A critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016
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A critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACT TTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIES ----------------------------- A critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016-NGUYEN THANH NGAA CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF MIC HELLE OBAMA'S SPEECH ON INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 2016(Phân tích diễn ngôn phê phán bài diễn văn của Michelle Obama vào ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ nồm 2016)M.A THESIS PROGRAMME IField: English LinguisticsCode: 8220201.01Hanoi - 2019VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIV A critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF IANGl AGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES -----------------------------NGUYỀN THANH NGAA CRITA critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016
ICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF MICHELLE OBAMA’S SPEECH ON INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 2016(Phân tích diễn ngôn phê phán bài diễn vãn của Michelle Obama vào VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACT TTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIES ----------------------------- A critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016e undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitled “A critical discourse analysis of Michelle Obama’s speech on International Women’ s Day 2016’submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in English Linguistics. Except where the referenc A critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016e is indicated, no other person's work has been used without due acknowledgement in the text of the thesis.HaNoi, 2019Nguyễn Thanh NgaACKNOWLEDGEMENTSA critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016
For the fulfillment of this study, first and foremost, I would like to express my high appreciation to my supervisor, Prof. Nguyen 110a. the lecturer VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACT TTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIES ----------------------------- A critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016 the lecturers of Faculty of Post- Graduate, ULIS, VNU for their training and assistance that help me to accomplish this M.A thesis.Last but not least, my deep gratitude is towards to my family and my friends for their valuable support and encouragement.11ABSTRACTThis study aims at investigating and A critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016 figuring out the ideologies embedded in the speech delivered by First Lady of the 44th U.S. president. Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017 on InternationaA critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016
l Women's Day 2016 in Washington D.c.’s Union Market in front of dozens of adolescent girls in the Let Girls Learn from Critical Discourse Analysis (fVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACT TTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIES ----------------------------- A critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016According to Fairclough's CDA framework, the study conducts three major steps. The analysis interprets data in three different levels: text analysis (description), processing analysis (interpretation) and social analysis (explanation). Each above phase can be sub- divided into three categories (expe A critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016riential, relational, expressive). The conclusion supports her ideology that it is necessary that there be an equality for women in education across tA critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016
he globe, and she therefore calls for the approval and support from all comers of the world. It also confirms the relationship between language and idVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACT TTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIES ----------------------------- A critical discourse analysis of michelle obama’s speech on international women’ s day 2016Functional Grammar3MR:Members’ ResourceVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACT TTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIES -----------------------------Gọi ngay
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