A multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisements
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A multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisements
VIETNAM NATIONAL VNB ERSITY. HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIES...._***__ __ __ __ĐINH THỊ VÂN A multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisementsN ANHA MULTIMODAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF TOYOTA PRINT ADVERTISEMENT(Phân tích diễn ngôn da phương tiện doi vói quàng cáo in cùa công ty Toyota)M.A. MINOR PROGRAMME THESISField: English LinguisticsCode: 8220201.02HANOI - 2018VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL S A multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisementsTUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIESDINH Tin VÂN AMIA MULTIMODAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OI TOYOTA PRINT -kDẦ ERTISEMENT(Phân tích diễn ngôn da phương tA multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisements
iện dôi với quàng cáo in cùa công ty Toyota)M.A. Minor Programme ThesisField: English LinguisticsCode: 8220201.02Supervisor : Dr. NGUYEN nil THU I1ÀHAVIETNAM NATIONAL VNB ERSITY. HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIES...._***__ __ __ __ĐINH THỊ VÂN A multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisements done by me under the supervision of Dr. Nguyen Till Thu Ha, University of Languages and International Studies during the academic year 2017-2018, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Master Program in English Linguistics (applied orientation) in University of Languages and In A multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisementsternational Studies.Illis research has not been undertaken or submitted elsewhere inconnection with any other academic course.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFhsl andA multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisements
foremost, I would like to express my whole-hearted gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Nguyen Illi 111U Ila for her guidance and continuous help throughoVIETNAM NATIONAL VNB ERSITY. HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIES...._***__ __ __ __ĐINH THỊ VÂN A multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisementsreciation that will be always remembered.Also, I would like to thank to my parents for their never-ending encouragement and extra-ordinary guidance. They instantaneously helped through my bard times. I am mightily thankful their sincere support and precious effort shown from the beginning up till th A multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisementse completion of this research.Last but not least, a special thank is dedicated to my best friends for their moral support. To them 1 say: “we meet toA multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisements
part, but more importantly we part to meet.”iiABSTRACTThis study is positioned within the multimodal discourse analysis domain, which attempts to reveVIETNAM NATIONAL VNB ERSITY. HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIES...._***__ __ __ __ĐINH THỊ VÂN A multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisementsween human and nature. The research aims to find out the answer to how visual and verbal elements arc incorporated in Toyota’s print advertisements to convey the message of cm ironmcnl protection apart from draw ing the attention of the viewer to the main product, limploying the framework of Kress a A multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisementsnd Van l.eeuwen (2006) and Halliday’s functional grammar (2014). the study has reached some main findings: (1) all the three meta-functions play theirA multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisements
roles in representing the message of nature preservation in the live print advertisements, (2) the compositional mcla-function seems to be most produVIETNAM NATIONAL VNB ERSITY. HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIES...._***__ __ __ __ĐINH THỊ VÂN A multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisementsnd image of Toyota and (4) the visual elements seem to be more powerfill in conveying the message of nature protection ill these advertisements.LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES AND IMAGESiiiTable 1. Mood in clause (Halliday, 2014, p78)Table 2. Mood and Theme relations in clause (Halliday, 2014, p78) A multimodal discourse analysis of toyota print advertisementsVIETNAM NATIONAL VNB ERSITY. HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIES...._***__ __ __ __ĐINH THỊ VÂNGọi ngay
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