The policy environment of vegetable agro

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Nội dung chi tiết: The policy environment of vegetable agro

The policy environment of vegetable agro

VAF Policy Research Report 02The Policy Environment of Vegetable-Agroforestry in the Philippines and Vietnam: A scoping studyDelia c. Catacutan, PhDWo

The policy environment of vegetable agro orld Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF-Philippines) Malaybalay City. Philippines d ■ catacutanifi cgiar.orgDang Thanh Ha. PhDFaculty of EconomicsNong Lain Un

iversity. Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnamd.thanh.ha@hcm.vnn.vnCaroline Du(|ue-PinonWorld Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF-Philippines) Malaybalay City. Philippine The policy environment of vegetable agro

s ronnienite@vahoo.comLe Thanh LoanFaculty of EconomicsNong Lam University. Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam loanlel24@vahoo.com39692World AgfolorfrUry C*Mr«

The policy environment of vegetable agro

SANREMABSTRACTThe viability of Vegetable-Agroforestty (VAJ) system is constrained by various factors, including fanners' inability to invest in die sy

VAF Policy Research Report 02The Policy Environment of Vegetable-Agroforestry in the Philippines and Vietnam: A scoping studyDelia c. Catacutan, PhDWo

The policy environment of vegetable agro he policy environment of VAf in Vietnam and the Philippines. We hypothesised that policy incentives are needed to stimulate smallholder investments U1

VAf.In both countries, the policy' environment for VAf is generally encouraging with enưenched incentives to boost the contribution of the forestry a The policy environment of vegetable agro

nd agriculmre sectors to national economic growth. However. Ũ1 both situations, the benefits to smallholders have been limited. Policy incentives for

The policy environment of vegetable agro

smallholders exist albeit limited, but disincentives persist—in Vietnam, only commercial fruit and vegetable producers are actively involved U1 the gr

VAF Policy Research Report 02The Policy Environment of Vegetable-Agroforestry in the Philippines and Vietnam: A scoping studyDelia c. Catacutan, PhDWo

The policy environment of vegetable agro ies are inherently partial to their interest, they are also capable of leveraging policy implementation. In both countries, smallholder investments in

VAf require policy actions tliat address issues impeding the growth of the vegetable industry including price regulation and control commodity protec The policy environment of vegetable agro

tion, cost reduction across the value chain, removing non-tariff barriers, and global trading regimes: and transaction costs, high capital outlay in d

The policy environment of vegetable agro

eveloping forest areas, and uncertainties in timber prices for the forestry sector.There are distinctive differences in the policy development process

VAF Policy Research Report 02The Policy Environment of Vegetable-Agroforestry in the Philippines and Vietnam: A scoping studyDelia c. Catacutan, PhDWo

The policy environment of vegetable agro g powers, and could formulate incentive-based policies to stimulate local investment in VAf. whereas in Vietnam, the impenis for policy change emanate

s from the peoples' National Assembly. Policy efforts to encourage smallholder investment in VAf in the Philippines can thus be initiated at the local The policy environment of vegetable agro

level, while central government takes the lead in Vietnam.The profitability of vegetables and agroforestry products is grossly affected by precarious

The policy environment of vegetable agro

market conditions at the national and international levels, where smallholders have no influence or control: hence targeted policy incentives are nee

VAF Policy Research Report 02The Policy Environment of Vegetable-Agroforestry in the Philippines and Vietnam: A scoping studyDelia c. Catacutan, PhDWo

The policy environment of vegetable agro th countries, the overall viability of VAf depends on a whole set of policy support that both national and local governments can provide. The future o

f smallholder investment m VAf is therefore a political imperative.KEYWORDSAgroforestry, incentives, disincentives, smallholders. Iion-conunercial far The policy environment of vegetable agro

mers, policy instrumentsACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis work acknowledges the support of Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management-Collaborative Re

The policy environment of vegetable agro

search Support Program (SANREM-CRSP) (http:'' sanremcrsp I through the management of Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Virginia Tech), an

VAF Policy Research Report 02The Policy Environment of Vegetable-Agroforestry in the Philippines and Vietnam: A scoping studyDelia c. Catacutan, PhDWo

The policy environment of vegetable agro d States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Cooperative Agreement No. EPP-A-00-04-00013-00..ABBREVIATIONSAFMA AFTA ASEAN CSC DA DA

RD CBFM F&v (ÌA-HVCCP GAP GATT GoV HVC HVCDA IFPRI IFMA 1ST LGC LGU MARD MRLs NGOs NRM NTP PD PhP RA R&DAgriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act AS The policy environment of vegetable agro

EAN Free Trade Area Association of South East Asian Nations Certificate of Stewardship Contracts Philippines’ Department of Agriculture District of Ag

The policy environment of vegetable agro

riculture and Rural Development in Vietnam Community-Based Forestry Management Fruits and vegetables Gintong Ani-High Value Commercial Crops Program G

VAF Policy Research Report 02The Policy Environment of Vegetable-Agroforestry in the Philippines and Vietnam: A scoping studyDelia c. Catacutan, PhDWo

The policy environment of vegetable agro rood Policy Research Institute Industrial Forest Management Agreement Integrated Social Forestry Philippines’ Local Government Code Local Government

Units Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Vietnam Maximum Residue Levels Non-Government Organizations Natural Resources Management Non-Ti The policy environment of vegetable agro

mber Products Presidential Decree Philippine Peso Republic Act Research and DevelopmentSANREM-SEA-TMPEGSSustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources

The policy environment of vegetable agro

Management-South East Asia-“Technotogy-Marketing-Policy-Economic Environmental Impacts-Gender-Scaling UP”SAFDZ SFEs SIFMA SPS UAiP USD VAf VND WHO WTO

VAF Policy Research Report 02The Policy Environment of Vegetable-Agroforestry in the Philippines and Vietnam: A scoping studyDelia c. Catacutan, PhDWo

The policy environment of vegetable agro nitary Upland Agroibrestiy Program United States Dollar Vegelable-agruforcslry Vietnamese Dong World Health Organization World Trade Organization3CONT


VAF Policy Research Report 02The Policy Environment of Vegetable-Agroforestry in the Philippines and Vietnam: A scoping studyDelia c. Catacutan, PhDWo

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