at all? Descartes had r

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