RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

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Nội dung chi tiết: RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

OPMTMin.State of Wyomingo zFINAL REPORTFHWA-WY-17/03FUS Department of TransportationDepartment of Transportation Federal Hanway AdministrationComputed

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Designd average number of blowing snow days per year (1980-2014)HISTORICAL WINTER WEATHER ASSESSMENT FOR SNOW FENCE DESIGN USING A NUMERICAL WEATHER MODELBy

:Noriaki Ohara. Ph.D., Assistant Professor Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering University of Wyoming1000 E. University Avenue, Dept. 329 RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

5 Laramie. Wyoming 82071Tel: 307.766.4366 I Fax: 307.766.2221 e-mail: nohara1@uwyo.eduMarch 30. 2017ForewordIbis report provides the full technical do

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

cumentation of the model-based winter weather data for snow fence system in the Stale of Wyoming. It includes the comparisons to the existing database

OPMTMin.State of Wyomingo zFINAL REPORTFHWA-WY-17/03FUS Department of TransportationDepartment of Transportation Federal Hanway AdministrationComputed

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence DesignPh.D.. Assistant Professor Department of Civil and Architectural EngineeringUniversity of Wyoming1000 L. University Avenue. Dept. 3295 Laramie. Wyomin

g 82071Disclaimer Notice:This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Wyoming Department of Tr RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

ansportation in the interest of information exchange, rhe U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use of the information contained in this docume

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

nt.The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or inanufactiuers' names appear Ui this report only because they are con

OPMTMin.State of Wyomingo zFINAL REPORTFHWA-WY-17/03FUS Department of TransportationDepartment of Transportation Federal Hanway AdministrationComputed

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Designy. Copyright © 2015-17. All rights reserved. State of Wyoming. Wyoming Department of Transportation, and University of Wyoming. All information used w

hich comes from the Tablet Report is copyrighted under ©2006. Ronald D. Tablet. Ail rights reserved.Quality Assurance Statement:The Federal Highway Ad RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

ministration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to serve Government, industry, and the public in a manner (hat promotes public understanding. St

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

andards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality-, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. FHWA periodically reviews q

OPMTMin.State of Wyomingo zFINAL REPORTFHWA-WY-17/03FUS Department of TransportationDepartment of Transportation Federal Hanway AdministrationComputed

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design-17/032. Government Accession No.3. Recipient's Catalog No.4. Title and Subtitle Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design using a Nu

merical Weather Model5.Report Date February 2017 6.Performing Organization Code7. Authorts) Noriaki Ohara. Ph D.. Assistant Professor (0000-0002-7829- RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

0779)8. Performing Organization Report No.9. Performing Organization Name and Address University of wyoming 1000 East University Avenue. Dept. 3295 La

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

ramie. WY 8207Ó10.Work Unit No. 11.Contract or Grant No. RS0621512. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Funded St

OPMTMin.State of Wyomingo zFINAL REPORTFHWA-WY-17/03FUS Department of TransportationDepartment of Transportation Federal Hanway AdministrationComputed

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Designing Agency Code FHWA & WYDOT15. Supplementary Notes *The data processing software developed in this project is Windstat5 (©2015-2017 Noriaki Ohara)16.

Abstract Snow fence is an effective hazard mitigation measure for the low visibility and low friction of the road surface under winter weather condit RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

ion. Prevailing wind directions and snow precipitation data prepared by Dr. R. Tablet (the Tabler data) that ate necessary for snow fence design have

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

not been updated since the 1990s. This project provides new. seamless wind field and snow precipitation data under the adverse winter storm conditions

OPMTMin.State of Wyomingo zFINAL REPORTFHWA-WY-17/03FUS Department of TransportationDepartment of Transportation Federal Hanway AdministrationComputed

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Designd fields were successfully validated by using tire observed data from airport sites and using the Tabler data. The WRF simulated precipitation data we

re assimilated to the observation-based PRISM data in order to obtain the accurate hourly snow precipitation data. Combining all the weather variables RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

, the number of blowing snow events is found to be increasing despite the increasing air temperature because of the sufficiently cold winters of Wyomi

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

ng. Finally, it was verified that the existing snow fence system is effective under the winter season prevailing wind since the simulation agrees with

OPMTMin.State of Wyomingo zFINAL REPORTFHWA-WY-17/03FUS Department of TransportationDepartment of Transportation Federal Hanway AdministrationComputed

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Designason average prevailing wind field. Moreover, the historical wind statistics indicated huge deviations in wind direction along I-SO.17. Key Words Snow

Fence. Winter Weather. Prevailing Wind Directions. Snow Precipitation. Tablet. Wind Field. Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF). North American Reg RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

ional Reanalysis (NARRi. observation based PRISM data. Wyoming18. Distribution Statement This document is available through the National Transportatio

RS06215 1703F Historical Winter Weather Assessment for Snow Fence Design

n Library and the Wyoming State Library. Copyright ©2015-17. All rights reserved. State of Wyoming. Wyoming Department of Transportation, and Universi

OPMTMin.State of Wyomingo zFINAL REPORTFHWA-WY-17/03FUS Department of TransportationDepartment of Transportation Federal Hanway AdministrationComputed

OPMTMin.State of Wyomingo zFINAL REPORTFHWA-WY-17/03FUS Department of TransportationDepartment of Transportation Federal Hanway AdministrationComputed

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