UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

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Nội dung chi tiết: UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

United Nations Development ProgrammeCountry: Union of the ComorosPioject DocumenteU|N D pProject Title: Adapting water resource management in the Como

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1oros to expected climate change.UNDAF Outcome(s): UNDAF Outcome 4: By 2012, ecosystem integrity is preserved and ecosystem services they provide are v

alued for the benefit of the population, including communities dependent on natural resources for their survival.UNDP Strategic Plan Environment and S UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

ustainable Development Primary Outcome:Key Results Area: Promote climate change adaptation.Outcome i. Strengthened capacity of developing countries to

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

mainstream climate change adaptation policies into national development plans.Expected CP Outcome(s): CP Outcome 3: Current trends in the degradation

United Nations Development ProgrammeCountry: Union of the ComorosPioject DocumenteU|N D pProject Title: Adapting water resource management in the Como

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1lan of the development of systematic, institutional and individual capacities of the management and multi-sectoral coordination of the environment is

put in place.Output 3.3.: The development of management capabilities and integration for SLM in the perspective of keeping land fertile and the restor UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

ation of degraded forests or agricultural areas.Executing Entity'lmplementing Partner: National Directorate of Environment and Forestry (NDEF) (execut

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

ing agency).Implementing Entity/Responsible Partners: UNDP and UNEPProgramme Period:November 2010-NovemberTotal resources required2014 Atlas Award ID:

United Nations Development ProgrammeCountry: Union of the ComorosPioject DocumenteU|N D pProject Title: Adapting water resource management in the Como

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1greed by (Government):Date'Month'YearAgreed by (Executing Entity.'lmplementing Panner):Date.'Month'YearAgreed by (L'NDP):_____________________________

__Date'Month'YearAdapting water resource management in the Comoros to expected climate change.Brief DescriptionIn line with guidance for the Least Dev UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

eloped Countries Fund, this proposal seeks LDCF funding for a Full-Size Project in the Union of the Comoros to implement the adaptation priority "incr

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

ease in water supply" and contribute to the adaptation priority "improvement of water quality", identified during the National Adaptation Programme of

United Nations Development ProgrammeCountry: Union of the ComorosPioject DocumenteU|N D pProject Title: Adapting water resource management in the Como

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1on of the Comoros (hereafter referred to as ’the Comoros') is maintained In practice by all but Mayotte. Classified among the Least Developed Countrie

s (LDCs). the Comoros is one of the poorest countries in the world, with an estimated GDP of USS 450 per capita (2006). Additionally, the population d UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

ensity is among the highest in Africa (approximately 283 people per km2). The growth rate of the population (2.1%) surpasses tire economic growth rate

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

(2% in 2007). making it difficult for the government to provide basic social services such as drinking water and health care. Furthermore, the Comoro

United Nations Development ProgrammeCountry: Union of the ComorosPioject DocumenteU|N D pProject Title: Adapting water resource management in the Como

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1m Development Goals (MDGs) Is presently on-track (namely. MDG 4 "reduce child mortality").Climate change is likely to adversely affect the Comoros by

resulting In: I) changes In rainfall levels and patterns: II) increased temperatures: iii) sea level rise (and subsequent salinization of critical coa UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

stal aquifers as a result of salt water intrusion): and iv) an increased frequency of climatic hazards (such as tropical cyclones, droughts, episodes

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

of heavy rainfall and flooding). Exacerbating these climate change impacts are the inherent environmental vulnerabilities of the Small Island Developi

United Nations Development ProgrammeCountry: Union of the ComorosPioject DocumenteU|N D pProject Title: Adapting water resource management in the Como

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1ystems) of which the Comoros is part. This, superimposed on existing anthropogenic practices (such as the quickening pace of deforestation rates for a

gricultural production), threatens water security, food security, economic growth and the livelihoods of communities within the Union of the Comoros.C UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

limate change and variability (e.g. variations in rainfall, increase in temperature, sea level rise and increased frequency in climatic hazards) have

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

a negative impact on water supply and quality in the Comoros by reducing availability of water and dilution of contaminants (e.g. pollutants, salts an

United Nations Development ProgrammeCountry: Union of the ComorosPioject DocumenteU|N D pProject Title: Adapting water resource management in the Como

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1entified by the Comoros Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy reports as among the most critical problems facing the Comoros. Additionally, a vulnerab

ility survey undertaken during lire NAPA (2006) process listed the water sector as being the second most vulnerable sector to climate change. The prob UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

lem is exacetbated by inadequate water resources management including inter alia: I) limited and Inadequate water supply; II) Inadequate infrastructur

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e and insufficient water treatment and: 111) quality monitoring has resulted in poor access to potable water. Moreover, people who do have access to d

United Nations Development ProgrammeCountry: Union of the ComorosPioject DocumenteU|N D pProject Title: Adapting water resource management in the Como

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1al government presently lack the technical capacity, management capacity, physical resources and financial resources to overcome or cope with water re

sources management in the context of worsening climatic conditions. The goal of the project is to adapt water resource management to climate change in UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

the Comoros whilst the project objective is to reduce the risk of climate change on Ilves and livelihoods from impacts on water lesources In the Como

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

ros. In so doing, this project will Implement the adaptation priority "inctease in water supply" and contribute to the adaptation priority “improvemen

United Nations Development ProgrammeCountry: Union of the ComorosPioject DocumenteU|N D pProject Title: Adapting water resource management in the Como

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1stitute the territory of the Comoros with a focus on improving water resources management to increase water supply and quality under changing climatic

conditions. To achieve this, the following outcomes will be delivered:1.Institutions at a national (l.e. Ma-Mwe and ANACM) and community (i.e. ƯCEA a UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

nd ƯCEM) level strengthened to Integrate climate change Information Into water resources management.2.Water supply and water quality improved for sele

UNDP Comoros_LDCF_prodoc_2 June (submission)-1

ơed pilot communities to combat Impacts of climate change.3.Awareness and knowledge of adaptation good practice increased for continued process of pol

United Nations Development ProgrammeCountry: Union of the ComorosPioject DocumenteU|N D pProject Title: Adapting water resource management in the Como

United Nations Development ProgrammeCountry: Union of the ComorosPioject DocumenteU|N D pProject Title: Adapting water resource management in the Como

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