Accounting and Raison d’Etat in theGrand Duchy of Tuscany:Reopening the University of Pisa (1543-1609)This article (author’s accepted manuscript) is d RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMSdeposited under the cc BY-NC-ND Licence. Any reuse is allowed in accordance with the terms outlined by the licence. The publication’s DOI is 10.l016/j.qpat2017,12t008AbstractThe University of Pisa in the 16th and early 17m centuries was essential to the governmental plan of the Grand Dukes of Tuscan RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMSy to strengthen their State. Consistent with the rationality of Foucault’s concept of raison d’État, the Grand Dukes sought to constantly mould the coRELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS
nduct of students and professors through a multitude of interventions. These often contradicted the law in the form of the Statute under which the UniAccounting and Raison d’Etat in theGrand Duchy of Tuscany:Reopening the University of Pisa (1543-1609)This article (author’s accepted manuscript) is d RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS by an extensive use of written information, most notably in the form of accounting reports, which made it possible for the rulers to govern the University in a detailed and thorough way.Keywords: Raison d'Etai. Foucault, Accounting, Power1Accounting and Raison d’Etat in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany: RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMSReopening the University of Pisa (1543-1609)IntroductionThe production and transmission of knowledge by education systems can shape understandings ofRELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS
reality and influence the allocation of status and privilege in modern society (Swartz, 1997). In this process, the importance of the university especAccounting and Raison d’Etat in theGrand Duchy of Tuscany:Reopening the University of Pisa (1543-1609)This article (author’s accepted manuscript) is d RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMSe the priorities of the State and of dominant elites into approved bodies of knowledge and new governmental techniques which are fundamental to the reinforcement and reproduction of the existing power relations (Bourdieu, 1998).Despite its long recognized relevance to society, the university is a mu RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMSch overlooked field in accounting research. Tilling (2002) has examined the way universities responded to change and sought legitimation in times of rRELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS
evolution in the UK while the experiences of female accounting academics and students in New Zealand have been given prominence by Lord and Robb (2010Accounting and Raison d’Etat in theGrand Duchy of Tuscany:Reopening the University of Pisa (1543-1609)This article (author’s accepted manuscript) is d RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMSis of the Colleges of Oxford between the end of the 19°* and the beginning of the 20m century Jones (1994a) documented how the functioning of the financial system of the university, in which Colleges sought to control the allocation of their funds and reduce the contribution to the university, secur RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMSed independence from the State, with government funding required only after the financial2stress brought by the outbreak of the First World War. In anRELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS
other study of the University of Oxford. Jones (1994b) noted how in the 1920s accounting reforms were used as a means to intervene in the university iAccounting and Raison d’Etat in theGrand Duchy of Tuscany:Reopening the University of Pisa (1543-1609)This article (author’s accepted manuscript) is d RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMSxternal accountability. Intervention by the Commonwealth government in accounting education in Australia has been analyzed by Birkett and Evans (2005) who noted how the will to promote technological and professional education to facilitate post-war reconstruction caused a shift in the relationships RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMSbetween the State, higher education and accounting associations, with the latter seeking to maintain their control over accounting education.Studies hRELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS
ave exposed the social role of educational institutions, most especially universities, when new forms of power are shaped. The rise of universities, wAccounting and Raison d’Etat in theGrand Duchy of Tuscany:Reopening the University of Pisa (1543-1609)This article (author’s accepted manuscript) is d RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS-knowledge possibilities” (Hoskin and Maeve. 1986, p. 107) and in the generation and reproduction of power relations. Work by Madonna er al. (2014), inspired by Foucault, has explored how the Papal State exercised a power/knowledge control over the University of Ferrara in the 18* and 19* centuries. RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS Universities are believed to engage in “human engineering” (Hoskin and Maeve, 1994b, p. 6) when future elites are exposed to a process of learning unRELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS
der constant examination and grading. By the means of university training, not only-are students provided with the knowledge required in business and Accounting and Raison d’Etat in theGrand Duchy of Tuscany:Reopening the University of Pisa (1543-1609)This article (author’s accepted manuscript) is d RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS88, p. 66; 1994a, 1994b)1.Hoskin and Maeve (1988, p. 66) explain that this happened at West Point when students were “privy to a new wide-ranging set of power-knowledge relations: subjected to a grainmatocentric organizational structure, they were trained as disciplinary' specialists, their ability RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMSand conduct objectively evaluated through quantified measures”.3Much is still to be learnt about how States can use different governmental techniquesRELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS
grounded in the use of accounting information to ensure (hat the activity of educational institutions is consistent with (he needs of those who hold (Accounting and Raison d’Etat in theGrand Duchy of Tuscany:Reopening the University of Pisa (1543-1609)This article (author’s accepted manuscript) is d RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS from 1543 (0 1609 when (he Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the region in which the University was located, was Riled by Cosimo de’ Medici and subsequently by his sons Francesco and Ferdinando. Under these three rulers the Grand Duchy thrived. By the time Ferdinando died in 1609, the Grand Duchy-had reached RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS the climax of its splendour, enjoying an international prestige which would never be matched by later Medici rulers* 3 (Diaz, 1976). Cultural instituRELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS
tions were important for the success and power of Cosimo and his sons, with the University of Pisa a cornerstone of their intended programmes. The GraAccounting and Raison d’Etat in theGrand Duchy of Tuscany:Reopening the University of Pisa (1543-1609)This article (author’s accepted manuscript) is d RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMSy.The importance of the 16ữ century in Foucault’s analysis of (he development of the govemmentalized State is still relatively unexplored by accounting researchers (Williams and Wines, 2006: Carnegie and Rodrigues 2007; Sargiacomo, 2008; Jones and Oldroyd, 2015). Although the role and functioning of RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS accounting in the 15th and 16* centuries has been especially the target of studies by Italian scholars (Sargiacomo, 2006, 2008, 2009; Bracci el at.,RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS
2010; Sargiacomo el al., 2012; Servalli, 2013), Tuscany and its Grand Duchy have been given very little presence in these works, apart from that of• IAccounting and Raison d’Etat in theGrand Duchy of Tuscany:Reopening the University of Pisa (1543-1609)This article (author’s accepted manuscript) is d RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS the community of students and masters" (Grendler, 2002, p. 158). The word that was used to include also professors organized into different councils (according to the subject they taught) and. in the case of Pisa, the State-subsidised residences for students, was Studium. For the sake of clarity, t RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMShe word University in its modem meaning will be used instead of Studium.3 The Medici family ruled the Grand Duchy until 1737. when it was taken over bRELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS
y the Lorena family after Gian Gastone de' Medici died without legitimate heirs.4https://khothuvien.cori!Maran er al. (2014) which focused on the lateAccounting and Raison d’Etat in theGrand Duchy of Tuscany:Reopening the University of Pisa (1543-1609)This article (author’s accepted manuscript) is d RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS most internationally renowned of the Italian States and was the only Italian State which managed to increase its territory in a period of intense warfare (Davies, 2009). The Grand Duchy had strong diplomatic links, but also family ties4, with the great European powers (Diaz, 1976) which often turne RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMSd to the Medici's wealth to fund their expensive wars (Davies, 2009). Unlike many other Italian and Europeans countries in the 16® century, the GrandRELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS
Duchy did not experience any peasant revolts, civil wars or violent changes of government, and under the rule of Cosimo and his sons lived a spectaculAccounting and Raison d’Etat in theGrand Duchy of Tuscany:Reopening the University of Pisa (1543-1609)This article (author’s accepted manuscript) is d RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMSdes, into one of the most advanced" (Cochrane, 1981, p. 128). The same development was witnessed by the University of Pisa which in the 16® century became, with Bologna and Padua, one of the most important universities in Italy, with the fourth largest faculty, most of whom were non-Pisan, to testif RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMSy to its international reach and prestige (Grendler, 2002; Davies, 2009).The University of Pisa, which had been closed since 1526, was reopened in 154RELIGION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY IN LAW AND POLICY RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS AND FIRST FREEDOMS
3 by a Statute that followed the revered tradition of medieval universities by promising prospective students and professors that their freedom and inGọi ngay
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